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Everything posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. Perfect. So if she's 3 months pregnant, she'll probably deliver during the week of August 27th, just in time for the start of the regular season. Will Tommy remember all his plays while the momma he dumped is breast feeding his out-of-wedlock kid? Bill Bellychuck needed this like he needed a hole in the head. Excellent.
  2. For those who weren't aware, Cowher is headed to CBS NFL Today next year. http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/07049/763109-194.stm
  3. Brady has always had protection problems on and off the field.
  4. Kudos to Rusty on the recognition. It's well-deserved. MM will always be in my Idiot Hall of Fame for letting this calibre of guy to leave the Bills organization. I hope you enjoy your 2007 season in Swampland as the new Tight Ends Coach MM. Maybe next year, you'll be demoted yet again to ball boy.
  5. Nate was better in the last 8 games than the first games 8 of last season. Which Nate will show up next year for the Bills or whatever other team he lands with. If he plays like he did in his last 8, he'll be dominant and earn the big bucks that he's demanding. I'm not suggesting that he'll ever turn into a super-dud free agent like SS Adam Archuleta did for the Redskins, but Nate will have to bring his A-game to every game to justify his signing bonus and contract dollars.
  6. As much as I like Shannon Sharpe, I have more problems understanding Shannon Sharpe on CBS than I did Irvin.
  7. Kudos to ESPN for finally recognizing the mistake in hiring the Dopehead in the first place. Michael Irvin on TV was exposed for being a self-centered, talentless NFL analyst. He was a poor representative for the game. And his constant @ss-kissing of Terrell Owens in his one-on-one interviews were likely even too much for the few TO sympathizers. He'll have a lot more time to ham it up with TO now that he's unemployed.
  8. The guy labelled it as a "projection". It at least provides a starting point for a relative comparison. I think the relative differences are more meaningful than the absolute differences.
  9. http://www.askthecommish.com/salarycap/numbers.asp Projected 2007 NFL Salary Cap Space for Each Team Rank Team $ Under the Cap 1 San Francisco 49ers $42.1 M 2 Buffalo Bills $39.7 M 3 Arizona Cardinals $36.7 M 4 Tennessee Titans $36 M 5 Cleveland Browns $33.305 M 6 St. Louis Rams $31.98 M 7 Minnesota Vikings $31.5 M 8 Jacksonville Jaguars $31 M 9 Cincinnati Bengals $28.8 M 10 NY Jets $28.455 M 11 Green Bay Packers $28.36 M 12 New England Patriots $26.98 M 13 Chicago Bears $26.9 M 14 New Orleans Saints $26 M 15 San Diego Chargers $24.6 M 16 Tampa Bay Buccaneers $23.985 M 17 Detroit Lions $23.8 M 18 Seattle Seahawks $21.9 M 19 Dallas Cowboys $21.5 M 20 Houston Texans $19.8 M 21 Miami Dolphins $17.8 M 22 NY Giants $15.7 M 23 Oakland Raiders $14.105 M 24 Philadelphia Eagles $12.4 M 25 Atlanta Falcons $11.5 M 26 Denver Broncos $7.6 M 27 Kansas City Chiefs $7 M 28 Baltimore Ravens $5.7 M 29 Indianapolis Colts $4.9 M 30 Pittsburgh Steelers $1.44 M 31 Carolina Panthers $-3.1 32 Washington Redskins $-2.388 M
  10. Wow, that's an astute call. I wouldn't be surprised.
  11. But they've got major cap issues. How they handle Brunell over the offseason will impact their cap.
  12. My guess: Some 23yo recent college grad in Schumer's Washington office fielded a call from some people in Rochester or perhaps someone within the Bills organization. She typed up a press statement that quoted Schumer throughout. Schumer's exec assistant had a look at it, OKed it, and wham, out it went. Schumer probably didn't even read or see it.
  13. The Skins are Exhibit A of how to put a wrecking ball to your draft program through idiotic free agency management.
  14. Yup. No perfect deck of cards is ever in place for any QB. Sometimes one has to step up through all the adversity and obstacles. Carr hasn't done that.
  15. You're absolutely right. And he returned to play while some of his ribs had still not healed. Love him or hate him, but the guy shows flashes of being a trooper when he wants to be.
  16. That's just pure silliness and idiotic. If you want to post rumours or fantasy speculation, then label it and post it as such. It's highly misleading to label it as you did.
  17. The timing of Schumer's intervention was likely carefully selected. I imagine the scheduling brain trust in the league's offices are working on the schedule as we speak.
  18. The question is who put him up to this. Somebody usually has to speak with a Senator's staff to get the Senator to act on an issue like this. Was it from within the Bills organization? Was it a citizen's "group" from Rochester?
  19. I hear ya. Let's talk about the draft, FA, and other ways our Bills can take steps to get into the playoffs next year.
  20. There's been endless discussion of Plummer reuniting with Kubiak.
  21. Can the hoakster out there just put this to bed now? and perhaps focus on the draft or something else that will help our team on the field next year.
  22. Can you believe that he's already in the second half of his 40s? My how time (and life!) passes.
  23. Wow, that's amazing data. So WRs and DBs have been popular choices.
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