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  1. Because Hillary paid it from the campaign, not through a NY business. Different laws, different jurisdictions. Had Trump done the same thing through the Trump campaign, he'd have been in the same boat as Hillary.
  2. OK. but fair is fair. I need to point out, Clinton's campaign laundered payments to Steele for the Russian dossier through her Perkin Coi law firm booked incorrectly as "legal fees" and then to FusionGPS. Fabricating the biggest election interference hoax of all time. Still claims its all true today. And got away with it with just a nominal fine. Why isn't NYS pursuing charges against Hillary, the campaign, and law firm? Because she's a Democrat and the powers aren't out for her scalp. Given the Trump transgression is less impactful I think my question is appropriate. Also, I wonder how others disguise NDA payments they wish to keep secret?
  3. I’ll give the guy credit here. When politicians pander for votes, they do silly things and typically are ridiculed mercilessly for it. The Dean scream. Hillary with “I done come too far…” speech. Marco Rubio in the big chair. Of course, Biden over 50 years. In this case, I believe his handlers told him not to clap along, sing or dance. That would be a recipe for disaster. You can see at one point he thinks he should clap along, and you can almost feel the tension amongst his his people as they scream into each other’s earpieces “CELTIC RAMBO WANTS TO CLAP! DANCING IMMINENT! DEPLOY DIVERSION NOW!” but then he folds his hands together as old men often do. Crisis averted. Kudos, Joe.
  4. NC Bills Fan, was this you? https://heavy.com/news/max-azzarello-5-fast-facts-you-need-to-know/ The manifesto makes accusations against Peter Thiel and mentions former Presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush as well as Trump. “That Bill Clinton was secretly on (former CIA Director) George H.W. Bush’s side, and that the Democrat vs. Republican division has been entirely manufactured ever since: Clinton is with Bush; Gore is with Bush; Trump is with Hillary, and so on,” it reads, claiming, “As it turns out, we have a secret kleptocracy: Both parties are run by financial criminals whose only goals are to divide, deceive, and bleed us dry.” The New York Post reported that left “a rambling, incoherent 2,648-word manifesto. Bears the hallmarks. Rambling. Incoherent. Angry. RIP, buddy.
  5. The thing is the MSM and DNC scrip worked when he was in office. Right now, most people have almost 4 years of feeling how Bad his foreign and domestic policies are, and how the DNC caters to everyone's needs, but Americans. when people have money to spend, its natural economies Vs this Tax and spend policy that goes directly to the very top. and creates huge and artificial bubbles. again, it's the economy silly. and this one suck bad. I read your story about the person with all these toys and that's the minority in this economy. Most are not doing anything near that. eff, younger generations cant even afford to move out, better yet start buying all those things you mentioned. Republicans anymore, are funded by the same group that funds the dems. and no matter who is in power, the rules are created and maintained for the very crust that openly buys them. Why people voted for the unknown Obama over Hillary, and the Non establishment trump over the establishment GOP or Hillary in 2016 Funny how the media stated that if the orange dude won in 2020 it would lead to WW3, economic collapse, inflation, with only the very top doing good. but here it is the establishment pollicies that are driving just that. And again, what's your idea of what replaces this? you a REVCOM.US person? Anarchist? Libertarian?
  6. He didn't call them deplorables? Is Hillary trans? Or is that just her pronoun of choice?
  7. lmao - you are all over the place Doc. Hillary was right - you freaks are downright deplorable and degenerates. Why did you ever reengage with me in the first place?
  8. Fact check: True Again, the reason Biden (illegally) raided Trump is because Trump declassified (via memo on 1/19/2021) and kept his personal copy of his Crossfire Hurricane presidential records. Biden, through his Deputy Counsel White House Jonathan Su, waived Trump’s claim of executive privilege. Biden AG Merrick Garland personally approved the raid. These Crossfire Hurricane records are devastating to Obama, Biden, Hillary, Clapper, Comey, and so many others. They made up the Russian collusion hoax in 2016. Because Russia almost certainly hacked Hillary’s home server. Evidencing her Clinton Foundation foreign corruption as Obama’s Secretary of State. If Russia leaked the hacked material before the election, Hillary wanted to blame a Trump dirty campaign trick—falsely accusing him of colluding with Russia. Conspiracy theory? 51 former intel agents, working with the CIA, ran the same play with Hunter’s laptop of Biden’s foreign corruption in 2020. This is a criminal conspiracy. Trump could have publicly disclosed these declassified Crossfire Hurricane records in his civil lawsuit versus Hillary over the Russian-collusion hoax Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, a Democrat operative who bashed Trump on Facebook, was forced to recuse from that case. Six weeks later, Reinhart’s clear bias against Trump (somehow) didn’t matter anymore. Reinhart approved Biden’s (through Garland and Jay Bratt, now Jack Smith’s counselor) unprecedented, unnecessary, and unlawful raid on Trump. For presidential records Trump was allowed to have in the Office of the Former President, per the Presidential Records Act. In other words, Obama and Biden have politicized and weaponized law enforcement and intel agencies to interfere in the 2016, 2020, and 2024 presidential elections against Trump. Because Obama and Biden know Trump has the goods on their ongoing Russian-collusion criminal conspiracy. The Trump 47 DOJ must deliver severe consequences.
  9. Hillary is correct. It's laughable that MAGA thinks they have any credibility on this issue. They simply cannot be trusted, and women will vote accordingly.
  10. As Doc pointed out, this is likely a deep fake... But to quote Hillary.... honestly at this point what difference does it make?
  11. Good question. If Donald Trump Is So Bad, Why Do Democrats Have To Lie About Him? Derek Hunter Donald Trump is Hitler. I know it’s true because I saw it on MSNBC, Rachel Maddow said it. She wouldn’t lie, would she? Not only that, the President of the United States said it, and he wouldn’t lie, would he? Of course they would, it’s what they do. But more than the fact that they would is the fact that they have to. Democrats have soiled the sheets – taking the country from a booming economy to one where you can’t walk out of a grocery store for less than $80 is something so horrible you almost have to try to do it. You can’t run on that level of incompetence, so you have to try to convince people that the other guy is somehow worse. Since there is no unit of measure by which the economy under Donald Trump was worse than it is under Joe Biden, lying is absolutely required. And Democrats will lie about anything. The “very fine people” lie about Charlottesville was one of their first and, in spite of it being exposed as a complete and total load of Biden, the President repeats it every chance he gets. Maybe he’s too senile to know he’s lying, but his history of making things up suggests otherwise. “Trump colluded with Russia” is another example. It’s weird how questioning election results is only a “crime” when a Republican does it, but pioneers in the field – Democrats dating back to 2000 – are heroes standing up for democracy. George W. Bush stole both 2000 and 2004, and he’s “not my President” is required for tenure at most universities, but questioning the legitimacy of Biden is a “threat to democracy.” The 2008 and 2012 elections were legit, but not 2016 because Russia, we’re told, spent a couple of thousand dollars on Facebook ads. In other words, the election was “stolen” for the cost of a “donation” to buy a private meeting with Hillary and Bill Clinton. But we aren’t dealing with people who engage in reality, we’re dealing with Democrats. We’re dealing with people who take a 7-second clip of Donald Trump and lie about it, saying he’s calling all illegal aliens “animals,” when the whole quote shows clearly he’s referring to the man who beat an American woman to death to the point that he disfigured her skull. Officially, Democrats have lied about what Trump has said about the murderer of Laken Riley more times than Joe Biden has correctly said her name https://townhall.com/columnists/derekhunter/2024/04/07/if-donald-trump-is-so-bad-why-do-democrats-have-to-lie-about-him-n2637468 .
  12. Listen, you’re every bit as much a true believer as I am a grand conspiracy theorist talking about golden toilets. I’ll repeat what I’ve said previously. 75% of the people running for Prez/VP in 2020 violated the law as described by James Comey in my post above. I’d hazard a guess that if someone did a little snooping around on Kamala Harris, that number would be 100%. In 2016, Hillary Clinton violated the law as described by James Comey as outlined above. Pence, given his recent admission probably did as well, and it’s likely that Tim Kaine likely did as well. Why? Because the standard seems well-established. It’s a thing people like that do. So, if there are rules that people—high profile, top of government types——live by, it’s perfectly logical to assume that the system isn’t broken, their actions define the system. None of that, of course, addresses Biden’s actions, which were quite extreme indeed. He had &$#@ stashed everywhere, decades in the making, with no safeguards in place, running his mouth, and the allegation is that potentially critical information was destroyed in spite of the SC investigation, all perfectly acceptable in the context of protecting national security as if that really is a thing. Trump did what he did—-he exposed his throat to political enemies intent on his destruction and that’s on him. I’ll pass, however on the ginned up outrage on obstruction in light of all that we already know, and with the understanding that’s likely just the tip of the iceberg. One need not be a lawyer to see this entire process is a giant steaming pile of 🤬. Getting back to the original point, yeah, Jack Smith is probably pretty good.
  13. Remember that for almost a year, there wasn’t a big concern from the government. They found out Trump had the docs and they asked for them back. Trump wrongfully claimed that they were all his, but the government simply continued to negotiate with him to return the documents. Eventually, Trump told the government he’d return the documents. He gave them several boxes of documents and his lawyer signed a letter stating that these were all of the documents. Had that been it, Trump would have been fine. For all of the problems of walking away with the documents and refusing to return them, the government just wanted to get them back. As far as I can remember, the whole thing was still being handled by NARA at this point, not federal law enforcement. However, the government then learned that Trump had lied. He had removed documents prior to his lawyer examining all of the boxes, causing his lawyer to falsely claim they had returned everything. He had also told his staff to tamper with the security cameras for the room that housed the documents. It was only at this point that the government decided to take real action, referring the case to the DoJ which then executed a search warrant and later indicted Trump. If you want to argue that the controls and laws around the handling of sensitive documents by electeds are broken and need fixing, I’m 100% with you. But it is simply false to paint Trump’s situation as him being treated differently. They gave him every opportunity to avoid trouble (opportunities that everyone else in his shoes gladly took) and he decided to obstruct instead. Also, I’m no “true believer.” I don’t like Hillary, I didn’t vote for her in 2016 (voted for Gary Johnson). I didn’t want Biden to be the Dem nominee in 2020 and I certainly didn’t want him to be the nominee in 2024. I’m just trying to explain what’s going on with these cases.
  14. Jeez, between crazy "grand conspiracy" talk, golden toilets and money laundering through Iran, I feel like I tuned in to hump day on The View. You would be in the Joy Behar role. It seems silly to argue with a true believer, so I'll leave it at this. If you're certain there are not political, personal or power plays in government, you haven't been paying attention. If you're certain that every person is treated in the same way, every time as the wheels of justice grind onward, you're incredibly naive. Here's what I know. In the old days, back when LL Cool James Comey spoke about Hillary Clinton, he stated the following: Our investigation looked at whether there is evidence classified information was improperly stored or transmitted on that personal system, in violation of a federal statute making it a felony to mishandle classified information either intentionally or in a grossly negligent way, or a second statute making it a misdemeanor to knowingly remove classified information from appropriate systems or storage facilities. After detailing the evidence that the FBI found evidence that classified information was: Improperly stored; On a personal system; in violation of a federal statute..making it a felony to mishandle...intentionally or in a grossly negligent way... ...And so on. He indicated that no reasonable prosecutor would bring an action against her, for activity that seems quite clearly criminal based on the standards as he shared them. I'll move past the part where what's "unreasonable" to one person may be quite "reasonable" to another (and both might be considered reasonable), and that stating that no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case is wholly and not subtly different than "no evidence of a crime was found". When we look to Biden's activities, we know that after declaring Trump's behavior outrageous, Team Biden supersized reckless disregards and intentional acts, including sharing classified documents and material with people not authorized to receive said information, over a number of years and as a public and private citizen. Additionally, at a bare minimum, the appearance of obstructive behavior by a number of parties occurred in the wake of the investigation, and Old Scranton Joe declared himself the victim of a witch hunt to boot. The outcome? Today's version of "no reasonable prosecutor" for what are obvious criminal acts as described by the former director of the FBI. Which bring me back to my point. If one were to consider reasonable and fair treatment as the goal, and laws that were broken were really only pretend/maybe laws that no one really follows (though Comey did suggest that others in the same situation might face adverse actions), why would it be unreasonable to think a few boxes in the steam room were anything to worry about as it relates to an armed raid, or life in prison? No, sir, it's ok to be a true believer in the decency of all parties involved, but the reality is that Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and potentially Mike Pence were actually, literally above the law.
  15. If the payments were made by Trump in order to benefit the campaign but were not reported as campaign expenses, then that constitutes a campaign violation even (and especially) if the funds did not come from the campaign. The argument being presented is that the arrangement to pay Stormy Daniels came on the heels of the Access Hollywood tape. Since the tape was very damaging to Trump, the possibility of Daniels’ going public with him cheating on his wife right after their son was born would likely be viewed as a problem for the campaign. So Trump arranged to pay for something that benefited his campaign in a manner that concealed it from campaign finance reporting requirements. It’s a bit complicated if you’re not familiar with the issues here, so I’ll give a hypo: Let’s say that in addition to Bill being on the Epstein flight logs, Hillary herself was on them a bunch. During the 2016 election with all of the Pizzagate stuff, Hillary realized that her name on the logs would be a problem if it were made public. But if she arranged to pay off Epstein / Maxwell with campaign funds, she’d have to report it to the FEC. So instead, she used Clinton Foundation money to pay Epstein / Maxwell to keep the logs secret during the campaign. That would be a campaign finance violation because the money was spent to benefit the campaign but wasn’t properly done under campaign finance laws.
  16. It is not illegal to object to a presidential election. It's allowed by the Electoral Count Act of 1887. Democrats objected to Republican wins in 1968, 2000, 2004, and 2016. We don't see Al Gore and John Kerry and Hillary Clinton in prison. It's also protected by the First Amendment to object to a presidential election. The only place in the world where it's illegal to object to a presidential election is a place like China and North Korea, and now Washington, D.C., and Atlanta
  17. It's about pointing out the hypocrisy of one being charged. The other one being defended. For the same damn thing. It's all good. Obama, Hillary and Biden are in NYC today to get millions from NYC elite
  18. That could very well be true, but isn't it frustrating when your group overshadows your feigned indignation? During an appearance on Sean Hannity's Fox News show, McCarthy bragged that the House GOP's investigation into the Benghazi attack had made Hillary Clinton's poll numbers plummet. Furthermore, he presented it as part of a "strategy to fight and win," rather than a nonpartisan effort to find the truth. What you’re going to see is a conservative speaker, that takes a conservative Congress, that puts a strategy to fight and win. And let me give you one example. Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? But we put together a Benghazi special committee. A select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable. But no one would have known that any of that had happened had we not fought to make that happen. "I give you credit for that," Hannity responded. "I'll give you credit where credit is due." House Republican says Benghazi committee was "designed" to hit Clinton Another GOP congressman says Benghazi panel meant to hurt Clinton A top House Republican was accidentally honest about the Benghazi investigation Second Republican Congressman Admits Benghazi Committee Was ‘Designed To Go After’ Clinton
  19. Lol. FQ melt down! DRs are around every corner! Did I say those things about Hillary? Or did DR? Or did I say them when I was DRsGhost? Or did no one ever say anything of the sort? Keep muttering away FQ, you'll find the heart of the Qanon cabal one day I'm sure.
  20. He blew up at me on that famous "Q Analysis" thread (sadly deleted), no doubt part of why he was banned. It was interesting though. In his anger/frustration, he exposed what he really meant by all this coded talk, posting photos of artist Abramovich (she of the Q obsession about "spirit eating"), Podesta, Hillary, all kinds of so-called pedo grooming symbolism (including on sheriff's dept badges), you name it. Deeply embarrassing today (know that we know it was an elaborate hoax that only the gullible and/or mentally unstable bought into) but that's how this particular poster "found Q." And learned how to find a Q accent in other, later comments by other people here and in other places. And you see it now in how certain posters who were previously fascinated at "analyzing Q" alongside their master now try to mock people who find Q hiding in plain sight. Hell, I would be embarrassed too if I'd fallen for such a lamebrained sham.
  21. Huh? Is NC's real name Joe? By the way, whatever his moniker at the time, he also assured us that when Hillary stumbled into a car she was so brain damaged that she would never survive until 2020. He's got a way with those predictions. I thought DR was living in a garden level studio in Van Nuys
  22. Fact is Tyson has long been exploiting immigrant labor. You’d think the Democrats be outraged, but, then they’d be stepping on Bill and Hillary’s home boys.
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