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  1. “Last season, Bills head coach Sean McDermott decided that his 5-4 team needed to shake things up. The Bills were in playoff contention, and although the team had one of the worst defensive units in the league and was ranked 23rd in net total yards at the time, McDermott chose to bench then starting quarterback Tyrod Taylor for their late fifth-round pick Nathan Peterman. Back then, I wrote about how the whole thing was about race, because it was, since McDermott benched the capable black quarterback for the terrible young white one” Most of us know the real reason why that was done. Even some of our fellow members have enlightened us that Dennison was the main reason behind Tyrod’s benching. But, this is just a horrible take.
  2. In the "St John Fisher Dorm Tour" a couple years back, Tyrod Taylor showed a VR system he said he was using. In predraft interviews, it was mentioned that Lamar Jackson used one at Louisville that helped him understand plays and progressions and made him a better QB. We have some guys here with occasional inside skinny - can any of you tell me if the Bills utilize this type of system as an adjunct for player development? (this shouldn't be something that would jeopordize your source) I ask in part because, if it's true Coleman is not a visual learner eg can't read the playbook and master it, if a team has invested $3.5M in a guy it would seem as though a VR system is a tool that might help realize the investment.
  3. Anybody following NHRA Pro mod, well Mike Janis and the team have won their first championship in Las Vegas. There is a sports god rooting for a Buffalo guy. Finally.
  4. Simple question, who is your MVP so far? I’m going with Brees. I think without him, that team doesn’t go like it has. If WAR were an nfl stat id love to see what his would be
  5. I'm just making sure I dumb things down so you'll understand. https://dailycaller.com/2018/11/28/liberals-dumb-down-interactions-with-minorities/
  6. When Peterman replaced Taylor and threw 5 interceptions it was immediately turned into a race issue, and that was not Petermans fault. Writers all over American decided to make a 5th round quarterback the face of white privilege. He replaced a black quarterback. Then he had a job and Kaepernick didn't. Even EJ Manuel piled on. This is very unfair to Peterman who was just trying to make a living. Everyone knows race is behind the mocking of him but but won't say it. There are tons of articles just like this one illustrating what I am talking about. Fifth round draft picks don't get this much publicity. They just don't. Unless someone has an agenda. Race had nothing to do with it. A rookie coach making a terrible decision after a bunch of terrible losses was behind the move. https://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/bills-quarterback-dilemma-clear-black-white-article-1.3645016 I am not saying Peterman is an NFL quarterback, but he does deserve a better shot. And for all the people out there that say he is the worst quarterback ever. Here is a stat for you. Alex Smith in his first 5 starts in the NFL threw 10 interceptions and no touchdowns. Worse than Peterman. People love to leave Alex Smith out of the conversation because it does not fit their narrative. This year he signed a 4 year 96 million dollar contract. Players can improve. If the Raiders or somebody else sign Peterman to their practice squad don't be surprised if he does what many former Bills did. Turn into an solid NFL player.
  7. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/dec/06/michael-bloomberg-cory-booker-well-spoken I thought I was misreading something when I initially saw this headline. Apparently, we're not allowed to call a minority individual "well-spoken" for fear that our compliment is actually a backhanded insult. I seriously can't with this culture anymore. At some point, we need to stop trying to be offended at things. And this is coming from a left-leaning independent. Trying to compliment a minority? Forget it, I guess. "You look nice!" Response: Are you saying that black people don't usually look nice? "You're very well spoken." Response: What, are you saying that's unusual? "You're really good at fixing things!" Response: What, does that surprise you? ?
  8. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001081003/article/afc-wildcard-race-bills-titans-inspire-confidence-jags-cooked By Marc Sessler Buffalo Bills (8-3) Imagine waltzing up to a run-of-the-mill Bills fanatic in August and announcing that Buffalo would be 8-3 heading into a Thanksgiving Day clash with Dallas. This well-coached roster has exceeded expectations under star-in-the-making head man Sean McDermott, whose reputation for forging nasty secondaries has only grown, with phenomenal cornerback Tre'Davious White leading a cast that currently ranks third in pass coverage, via Pro Football Focus. Bullseye free-agent addition John Brown quietly leads the AFC in receiving yards, while second-year passer Josh Allen -- deep-ball accuracy aside -- has just one interception since Week 5 and plenty of juicy yardage on the ground. Barring a nuclear-level meltdown in Buffalo, this is your fifth seed in the AFC, but the schedule concerns are real: After tangling with the 'Boys, the Bills face the Ravens, Steelers and Patriots before closing it out with the suddenly saucy Jets. Two more wins along the way should do the trick. CONFIDENCE READING: 88.2/100
  9. Just got the update via ESPN. That could change things a bit in a bunch of ways. While not condoning, it would make some more sense to the sudden outburst. Feel free to merge with the other Garret v. Rudolph thread if need be https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/28130757/during-appeal-myles-garrett-accused-mason-rudolph-using-racial-slur
  10. With their loss on Monday night, the New York Jets have been officially eliminated from the AFC East race after just nine games. Ouch. The 7-2 Buffalo Bills currently sit in first place in the division while the Jets are obviously in last place at 0-9. If the Jets win out to get to 7-9 and the Bills lost out to get to 7-9, it would head to tiebreakers. Buffalo owns the head-to-head tiebreaker having already defeated the Jets twice. https://www.buffalorumblings.com/2020/11/10/21558653/afc-playoff-picture-new-york-jets-officially-eliminated-from-afc-east-race
  11. I heard a factoid today that almost 85% of black/white violent crime in the us is blacks committing violent crime against whites. 85% 85 In a systemically racist universe this sounds impossible ? Or is there some sanctioned excuse to explain this?
  12. MVP is a simple stat award. Josh Allen has a chance. This isn't a 2 man race. 1 - Aaron Rodgers: 11 wins, 43 Total TD'S, 3954 Total Yards 2 - Patrick Mahomes: 13 wins, 38 Total TD'S, 4749 Total Yards 3 - Josh Allen: 11 wins, 39 Total TD'S (1 Rec TD😁), 4395 Total Yards ( 12 Rec Yards😁)
  13. Chad Kelly says he’s faster than any other QB in the league except Lamar Jackson—I’d put my $$ on Josh Allen though too. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2900729-colts-chad-kelly-says-hes-faster-than-every-nfl-qb-except-lamar-jackson
  14. TBDers, Interested in any feedback on geothermal and/or solar systems at your house. Specifically: installation, ROI/payback, durability, & maintenance. thx
  15. Being an election year, this topic is more important than ever. The article is a little old, but on the mark. Please discuss....... Fighting Corruption in the Media http://www.aalep.eu/fighting-corruption-media "Corruption can occur in various forms in the media landscape. Types of corruption in the media can vary from the abuse of confidence or position when hiring or firing staff or making editorial decisions, inducting editorial content and by doing so influencing media coverage. Although there is limited research available on corruption in the media, there is anecdotal evidence that corruption in the media can manifest itself through various forms:...."
  16. Do you think an auto race that paid twice for second than first would be interesting to watch?
  17. It's difficult for White Americans to talk about race, for a number of reasons. 1) The language is incomplete. For as much as we talk about it, we still only have the one root word - "race" - and various derivatives, racism, racist, etc. 2) It is deliberate intentional manipulation to ensure, above all else, that White People are discouraged to think about race. 3) If a White Person is forced to think about race, our culture has provided many convenient and quick explanations and dismissals in order to stop thinking about it So it makes sense that it seems like nobody can agree on basic What is racism?Racism is the systemic oppression of people based on their physical character.What is prejudice, and how is it different?Prejudice is the action of making assumptions about people based on their identity. Prejudice is different from racism because "pre judging" is a human brain function in response to incomplete information. It is the brain's version of auto-correct, and can only be turned off through learning. But prejudice can never be eliminated completely any more than fear can be eliminated. On the other hand, racism is a human-made mental framework for viewing other humans that is entirely optional. What you're saying is prejudice is what racism is, though. And even the dictionary... ...will show you multiple definitions; these two definitions. The previous understanding of racism as being simply a matter of character allowed White America to go a few generations thinking, "As long as I don't scream the N word at an N word, I am pretty much not racist." In other words, language evolves.What is discrimination, and how is it different?Discrimination is the action of categorizing the abilities of people based on their identity.Am I racist?Probably, but you don't have to be racist. If you are born white in America, you are experiencing life with the benefits of racism. "You", as in your identity, are not any more "racist" than you are "American" or "capitalist" — as in, you are free to choose your identity. We've all been programmed to accept our American and capitalist identities very explicitly. We have also been programmed to accept our racist identities, too, just much less explicitly, and never by its name. Oh great. So all white people are racist? In the sense that they are born into racism, yes. And the actions they take before understanding their complicity are racist, because they perpetuate the system. In the sense that white people have to be racist, no. White people can choose to be anti-racist, but good intentions don't count; this is only measured in action. Sorry! There is nothing you can do about it. White Americans are born into being racist, by design. Thankfully, the result is that White Americans live in a country largely built for their pleasure and benefit, at the expense of exploited minority groups. Being born into racism for White Americans means hundreds of years of access to opportunities like education and generational wealth in a rigged system. It's unfortunate that generations of White Americans are born into this system they did not initially create themselves, but as far as the confines of slavery go... COULD BE WORSE!!!!!! Why don't Americans know more about race?You mean "white Americans," of course. Every other race in America experiences racism first-hand on a daily basis. White people are specifically taught not to think about race. This teaching is given to them implicitly, and explicitly ("it's not polite").Famously, COINTELPRO concocted many of the methods still in use today to distract white Americans from racism, and to discredit the claims of black Americans. It's the textbook definition of mind control, and we've all been subjected to the fruits of this labor.In other words, if you are a white American who is only now confronting the reality of race — it's okay. You are forgiven. You literally were not supposed to know. Admittedly, people have been telling you for a long time, but, you know. Better late than never. Welcome aboard.What is a bigot, and how is that different?A bigot is a person who has chosen hateful discrimination as their identity.Can a black person be racist?Yes. Racist should be thought of as a verb, not a noun. Candace Owens is racist when she supports the structures of systemic oppression. Barack Obama being elected is not racist; it tears down those structures. Obama's response to Trayvon Martin's shooting is racist; it upholds those structures.Can a black person be racist to a white person?No. There is no action that can be taken that will remove the white person's inherent advantages of being born into a society built to benefit them. Any person can be prejudiced (ie, "all white people marry their cousins") but it is not racism. Ironically, you could hate black people and still oppose racism — prejudice is inherent to the human condition. Racism is a construct.Isn't "Affirmative Action" racist against whites?Not in the least, and not only is this question stupid, it's offensive in the way it uses the white system of control over black Americans as a way to reframe the issue with white beneficiaries of racism as somehow also the victims.Affirmative Action is the mandate that hiring decisions consider applicants' accomplishments with the historical context of racism in mind. Applicants born into generational advantages in education and wealth will naturally have more impressive resumes than applicants who were denied those advantages.In other words, Affirmative Action is just asking corporate America to consider the country's actual history in their evaluation of human potential. This remains controversial.What about meritocracy?Meritocracy is a lie sold to poor people by rich people. Meritocracy is the idea that the differences in opportunities and rewards for people is earned by their individual value. Whatever your station, it is deserved. This benefits white people as another way to ignore the reality of racism. If cream rises to the top, how is Donald Trump president? "Manifest Destiny" is a similar idea, and justified Americans to declare the genocide of Native Americans to be legal. If our definition of meritocracy is simply what the most effective method is, then the proper way for people to protest would be to use the same methods White Americans did to conquer the country for themselves. It is by the grace of God that oppressed people have never been out for vengeance on White America, only peace. White people have responded to each overture with manipulation and violence, and never reconciliation or aide.Doesn't history prove white people are objectively superior?There is no such thing as objectivity. Objectivity imposes the idea that reality can be measured outside of perception with absolute certainty. This is a method of control to remove responsibility for decision making in enforcing the status quo, of what you are told is "objective truth." For example — White Kevin's resume has tons of experience; Black Marquita's does not. It is objectively true that Kevin's resume is more impressive, just on the merits.The decision to discriminate against black people then becomes automatic; unthinking. With each individual racist action (every time HR chooses Kevin), the overall racism grows stronger.Isn't this problem too big to ever really solve? What's the point of talking about it?Pessimism is also a form of control on white Americans, who are are intentionally programmed to feel uncomfortable and attacked on the subject of race. The desire is in there, on a gut level, to want to either check out ("I need to take a break from social media") or move on ("We need to come together and unify") or avoid it completely ("racism isn't a day-to-day problem for most people; this ended a long time ago").You will be provided many types of excuses to ignore racism. Racism works only if unexamined.What does something from hundreds of years ago have to do with me?Are you concerned that the US might devolve into being a fascist death cult like Nazi Germany? What if you learned America has been systemically imprisoning and executing minority populations for many many many decades longer?If killing 6+ million Jewish people in Europe was the worst crime against humanity you could imagine, wait until you hear about the generations of torture and death white America has applied to black America.I regret to inform you that this war crime is ongoing. The police and prison industry in America has modernized the "classic" form of Southern slavery but the overall effect is the same. Consider a newly egregious example: marijuana is legal in many states and soon nationwide. White America is profiting from selling it legally. Black America was criminalized for selling it. Thousands of Americans, all POC or Black, remain in jail to this day and even in states where marijuana is now fully legalized. This is one example of the double standard applied, and the ways Black Americans have been systemically plundered, punished, humiliated, imprisoned, tortured, and killed for the benefit of White America.If I'm not a black American, shouldn't I just be quiet and listen?You should listen first, and then you should talk — and talk a lot.White America has never gone out of its way to help Black America, as a group. Only in the most desperate times they kind of show up — Civil War and maybe 60s Civil Rights — and even then it was not a full commitment in any way.That is changing, and must continue to change. Black Americans and POC cannot be expected to be fight this battle alone. But I'm a straight white male...And you have value. Racism insists that your only value is that you are a straight white male. You have far more value than that. You can demonstrate it by exposing the lie of racism. Your appearance and treatment affords you many privileges exclusive to you. This enables you to be the "inside man" of the operation. You can blend among racists, and find it easier. Someone who behaves racist may conceal this trait around a black person, but reveal it to you. It is your duty and moral objective to not let it slide when you're given the opportunity. Your mission is to confront it and humiliate it. This is your test from God, in a sense.... if you think that "God" simply means "Life" as in capital-l, all living creatures everywhere, the value of the experience of living.Fighting racism is your test from Life itself to show that you believe it has real value. Is that enough incentive? lolWhat can I do to fight racism?Everything matters. Racism was not built in a day. It will not be destroyed in a day. It will require consistent, dedicated attention, talk and action.The problem is very big, and it's not changing shape unless small minds expand. White Americans need to speak out more, and need to challenge the racism in their own communities as much as possible. Not just families and classmates or coworkers or neighbors. But also, all of the online communities you are part of beyond Era or Twitter.At the same time, recognize you are fighting an idea and a system, not an individual or group of individuals. In other words, you're not going to be able to save all hearts and minds. Adults who don't want to learn can't be forced. Racism requires all kinds of delusions and magical thinking; some people want to stay in The Matrix and aren't ready for the reality. Don't let any one person distract you from the larger goal. (This is also why it's not worth "debating" racists. There is nothing to debate. It's very simple, black or white. Black lives matter, or they don't. Neutral is not an option. If you're neutral, you've decided "don't matter" but with extra cowardice.)One thing we can do is to ensure racists are no longer comfortable anywhere. The same tactics of harrassment racists used against minorities can now be used by anybody against anyone who defends or upholds racism. What about donating, protesting, voting, and participating in local government?Obviously these are great too, but you already knew about these. But I know how sometimes it can seem like too much. If you're not in the habit of going to the gym regularly, going for the first time seems impossible. And so it is for these activities.The main takeaway from all of this should be — there is no action too small in the work fighting racism. It all matters. There are all sorts of forms of racism that are microscopic. Racism is everywhere and in everything in America; it is part of the fabric of our society, it's the cotton that made the quilt that helps us all sleep and dream in American.Every little thing matters. The challenge is to not let the upholders of racism succeed yet again in persuading us all to ignore the issue again. Let this be the beginning of generations of Americans who actually take pride in helping other people up, instead of keeping them down. What is going to happen in this thread? Playbook-wise, Racists are operating a ground-n-pound offense. Traditional. Established. Predictable. Reliable. Clockwork. But, to their credit, also bluntly effective. Their overall goal — Stop thinking about racism as soon as possible. By all means necessary, return to the established model. —There will be no shortage of attempts to discredit every thing I am saying. It won't be any thorough response. It will be multiple attempts to take one half of a phrase, contest it on the basis of semantics, and conclude this is why it all needs to be dismissed. —There will be attacks on the messenger; me. These will take the form of various guesses toward my personal identity, and my motivations. Anti-racism is not enough of a reason that racists can understand. There will be conspiracy theories. —There will be a lot, a lot, a lot of people insisting that White people can be the victims of racism, and in fact they are perhaps the BIGGEST victims of racism out of anybody. These claims will go as far as to say any suggestion otherwise is nonsense. They will not see any of the cruel irony in their statements, or if they do, they will not be bothered by them. How can I not be racist?First you understand what it means to be racist, with clarity. And then you work against the systemic oppression of people based on their physical character. If it helps you to understand it, compare American racism like the Christian idea of "being born into sin." (This is why it's called America's "original sin.") You start from a baseline of racism and take positive actions to work toward the redemption of a country built on bull####. It is continual actions. They don't have to be big. It just means not tolerating racism in your life. In your home. In your workplace. In your community. As a White American, you have both the advantages of the racist society, but if you decide to be a hero about it, you also have the advantage of blending in and finding "shameful racists" who only feel comfortable admitting their real hate to other white people. What you can to be Anti-racist is to simply not allow any safe quarter for racists in America, going forward, under any circumstances. This past week is the last moral wake-up call for White America. This is a life-long battle, and neutrality is not an option if you live in American society. Not choosing a side is choosing the side of the racist structure. So if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. tl;dr Racism is not our fault. But it is our responsibility. Racists have been treated with kid gloves for long enough, and need to be made to understood they are no longer welcome in America. The idea of remaining neutral is long gone. You are either horrified by the treatment of black people in America — either you think they are being systemically brutalized by a hateful ideology enacted by unthinking and unfeeling masses, or you think they're whiny idiots who want a free ride and special status as #1 victim. White people, more than anyone, need to nut up and show some backbone. It is time for White America to live up to their stated ideals of freedom, liberty, equality, and justice and enforce those ideals for their countrymen in their home turf. And it's time to stop pretending. This is only a "tough debate" if you can't imagine White Americans ever possibly being a force in the world that isn't entirely destructive. Hope this helps! Peace and love.
  18. I've noticed a lot of our fellow Bills fans are sure that racism isn't real. In an attempt to heal this country, I thought these words could go a long way and help people outside of our community. That's why I'm scheduling a time for all of the folks who've been so strident in their posts here, reminding us all that racism is not real, to go ahead and use their faces and tell us on camera. No need to tell us your name / location. We just want to see your face. Go ahead and wear some Bills gear too, to make us all proud. I will be arranging times for people who've been really loud about this — even people I've put on ignore like @Reality Check, you get another chance here bud — to make time with me. I can be pretty flexible to your schedule. If you have time and interest, and you want to make sure that the world beyond our Bills community has the chance to hear your words of wisdom, please make sure to schedule a time. I will be recording throughout this next week. Let's show people what Buffalo is made of!! @Chef Jim you had a lot of thoughts. What's your schedule? @billsfan1959 you had a lot of great thoughts on racism and police. I know you're not working anymore. What's your schedule this week? @Deranged Rhino you're in Los Angeles so we're in the time zone. You have also made it clear that white genocide is an issue. Can I get you saying that with your mouth instead of your fingers? Who else? I know we've got a lot of smart people here and I don't want to leave anyone out.
  19. (jeff foxworthy voice) If so... you might be a Racist. Are yoooooou tired of seeing people bring up how White people are born with all kinds of advantages as an American even though your individual life is lonely garbage? If so... you must be a Racist. Get right with God, sinners of PPP.
  20. Do you feel like you can speak honestly about your heartfelt thoughts on race relations without retribution at your workplace or elsewhere?
  21. Now that they’ve banned the Confederate States’ Battle Flag. Sounds like they should go the next step and call for the banning of nooses at all future races. They better tackle those pesky LSU Fighting Tigers too. They’re named after a Confederate Army battalion that was particularly tough on those Yankee soldiers in the war of Northern Aggression. And who can forget the Washington Redskins. Let the purges begin
  22. I'm all for free speech and I can easily ignore him. But these are private forums so free speech doesn't necessarily exist here. I get the argument that stupidity is fun to play with once in a while, but I just can't see the fun in egging on racism. We seem to enjoy discussing racism or mistaken racism in society, how about here in our own forum?
  23. https://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2018/08/troy_balderson_danny_oconnor_m.html#incart_m-rpt-1 Republican district for years so probably an easy win for the GOP.
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