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Everything posted by Juice_32

  1. We aren't as bad as we looked last week and probably aren't as good as we look this week. Where we fall in the middle will be the big question. But for today... HEY EY EYY EYY!!! Let's get drunk!
  2. Revis does every week, until they call it...rape away
  3. Wish Gilmore would have played like this last week. Oh well, all in all were looking good. Fitz needs to just play and have fun again.
  4. Feel for ya man. I couldn't handle it last year. It didn't work for me til week 6...right when we started sucking
  5. Shep with pretty good play on charles there
  6. Go BILLS, 25/8! Run the ball, tighten up the secondary and let's get to 1-1.
  7. When you put it that way... Oh who am I kidding! We're DOOOOOOOMED!!!
  8. 30, I'm a Bills fan because my father raised me right. My 2 week old daughter will be as well. It builds character and teaches loyalty.
  9. Let's be honest.. We'll all be here. Did they suck today? Yea, but coming back for more is what Bills fans do. We will all be watching and if they play well, this feeling will be gone. Go Bills!
  10. I'm definitely use to it. The baby on the other hand...I guess it's better for her to get a taste for it early. I sure appreciate the link though!
  11. Man...Maybin really did a great job preparing the jets o-line for Mario...
  12. I hope Chan lights everyone of them up. Let's at least see a little fight in the second half.
  13. I know, I feel for the guy. My wife and I just brought home the worlds newest Bills fan from the hospital. She came a little early and threw a wrench in dads plans. We were scheduled for yesterday, but the weather kept him away. My wife is awesome and gave me the go ahead to hit the bar, but little one is on an incubator light and I just can't pull away.
  14. Mad town, what radio station has it? My direct tv install guy just called me and he's not going to be here til 4..
  15. LET'S GO BUFFALO!!! ... I'm about to throw up I'm so nervous, this really is the greatest day of the year!
  16. If there were ever any secret about the wildcat...Miami let it out several years back. This whole thing is ridiculous. If Tebow had some magic, secret wildcat powers and they were worth a flip...he'd just be the starter.
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