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Everything posted by cody

  1. How is this much different from the past few years. The national media always has a field day with the Bills. So what if TO calls Buffalo a 'two bit town' he wouldn't be the first and won't be the last. If he calls the Bills a 'two bit team', he'd probably be right.
  2. Exactly. Without TO - the Bills suck and they start re-rebuilding in 2010. If TO becomes a 'cancer'- the Bills suck and they start re-rebuilding in 2010. If TO works out - The Bills make the play-offs and learn how to win.
  3. Our SS does not play that close to the line of Scrimmage. Roy Williams wants a team that runs the Greg Williams style 46.
  4. When Trent was drafted, J.P. was the declaired starter. The Bills are not afraid to bring in a QB that could chalange the status quo. The reason Leftwich is not here, is the same reason Leftwich was not brought in last year.
  5. With TO and Lee on the team, if Trent checks down all of the time, Turk should be the one pitching a fit. In the NFL a good QB has to throw into coverage and trust his receivers. Besides, Dick's #1 ability is, supposidly, his ability to handle players. Now's the time to put that skill to the test. I think TO may have picked Buffalo. Aside from ndirish1978's point, TO gets to come into a team with a lame duck coach and staff. He signs a one year deal and gets a chance to be the savior. If the Bills are relevant next year, it will be because of TO. Think about what we know about TO's personality. Buffalo may be a small pond, but TO has a chance to be more than just a big fish, he may be a jesus fish. (even if it is only in his mind)
  6. I think TO is the perfect move for the '09 Bills. DJ is on the hot-seat. If TO comes in he will no longer have the 'talent' excuse. TO is a great test of DJ's ability to connect with and handle players. If it works out, we know that there may be something in DJ worth building around. If TO causes the Bills to 'implode', Ralph can fire DJ knowing that he gave him every opportunity for sucsess. Ralph can also fire many of the people in the front office and we can start re-building, hopefully with some better peices. Third times a charm, right. The fact that DJ himself wants TO is encouraging. It means that he is desperate. Hopefully, with or without TO, that desperation will cause DJ to change his ways and be a better coach. Maybe this year we will finally see a 'win or die' attitude. I'm not expecting a new emotional DJ. But he may start playing to win, rather than playing not to lose. I think the Bills sell more tickets with TO than without. People slow down when they pass a car wreck because they want to see all of the gory details, first hand.
  7. So, the only team that has had any recent success with the Tampa 2 is getting rid of it.
  8. Keiaho was supposed to be a RFA, why didn't Indy (Polian) tender an offer?
  9. I hope the Jets offer Royal more. It would be a shame for a guy like Royal to leave the AFC East
  10. cody


    Fitzgerald has been known to fumble a few balls. He's getting a shot as a number 2 QB.
  11. When Donohoe was GM, the Bills won almost every off-season. Despite giving fans something to root for in March and April, Donahoe's Bills were just as bad as our current team from September-January. I can see the point of the post, feeling like a winner in March and April was better than feeling like a loser all year long.
  12. I'd like to see the Bills bring in Cato June or Freddy Keiaho. I know they have not been linked to the Bills, but I haven't herd of either player visiting any team.
  13. If the Bills do not get anyone they like in the draft, they should still have thier choice between Preston or Fowler. I do not see either of those guys being signed by May 1st.
  14. Don't be so sure. A few years ago the Bills signed a similar FA lineman. A guy who played well and started due to injuries. Everyone expected the guy to start at tackle opposite Jennings. A month and a half later, the Bills drafted Mike Williams. I do not think that will happen, but they could go center early and have Hangartner play guard. A versitle guy like Hangartner will give the Bills options.
  15. The Pats can offer Taylor more carries than the Bills. As a guy who wants to play, he made the right choice. The same will apply to L. Coles. He'll sign w/ Miami to be with his buddy Chad. That will also be the right choice.
  16. You, and many others, may think the Bills need 7 new starters this year. The Bills will not get 7 new starters this year. Out of Reed,Fine,Whittle,Kelsey,Williams & Ellison; we can expect that at least 3 of these players will be the starters in '09.
  17. Last year they only drafted 1 player who got significant playing time - no starters. For a team as 'talanted' as the Bills, that was awful. Still, their track record with Free Agents isn't any better.
  18. Aside from Haynsworth and Brown, who both will be grossly overpaid, which player could have made the team better? Taylor? Is he that much better than Jackson? Coles? Is another smurf WR really going to turn the Offense into a powerhouse? Who else have the Bills missed out on? That LB from ATL who lost his job to Coy Wire? The Bills will probably get a few 2nd teir players - Fitzpatrick and Hangartner. With the way the cap keeps going up, there are very few top Free Agent's available. The ones that do become available get crazy $. $ that is almost imposible to live up to - see Dockery.
  19. yeah, the top teams always throw out the big $$$ on day one. Just look at the Redskins - those free agent contracts are why they are a top NFL team If the Bills spent $$ like the Redskins, I'll bet they could be 8-8. The last time he Bills spent big $ on day one, it worked out great. They gave the richest contract in franchise history to Dockery.
  20. Erik Flowers put on 20 lbs for the combine.
  21. Dr is right. The main players on the '90 Bills were not chior boys. They did have what Marv called "football" character. The place on your roster where you need chior boys is the role players and backups. Mark Kelso stayed on the team because he worked very hard and kept his nose clean. With great players, you take the good with the bad. With average players, you want them to work their tail off and stay out of trouble. Ko Simpson = distraction M. Lynch = a player who gets another chance,
  22. I would love it if anyone in the Bills would say something like that. Buffalo has been a bad team for 10 years-in-a-row. It's not just the coach, GM, play calling, quaterback, or any one thing. Losing has crept into almost every aspect of this team.
  23. Whenever he feels bad DJ will give him some warm milk and a hug. Young needs to go to a team that will make him feel good even when he doesn't play well. The kind of team that gives average players expensive contracts and makes them captians. A team that is not only satisfied with mediocrity, but embraces it. Buffalo is realy his only option
  24. 2010 is the year that the estate tax is currently 0%. Last time I checked, if Ralph dies on January 1, 2011 - the estate tax is 55%. If Ralph dies in 2009 - the estate tax is 45%. Most years, the estate tax is much higher than the capital gains tax. Ralph's family would be better off if he sold the team and took the capital gains hit than if he died and paid the estate tax.
  25. ?? Isn't the 'Q' in the San Deigo city limits? I think it's less than 10 miles from down town San Deigo.
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