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Everything posted by bladiebla

  1. SD game will be where it will be at, if they show up and prove themselves there then we will go a long way this year if not then well anything could happen then...
  2. No I don't think we would have taken the win given the failing passrush on D. It would have been a close game though that im pretty certain about.
  3. I wholeheartly agree sadly, refs made the right call. DJ looked like he was frantically talking to the guys upstairs and got word not to risk it.
  4. Defense gameplan looked like it was completly build on passrush, but we simply didnt get enough pressure in to make Warner worry much (nice chin butt though). The Defense looked shaken when TE went off, seemed to have recovered a bit when they got back from tea but it never felt like they were in control. Ow man did JP get told off by Schonert btw or what!
  5. 101 passer rating but that is seriously misleading given his performance imho; he's was way too slow getting the ball out and I cant say i was impressed with his defense reading.
  6. Jup, had most of the NFL Europe rushing records after trying to get back into the NFL through the Barcelona Dragons; I believe Fred Jackson took him out of the record books (not 100% sure on that last bit).
  7. It's Hamdan with two A's and he's got the talent for sure.
  8. Great article! The article clearly says JP stats till 4:30 and then Hamdan and TE like to continue going over things together. It could very well mean that JP goes home and studies on his own till 8 pm, it could also mean JP calls it a day at that point. In the end the quarterback group will meet up again and exchange important stuff and codes etc. Meetings of this nature between 2 person are more fertile then when you add in a third or fourth.
  9. Are you a Patriots* fan* doing a preemptive strike on forums given the accussal of yet more cheating? In case you are not... Welcome*.
  10. How about getting that NOW Network subscription where you can have a radiofeed of your choice ported to your mobile?
  11. Jup, this is the same site that went way overboard with the Everett and Russert jokes.
  12. Hi Hun, I''m home, i'm empty-ing our savings to get a larger barbie, be back in about 30!
  13. Ouch pretty sad story with him: Tyrone Prothro later suffered a complete fracture of both major bones (tibia and fibula) of his lower left leg against the University of Florida on October 1, 2005, ending his junior season. Despite extensive rehabilitation and three separate surgeries, Prothro was unable to resume his football career. On August 3, 2007, he was placed on a medical hardship scholarship and taken off the football roster with coach Nick Saban saying there was no way Prothro could play again. Amazing that he only was a junior as well when he made that catch.
  14. Hahaha awesome, that is indeed very good. Thanks for posting. It's very close for me but I'm still sticking with the one I posted.
  15. I don't recall seeing that one, happen to have a linky?
  16. Still the importance aside, that was a clutch catch whereas this one is a one handed circus act imho.
  17. Bloody brilliant: http://www.myfoxwghp.com/myfox/pages/Home/....1.1&sflg=1
  18. Could you please at the very least get yourself some information on Gibran Hamdan and at the very least learn to spell the name of the guy you are trying to bash? For the record Hamdan does own a NFL regular season completion.
  19. Thx for posting! Brilliant stuff! This link shows the whole OTR thing in one go btw: http://watch.tsn.ca/off-the-record/off-the...tember-22-2008/
  20. Walking boots + woods, take them, grrr.... <3 Difference being that I've seen him play for 3 seasons and he was by far the best QB NFL Europe has seen. That's why I registered and stepped into the thread at the time. I was a diehard Amsterdam Admirals fan, with my NFL team being the Bills (i liked the Bills because they were so similar to the Amsterdam Admirals, lot's of bad luck and long non championship streaks, Admirals went for 10 years without success). So can you imagine my joy when Hamdan was signed to the Bills? Kurt Warner, Jake DelHomme both Amsterdam Admirals QBs, yet Hamdan looked better, wiped them out of the recordbooks to proof it, especially his ability to read the game, lead the team and his strong arm, he was rated a top 10 second QB by Scout.com in 2006 but broke his ankle then ended up with us with a d-tour the led through Miami. My question with Hamdan was if he could make the additional step from NFL Europe to NFL (level of play was in between College and NFL, and was full pro). He showed it during the pre-season allthough the scoreboard production didnt show, for reasons beyond his control (catchable drops, fumbles <cough Dwayne Wright>. Just look at the first drive of the 4th pre-season game, now compare that playstyle with TE. He made the team and received praise for the Seahawks game from DJ, wasn't released for Jason Peters or Crowell. Sounds to me the coaches see in him what he showed in Amsterdam. Other then that future will only tell, I guess.
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