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Everything posted by BobChalmers

  1. People's hysteria and overall insanity here has reached whole new levels. They didn't address the D-Line???? REALLY F-ING REALLY DID YOU JUST SAY THAT????? Please - go back over the off-season - remind yourself that they picked up a starting 3-4 DE from the Ravens as a FA, then added a NT in the 2nd round and a DE in the 3rd. Or maybe your definition of addressing a position only using the 1st round pick on it?
  2. I was fine with the 4th+ in the first place. Besides - I took Lynch on my fantasy team hoping he would get traded!
  3. Uhm - please don't use the words "SUCK IT" around our unfortunately named O-linemen. So are we looking for the GE and Maybin moves too?
  4. You can't read your own stats - according to your own list Miami was better with him (win/loss) then before and after.
  5. Ah yes - the Redskins philosophy for the past dozen years or so. I believe they were 4-12 last year, but what the hack - trading is fun.
  6. "but other coaches were able to get much, much more out of that roster" Yup - this either uninformed or intentionally false statement fits well with your absurd Kelsay defenses. I've posted this numerous times before - but here goes again: Dallas the year before Gailey took over as HC: 6-10 Dallas Gailey's two years as HC: 10-6 8-8 Dallas for three years after Gailey was fired as HC: 5-11 5-11 5-11 This wasn't the Super Bowl Cowboys - the stars you mention were already old and on their way out. Sorry - there is no better way to measure a coach's performance than how the team did before and after he got there - it's rarely this clean cut though. They were dramatically worse both before and after he was there - and dramatically better when he was there. If the Bills don't manage 6 wins (looking sadly likely) that will be a first for him. As for KC - others have already corrected you - Gailey was Pioli's first choice, but he was worried the KC fans were too stupid to get him.
  7. I'm still inclined to think that Lynch is playing to increase his trade value - which had hit rock bottom after last year. If that's not it, then I don't see why he'd start over Jackson. If it is to increase his trade value, then getting Lynch out there looking as good as possible is the right move.
  8. I know So, that leads to my question, and you're just the guy to answer it - Mr. Darth-"we need to draft a QB" Ice - WHO do you see out there that has you excited to draft in 2011?
  9. Thank you. All these people who were screaming for us to go to a 3-4 but obviously had no clue what that means. The DEs aren't the pass-rushers in the defense, kids. Our pass rush sucks because our OLB's suck. And we just extended Kelsay - wow. The curent DL is doing fine.
  10. Agreed - as I said - if Fitz looks good, I'll have my knife and fork ready for anyone who wants to serve me the crow. And I'll like it too, because it means I'll have a better team to watch thus justifying blowing my money on DirecTV yet again. Is that true? It also considers YPC I believe - though in what proportions I don't know. I do know Fitz had a good rating this past week in spite of 2 INTs, and remember Losman was the 11th rated passer in the league his one good year - clearly on the basis of his many bombs to Evans. That's easy - the BROHM-IDES will be out in force.
  11. Oh my dear Lord, he did not just post that, did he?!?! OK - this has to be a gag post from a Bills fan, right?
  12. This. Gailey's said a few weeks ago he's be working Bell and Wood up going into the early season - both are not 100%. And yes, Green just sucks and they're trying anything there.
  13. I am seriously starting to wonder if there even IS a first-round worthy QB coming out in the draft this year. Wasn't 2011 supposed to be some big year for QB's??? I haven't seen one Saturday QB that really impressed me this year. I'm an FSU guy too, and even Ponder makes me nervous. Looks like a good 2nd round kind of pick to me.
  14. You can pick one game or another - I only started with the Pats because that's the big success Random Fitz is supposed to have just had. Also - between last year and this, New England's defense got worse, and Miami's defense got better. This is known from their performances against other teams this year. Miami promptly followed the win over us with an almost identical score against Brett Favre and the Vikings - sort of a HoF version of Fits, surrounded by better players. It's really not a hard comparison - Fits had a QB rating of 69.7 last season. Trent had a 73.8. All the fans getting excited about how Fits "inspires the offense" or whatever aren't remembering the same games I am when I saw him lead us to one 3-and-out after another BECAUSE HE CAN'T HIT THE TARGET. Cutting Trent is fine if he wasn't doing what Gailey was telling him to do in the pre-snap or whatever. And the broader point you make - that because there are other problems on the offense - Fitz is a better choice in the short term may well be right. Please just don't forget the difference in the defenses of the three teams we faced, and revisit after Fitz tries to heave it up randomly against the Jets. And, btw - you should all know I will be on here eating crow with a fork and knife and liking it if Fitz looks good Sunday.
  15. And how did Trent do the last time he played at New England?? Is your memory really THAT bad??? Oh yes - here it is: 15/25 2 TD, 0 INT 212 yards. His second pass of the game was a 21 yard completion to Reed called back because of a Bell false start, btw. And NE has lost defenders since last season. Oh wait - then Fitz got NE in Buffalo later in the year - 17/25 1 TD 1 INT 178 yards, 10 points. You're right - Fitz in the man - our offense is SOOOO much better with him!! How could Gailey not have seen from last year's tapes how much better he was than Edwards?!? Sure - last week's 23-point "explosion" was all because Fitz > Edwards. Hold on to that thought against the Jets this week - then get ready to jump on the Brohm bandwagon - it will be a big one. C'mon guys - I get that Edwards had lost his confidence - 3 years playing for Jauron will do that to any offensive player - and I suspect Gailey was frustrated with things (falure to read defenses, audible, etc) we don't know about, but please don't kid yourselves that Trent never was good enough or that Random Fitzpatrick is the answer to anything.
  16. OMG Because Fitz and the rest of the team were up against the Patriots' crappy defense and the first two weeks it was Miami and GB - two of the top 5 defenses in the league???? I really am blown away by folks not seeing something so obvious.
  17. Sorry to harsh you out! I guess my main point - other to keep the story straight that we need to draft OLB(s) not DE(s) - is that the play wasn't quite as bad as it looked - Maybin sucked, but Edwards was undone by Ellis running into him, and Williams was alone against 2 guys. It did look bad though.
  18. Ah yup. And this should be read by all the Stroud bashers and others critisizing out D-Line for lack of pass-rush - OUR D-Line HASN'T BEEN PLAYING MUCH the last two weeks - they keep playing a 4-2 nickel, which if you consider that our former DE's are now OLBs is really a 2-4 nickel package. That's a big part of why we keep getting run on - we keep lining up in a nickel. Bad LB's don't help either.
  19. Oh there's more wrong with his argument than that. How about getting all licquored up over Fitz's performance just under 250 yds, 2 TDs, 2 INT, 23 points against what is one of the worst D's in the league this season. As for the defense - the issue is obvious - our LB's are horrible - especially when Keith Ellison - who was too small to play OLB in a Tampa 4-3 (where the OLB's are actually supposed to be smaller) is now an ILB in a 3-4 filling in for Poz. Ray Lewis - Ellison is not. As an aside - why they decided to switch to a 3-4 this year when LB was the weak spot - well... I was saying they should go to a "big" 4-3 instead of the Tampa-2 crap. Right now it seems like they are in a nickel 4-2 half the time anyway - I guess two straight games against teams much better at passing than running will do that. Really - it's ridiculous to read much into the Bills right now. So much of what they have done is exactly mapped to who they were up against: They've played 3 of the better teams in the league, with two on the road, so it's no surprise they are 0-3. The first week they played a team with a great defense and a weak offense, and what do you know - they lose a close low-scoring game. Week two they go to Lambeau field against one of the best teams in the league, that has one of the best QB's and probably the best pass defense in the NFL - both in the secondary and in the pass rush, and what do you know, they can't pass block, and their defense gets picked apart. Week three, they again go to play one of the best QB's in the league, but with a Pats defense that is very suspect - particularly with a very young secondary, and much of their former talent in the front seven gone - and what do you know, all of a sudden our O-line blocks better, but the defense struggles to stop Brady to Moss and Welker and their 1st round pick TE - like that doesn't happen to a lot of teams? Our run D has looked shaky for two weeks - in part because we're always in a nickel worrying about Rodgers and Brady. The run D did pretty well against Miami's Brown and Williams - maybe because against Henne they could stay in the base 3-4??? Honestly - why is it so hard to consider the opposition when evaluating their performance?? Here's my prediction for this week - if Revis plays, even the mighty Fitz will have no luck getting Evans the ball. What a shocker when that happens, eh?
  20. On the other hand, his arm strength and accuracy aren't anything to write home about. Sorry - Moore looks like a system QB to me - see also Hawaii QB's (and a lot of other WAC QB's, come to think of it.).
  21. A new low point in video analysis and posting more like it - sorry. 1) Checking my roster, yes - here it is - MAYBIN IS AN LB - NOT A DL!! And yes, Maybin still sux. 2) No push? The other three rushers were more than 5 yards into the backfield. 3 defenders working against 4 OL. 3) Stroud is not on the field - he's #99 for future reference. "LE" was our young 2nd string OLB Chris Ellis, and he lets himself get shoved to the inside, which is where they lose contain. It's also where he runs into Dwan Edwards' legs from behind and knocks him down - not the Patriots doing or any physical failure on Edwards' part - just a raw rookie getting out of position. 4) Williams is knocked down eventually by two OL. Whatever. Sure - it sounds cute - but actually looking at the video eliminates your point. There were only 2 D-linemen on the field on that play. The DL is not a weakness of this team. The LB's, on the other hand, are a serious weakness.
  22. It's not the D-Line - it's the LB's. OUR D-LINE IS FINE!! I don't get how people don't get this - we're playing a 3-4 now. It's not the DE's main job to generate a pass-rush - think of it like we've got 3 DT's. The job of the three of them is to keep the OL off of the LB's. Dwan Edwards has been doing his job well - he was starting for the Ravens last year, after all, right? Stroud's fine in his new role. Williams is a little small but is strong and fights hard enough to play well. AND we just drafted a 2nd round NT (Troupe) and a 3rd round DE (Carrington) - why in heck would we draft yet another DL before these guys have a chance to develop when our LB's are sooo bad and we need help at TE and OT?? Oh yeah - and QB too.
  23. We really don't need a DL. I really don't understand those who keep complaining that our front 3 aren't getting enough pass-rush. It's a 3-4 now people - it's not their job to rush the passer - we need better OLB's. Our current starters have been very sound, and we have a 2nd (Troup) and a 3rd (Carrington) round rookie backing them up. Why the heck would we draft another before those two have had a chance to develop? If a very promising QB is there, you take him, but with the depth at the position and not a clear sure thing, I'd lean towards waiting for the 2nd and taking the best QB then. A stud OLB is the most pressing need after QB. I think (hope) by the end of the season we may be OK with Bell at OLT. Then we get an ORT later or as a better FA than Green.
  24. No, the fact that when faced with a RB, there's a good chance he'll fall down instead of making the tackle - that makes him a stiff. I sure hope you're right about him getting it figured out at OLB, but it clearly has not happened yet.
  25. fixed. don't get too excited about Fitz or the WRs.
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