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Everything posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. Please, NO. The guy's a rock star. ML and DJ need the guy badly.
  2. I hear ya. Besides pee breaks and visits to the fridge, I'm glued to the TV for the 2 days. Go Bills in 07!!
  3. Your welcome Sports No plans for Toronto franchise, NFL says: Godfrey still has hope: Football league continues to focus on L.A. expansion Aaron Wherry, with files from Emily Mathieu and Sean Fitz-Gerald National Post 557 words 7 September 2006 National Post National B9 English If there is an NFL dream to be championed in Toronto, it would seem destined to remain just that -- a dream. A day after Larry Tanenbaum, chairman of Maple Leaf Sports and Entertainment, publicly floated the idea of partnering with Ted Rogers, CEO of Rogers Communications Inc., to bring an NFL team to Toronto, there was plenty of reason to doubt such a possibility. Tanenbaum mentioned the NFL during a news conference Tuesday to announce a marketing partnership between MLSE (owners of hockey's Maple Leafs) and Rogers (owners of baseball's Blue Jays). The idea is one that has been debated for years, but with little discernible progress. "We have no current plans for expansion," Peter Abitante, an NFL spokesman, said yesterday. Abitante also said that, to his knowledge, the 32-team league has had no discussions with anyone about expanding to Toronto or relocating a team there. The league's priority remains re-establishing a franchise in Los Angeles. Speaking to reporters at the Super Bowl in Detroit, former commissioner Paul Tagliabue, who was replaced by Roger Goodell last month, said he did not expect a second franchise to join the league with Los Angeles. A Toronto team would then likely have to be relocated from a current NFL market, and franchises such as Buffalo and New Orleans have been cited as possibilities. But even if an owner was willing to sell and the NFL willing to allow such a move, other obstacles remain. The Rogers Centre has a football capacity of 53,506 -- a figure that would make it among the smallest in the NFL. As well, when Houston became the NFL's 32nd city in 2002, the team paid a US$700-million franchise fee, meaning prospective owners would now likely have to pay nearly US$1-billion for the right to compete. Though Tanenbaum sits on the MLSE board, an NFL bid would receive no direct support from the company which, because of NFL ownership restrictions, can not purchase a team. Furthermore, Toronto mayor David Miller said yesterday the city would have no involvement in funding a new NFL-ready stadium or renovations to the Rogers Centre. "My understanding is the NFL doesn't seem overly interested in expanding into Canada," he told reporters. "My concern is the viability of the CFL. It's our Canadian league and the Toronto Argonauts have to be a flagship franchise in that league for the league to succeed." The CFL declined comment. Speaking to a Toronto radio station, Paul Godfrey, president of the Toronto Blue Jays and a member of the board with CanWest Global Communications, reiterated the NFL has never said it intends to expand to Toronto. But Godfrey has long championed Toronto as a future NFL city and still sees hope. "It seems to be that some people at least are discussing the possibility that the NFL would like to improve some of the cities that they're in now by taking out some of the weaker ones and putting in stronger ones," he told AM680. "That would auger well for Toronto in that case."
  4. Wow, what a mess a lot of those predictions were. Let's just hope that Jaws has some special mystical powers and has a special feeling backing up his view that the Bills are his "sleeper" pick for 2007.
  5. That's right. The Pats are happy to pay 75% of market value and sell players on the BS factors: Patriots "mystique", the Patriots "system", yada yada yada.
  6. The Bills will not be moving to Toronto. The NFL has been clear that the priority of the NFL is to put a team in Los Angeles. That doesn't rule out the possibility of Toronto one day getting a team. My interpretation is that Toronto will never have an NFL team before Los Angeles.
  7. An explosive, healthy McCargo alone could shave at least 250 yards off our 2007 total running yards allowed. And that's assuming no other changes to the line.
  8. The offseason is definitely here. Can we bring on the draft faster, please.
  9. Glanville's still in Hawaii as DC of U of H http://uhathletics.hawaii.edu/Coach/coach....amp;coachid=147
  10. Schot told NFL Network tonight that "agrees" with characterizations of his relationship with Smith was dysfunctional. Adam Shefter earlier claimed that the final straw for Smith was Schottenheimer's desire to bring in his brother in some defensive coaching position. That apparently blew the roof of the Chargers house. It was about power. Smith vs. Schottenheimer.
  11. I closed my IE browser, opened a new one and there's no more redirect. Thank you. I wonder what was causing it.
  12. Amazing. Who's calling the shots here on the medical / physio team here. Someone @%&*-ed up big time.
  13. And MM as his OC? That'd be a great way to screw up young Rivers head.
  14. Amen to that. Can we just go back to talking about the draft and FA so that our Bills make the playoffs next year.
  15. Adam Shefter on NFL Network mentioned that Ted Cottrell is being considered.
  16. This redirect to this spyware link is annoying. How do you fix it?
  17. Maybe Green could help "crown" the Chargers and their "@sses" as Superbowl champs next year. They may be "who he thought they were".
  18. I'm sure Mularkey's just whetting his appetite thinking he might want to be considered for the OC role in San Diego, after being demoted to TE coach by Cameron in Swampland. LT better bring a note pad to learn all of Dufus' gadget plays.
  19. Possible and plausible. 14-2 and to dump the HC after so many assistants leave? Was there any thought given to keeping Shot to keep some sort of continuity going? This is a really &%@&-ed up situation.
  20. When Jimmy's name surfaced in the Dallas search, he came out explicitly and said he's finished with coaching. He loves his gig at Fox.
  21. Very strange. We may never know the full story of this soap opera. And that's what it is. Shottenheimer explicitly refused a contract extension weeks ago. The tension between Smith and Shot is legendary. Yet Smith gave Shot a vote of approval in January after the choke game against NE. With both Wade and Cam gone, one can only one what transpired in San Diego. Did Shot approach Smith with some OC/DC options Smith didn't like? Did Smith and the brain trust decide now is the ideal time to break with Shot? One can only speculate.
  22. And it's clear that Mularkey won't be back as Fins Offensive Coordinator. Tight Ends Coach. A big fall for Mr. Gadget Play in the span of 13 months. HC to OC to TE Coach.
  23. That Detroit game still irks me for our ineptness. Roy Williams has his biggest game of the season, much like Chris Chambers in the Fins dreadful comeback win against us in '05. We had no answer for him. A winless team gets its first win against the Bills. Coming off the blowout in Chicago, the Bills should have stepped up against the league's worst team. For me it was the defining game of our season prior to our turnaround in the 2nd half of the season. I wish we could have that game back. I was glad though that Detroit pummelled Dallas at Cowboys Stadium in the final game of the season.
  24. Just more of the same hypocracy from Bruschi, the ultimate media whore. He had all of the media invited into his home after his mini-"stroke". He got the Pats PR department to get the league and ESPN to do a feature on his day at Gillette stadium with a young boy with a terminal disease. He's the ultimate media hound. And as for the Fatriots, any minute that Boomer Esiason, Chris Berman, or Steve Young aren't talking about them is disrespect. Give it up Fatriots, suck up your loss and take it like a man. Wah, Wah, Wah.
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