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  1. Remember when the people who said that Trump wouldn't accept the conclusions of the Mueller report ended up being the exact same people who can't accept the conclusions of the Mueller report? Fun times. Fun times. But back to the task at hand: Chicago politicreeps managed to get this guy off the hook, but why? Could it be that he's in a group that prides itself on providing group members with old-fashioned privileges because of some sense of superiority? They had him dead to rights on at least one charge. What about money? Who got money, from whom, when, and for what purpose? And don't forget that Chicago PD basically called it when it was revealed Kim Foxx was going to handle the case (at first).
  2. In that Joe uses extreme language to make his point, sure. But hyperbole is an accepted form of argument here, it seems, at least until it doesn't go your way. Social media companies deplatform and shadowban right-leaning content all the time. Snopes has been fact-checking a ***** satire site and Facebook restricts the visibility of that site's content as a result, for one recent example. Meanwhile Antifa-associated accounts that call for actual violence against law enforcement officers and Trump supporters continue unfettered. It's plausible that the Dayton shooter was radicalized by Antifa-associated individuals and groups. The New York Times changed a headline because of leftist Twitter outrage. Their original headline actually, you know, attempted to summarize the content of the article rather than blame Trump for everything. What a sham. It's a clown world. Slap on the red nose and get goofy. It's the only reasonable thing to do. Honk honk!
  3. This is the part I don't buy. I think someone convinced Trump to run for president. I don't think it was the Clinton camp.
  4. I haven't read any of this thread but I just need to get it out. Am I really supposed to take seriously the mewlings of limp-wristed NPR commentators praising McCain's service to our nation now that he's dead? The insincerity is just plain creepy. These people hated McCain until Trump was elected, and even then they only liked Johnny boy so long as he served as a foil to Trump. This is the stuff of ghouls. And yes, that goes for you leftists in here too. Go !@#$ yourselves.
  5. You're kidding, right? The left has been operating on pure rhetoric since 2004. They wrote the book on this ****. Trump just took the book and rewrote it.
  6. The date is October 25, 2018. It is 12:04pm in Washington, D.C. Donald J. Trump has been president for 1 year, 277 days, 23 hours, and 17 minutes. Still waiting on that impeachment.
  7. Here's what's hilarious about this whole thing, and another thing that leftist morons in this thread don't get: according to the Bible, it would actually be worse for Trump, who is not a Christian, to recite the Creed because it would be an act of dead religion that comes under the wrath of God. Since he's not a Christian, nobody should expect him to believe it or recite it. He actually demonstrates some small amount of integrity by not doing so. The Clintons and Obamas, meanwhile, display the exact amount of integrity I expect out of them: none. They recite the Creed though they clearly don't believe it and are not a part of the Church it references.
  8. I'm not really interested in watching Trump dunk on a midget again. CNN will never push Trump on the things that I have severe criticisms over (Warp Speed, lockdowns, Kardashian admin, police "reform" etc.) because those are all things that the regime, and by extension CNN, gladly placed in front of him or went along with. So I watched none of this as it's a waste of time.
  9. Struggling? No, Billsy, you got me all wrong. It’s good that we ban baby murder, ban smut, ban garbage philosophy in history books, ban s*domy and ban transing kids. It’s like I told you before, communists like all those things and want them to happen. Fascists ban them. You guys really don’t get it. Reactionary policies require something to react to. Fascism is always a reaction to communism. If the Republican Party wasn’t such a bunch of ***** losers, you would never have gotten DeSantis or Trump.
  10. Is Trump a paid spokesman for Goya? Otherwise that wouldn't be including in things that are relevant to the conversation. And I don't know the answer off the top of my head. Edit: the answer is yes, the president can be. You may think it tacky or unethical but it is not illegal. The President and Vice President are exempt from conflict of interest laws in general. Congress ensured this. The relevant code is 5 CFR Part 2635. The president and vice president are exempt from every section except B and C of this code.
  11. The projection behind this theory is incredible. Dems have had nearly four years to come to terms with losing a very winnable election and still won't shut up about it. But Trump's the one that won't accept election results.
  12. I'm as down on Trump as anyone (well ok, not ANYONE) right now but at least he has some history of doing the right thing and appointing some good people. The country's divide isn't his fault, he's just the result of a deep divide that has existed since the 1950s, possibly earlier. If I lived in a swing state I'd register and vote for him because a Biden presidency results in some outcomes I don't particularly care for. And for the record: no, your rant was not readable.
  13. I can't trust the Republicans to even do that right. Look at the current teacher situation: the government school teacher unions are screaming to the heavens that we should be educating our own children at home in an attempt to make Trump look bad. It's the right's biggest opportunity for a cultural win in generations and they're blowing it.
  14. For all our sake, I hope you're right. But I think everyone predicting an electoral landslide for Trump this November because of the "silent majority" has their heads firmly buried in the sand, especially after Trump has betrayed the very principles that got him elected by those folks to begin with.
  15. I don't vote, and if I did I wouldn't vote for traitors. That said, the fact that Republicans are so snowblind they can't see what's right in front of them is why they're going to lose the White House this November. What exactly do you think is "winning" about this strategy? Do you think "never Hillary" voters give a ***** about whether Joe is a racist or not? Or black people, for that matter? Is pushing for a 2% increase in black Trump voters really the way to win this election? Let's be honest about it: Joe is right, black folks vote as a solid block. Black folks are why Prop 8 got passed in California and 90+% of them reliably vote blue every four years. Trying to win over a few of them is NOT how Trump can retain the WH in 2020. It just isn't. The only thing about this election that's more feeble than Joe Biden is the RNC's strategy to keep him out of Washington.
  16. The Trump admin has threatened to withhold LE money from Sanctuary Cities but has yet to do so. But in one stroke of a pen unless LEAs "reform" they don't get any money. Priorities.
  17. So, Trump voters/prospective Trump voters - tell me which of these things you signed up for: Activist judges (bu-bu-but we have to vote Republican 4 da courtz!") "Opportunity zones" Half a wall Violent felons released from prison (while shouting that "Biden sent them there!!!") Burned churches Less policing Cities wrecked Kardashian admin ??? The dude has been handed two absolutely crushing, golden opportunities in the last four months and did ***** nothing with them. Absolute flops. Not only did he have four years to fulfill his promises on the borders but g-d set a pandemic from China at the last minute on a ***** tee and he completely whiffed. Then g-d tosses up a hanging curveball of riots and we could have had law and order and victory parades and he ***** bunts it right back to the pitcher and ***** his pants on the way to first. Everyone I talk to who was excited about Trump 2-3 years ago is demoralized now. Not a great line to take - to dump all the excitement your prospective voters have to go to the polls. I don't care if you think they're a "silent majority." Pandering to 12% of the population trying to get maybe a few thousand of them to find their "natural conservative" burning inside of them isn't a winning strategy. Trump said he'd drain the swamp but the swamp drained him. ****heads like Kushner, Dan Crenshaw, Greg Abbott, and their ilk should have been run out of the RNC/GOP/offices on rails years ago. Instead we get HW Bush but with more rallies. You can't change my mind.
  18. I did not vote in 2016 and will not vote this time around. I was encouraged by Trump's selection of advisors and appointees early on. But his turning on Bannon, Sessions, and the like while retaining idiots like Kushner convinced me for now that this is not an "America first" administration. I appreciate Greg's take on the situation and I suppose we will see, should Trump get a second term and the Senate holds. Admittedly between work and personal things I can't keep up with the different views as much as I'd like.
  19. DEEP STATE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Also come on, nobody thought Trump was getting elected during primary season 2014. Give me a break, Lenz.
  20. The OP posited several ideas and asked whether they were mostly true or mostly false. None of these ideas started with "Trump won the election primarily because..." The three things OP stated could be mostly true and also not be the biggest (or even extremely significant) contributing factors to the Trump win (which is actually my position).
  21. It's a (really, another) campaign promise that Trump seems fully intent on keeping. The lower courts are being stuffed to the gills with right-wing judges.
  22. Recent Republican presidents not named George W. Bush and Donald Trump have an awful track record when it comes to that. Based on his Gorsuch pick I don't think Trump would make the same mistakes Reagan and H. W. did.
  23. This pretty well encapsulates the issue with Dems right now: poor campaigning. These people didn't tank Bernie's campaign out of spite, they tanked it because they're entirely out of touch, fake, and gay. Here's a decent example: McDonald's. Trump unironically eats and enjoys McDonald's and other foods associated with poors and working class schmoes. Naturally, his trips to and orders from McDonald's were lampooned by the media because "haha stupid orange man." Now, on advice of his campaign team, Biden is pretending to like foods associated with poors and working class schmoes. Everything Democrats do is reactive and inorganic: fake like the women and gay men that run their campaigns.
  24. This place was awesome back when Kelly and conner went at it with Darin and Joe and DC Tom called everyone idiots and the trolls got their asses blasted whenever they visited. Not sure what changed really. But I don’t think it’s just the “current state of political discourse.” And I don’t think it’s all the Trump voters’ fault. Best thing might be to shut it down. I don’t think there’s any going back at this point and I don’t think Darin has the time or the patience to boot the agitators that insist on just stirring ***** with no perceivable objective other than to make everyone else’s day a little bit worse. Good posters up and quit posting which really sucks. Other than appointing a PPP moderator to enforce the crusade rule (good luck finding one) shutting it down and letting people make their little clubs seems best. It also has the added benefit of eventually showing who actually wants to talk politics and who was just there to be a dick. my $.02 or thereabouts.
  25. An aside: why can't you put apostrophes in tags? Anyhoo, I thought it might be fun to do a razzie-style year-end award post for PPP. Take nominations in this thread (and suggestions for more categories), and then set up a three day poll or whatever to vote on the nominees. Winners of each category get to call Tom an idiot once in 2018. Categories: Nominees for Worst Poster: Bob in Mich Nominees for Worst Post (topic or reply): westerndecline, Justice Nominees for Most Long-Winded Poster: OCinBuffalo, Meathead, Deranged Rhino Nominees for Most Confusing Poster: Tiberius, ExiledInIllinois Nominees for Worst Original Content: 26CornerBlitz, westerndecline, Bob in Mich (for continuing to bump and push this friggin' abortion) Nominees for Worst Linked Content: westerndecline, DC Tom, 3rdnlng Nominees for Worst Case of Trump Derangement Syndrome: K-9, Tiberius, Nominees for Worst Case of SJW-ism: Meathead, Cugalabanza Nominees for Most Belief in Fake News®: Tiberius, Happy Days Nominees for The Adam Memorial Award for Most Spineless "Centrist" : Alf, Nominees for Most Blind Partisan/Idealogue: baskin, Nominees for Hey Canadians Suck Let's Make Them a Category: meazza, row_33, 4merper4mer Nominees for Most Pompous Blowhard: baskin, and finally...Nominees for Biggest Idiot: Tiberius, 26CornerBlitz Participate! Or since most of you are no fun, don't. Whatever. Just remember that SJWs always lie.
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