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  1. “Who needs allies”? - one side of L Ron’s mouth ”TRUMP HATES NATO” - the other side stale and witless age-related dig incoming.
  2. UKRAINE is not in NATO. HE also advocated for the US to be the sole military superpower. Wonder why.
  3. Should we send our troops when Putin advances through Ukraine and starts attacking a NATO country?
  4. How? L Ron is saying that Russia is losing troops at a "staggering" rate. You posted above that Ukraine is destroying Russian war machinery. Where are they getting the replacements to take on all of NATO, after the war in Ukraine ends (whenever the hell that happens)?
  5. I have no special knowledge of Putin’s goals, just what is publicly available. Which includes invading NATO countries because he believes most Americans are like you and will fold, allowing him to take what he can without existential repercussions.
  6. rest of world-you want us to pay our fair share to nato?? trump-yes you-the horror!
  7. You understand he hated the countries that weren’t paying their fare share right? Then they started paying up cause they were called out. This strengthening NATO. But you knew that
  8. You mean his three day conquest of Ukraine? NATO united like never before, US chip industry fortified and Trump on trial? Ha, ha, Ya Putin's really doing great!
  9. 2014 western backed Euromaidan revolution/coup. 2014, disputed regions counter revolution as the population of those regions are 75+% Russians. Disputed region has election. people choose to not be part of Ukraine. But the only peace deal can be the Non-Democratic Ukraine joining NATO even though they have never been able to meet the basic requirements for it. And Russia abandoning the Russians, Energy lines/sources/ strategic port of Crimea. So, until Russia and its citizens go back to the pre-2014-euro maiden border, No deal. Would probably require a mass evacuation of all the Russian citizens, as they would be free game. But for real, Ukraine couldn't meet the requirements for NATO in 2012, How do they now?
  10. It's a preposterous proposal. We keep all of the land. You don't join NATO. Kind of like the Third Reich proposing to the Allies that they will agree to a ceasefire on June 10 1944 if the Allies cede all lands gained to them to date, and refuse to engage in further alliances that make them one unified force. Sure.
  11. Do you honestly believe that Putin was too scared of the guy who trusts him more than the US and says we shouldn’t necessarily defend our allies and wanted to pull out of NATO?
  12. Manipulating NATO members to fund more into NATO actually strengthens NATO. They cycle is not kind to their narrative so they hyperventilate on the only false trump narrative left in the script.
  13. and NATO is being attacked by him. connect the dots MAGA morons. anti NATO dummy. One example: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html
  14. The problem is none of that is going to lead to a military solution favorable to Ukraine absent direct NATO intervention. And direct NATO intevention will likely lead to a tactical nuclear exchange and the end of the world. So we're stuck with a difficult choice. Continue down the escalation path or negotiate, or attempt to negotiate, security guarantees for all parties. If you want to say that's not possible because you believe the Russians will refuse to negotiate I contend that's a bad assumption. Everything is subject to negotiation. As an agreement between Ukraine snd Russia was reached over a year ago before it was scuttled by Boris Johnson's visit it shows its possible.
  15. Makes you wonder. Sweden, Poland, Finland, Japan, Korea...these are all countries that are our Allies and could perform Nuclear breakouts in a short length of time. Russia has done the Lord's work in convincing Europe that it is a credible threat, and that Europe needs to re-arm and re-evaluate its security decisions. If strategic mastermind Donald Trump wins the election and pulls us out of NATO. Or curtails our participation in NATO to such a degree no one trusts us, you'd have to think that Nuclear non-proliferation takes it right up the ass. No nuclear armed country has ever been invaded. If Poland doesn't trust us to get nuked to defend Warsaw, then the only way to defend Warsaw is with Polish nukes. Additional Nuclear powers don't add up to a safer human race, even if they do mean safer countries.
  16. According to statements from President Recep Erdogan,Turkey Treating Over 1,000 Wounded Hamas Members In Hospitals around the country. Unlike the US and many of our allies, Turkey, a NATO member does not consider Hamas to be a terrorist organization. To quote, "Hamas is a resistance organization whose lands have been occupied since 1947, and it has protected its lands after the occupation". Just how they got the wounded out of the West Bank is subject to speculation. Here's one for giggles. If Israel was to attack Turkey for their support and sheltering of Hamas, would the United States and NATO go to war against the Jewish state if Turkey invoked article 5? An attack on one is an attack on all.
  17. Exactly. Russia can't even handle Ukraine with minor assistance from NATO. They'd have no chance against a NATO country.
  18. Ukraine is showing the Russia can't handle a NATO country.
  19. No one disputes that Putin tried to interfere in our elections, like he's done for decades. It didn't affect a thing. Let's dispense with this NATO nonsense once and for all. NATO did nothing for Ukraine when Russia annexed Crimea under Barry, because they weren't, and still aren't, a NATO member. So Putin sitting back and waiting for Trump to "destroy NATO" isn't grounded in fact. If anything, Trump was trying to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO, which is probably why Putin didn't invade under him. They should have been working more on fixing the corruption in their country and creating a true democracy than flirting with NATO. It would have worked out far better for them.
  20. If NATO was dissolved when the Soviet Union was dissolved Russia would have done nothing. But you idiots lacking logical thinking skills won't be able to comprehend that alternative set of circumstances.
  21. Not attacking Ukraine for 4 years under Trump "doesn't show he waited"? LOL! Yes, I'm the one not making sense... And don't be silly with the rest of what you wrote. Trump strengthened NATO by scaring them into contributing their fair share. And if Trump wouldn't have lifted a finger (maybe true) and/or was/is a Putin puppet, why didn't Putin invade? So far none of you have given a serious answer to that question.
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