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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. VG the ear BABY!!!! Dipsie Doo Slasharoo!!!!
  2. according to WGR, Patrick was at the arena last night watching the game.
  3. He apparently accused her of having man hands! check out these meat hooks
  4. 11/16, 7/8, and all final 4. I picked UConn over Duke in the finals. The good news is I have zoomed to 873,000th place in the ESPN contest (up from 2,300,000th place after the first day of games).
  5. Sorry about your loss. Great story about his conversion to the good guys. May he rest in peace and may his family find comfort in the memories they shared together.
  6. link according to this review, it was him. Now my one question, did we know Janice was pregnant? I just don't remember that.
  7. This guy has got our back. His description of Vanek's shootout winner is classic. Garth's Blog
  8. same one. Who knew he was a Sabres fan? I think he miust live right across the border because he attends alot of Sabres games. If you read other entries in his blog, 90% are about the Sabres. He is relentless on Waddell and the other team USA stooges for leaving Ryan Miller off the olympic team.
  9. If this doesn't get you pumped for tonight, nothing will. Garth's Blog
  10. here's hoping for good news at 2pm. How about a Thurman photo on the banner for good luck?
  11. "you've actually touched a penis?....EEEEEEWWWWWWW!!!"
  12. A guy walks into a bar and sees a gorgeous babe nursing a drink. Walking up behind her he says, "Hi, there, good looking'! How's it going'?" Having already downed a few power drinks she turned around, faced him, looked him straight in the eye and said, . . . "Listen! I screw anybody, any time, anywhere, your place, my place, in the car, front door, back door, on the ground, standing up, sitting down, naked, with clothes on, dirty, clean and sweet, it just doesn't matter to me. I've been doing it ever since I got out of college..... I just flat-a** love it!" Eyes now wide with interest, he responded, "No kidding! I'm a lawyer, too! What firm are you with?
  13. Noticed Willis closed on a house in OP for $720k (Bielmeier Builders). Maybe he's not looking to get out. Sorry, no link. In yesterday's Buffalo News business section where they list the week's real estate transactions.
  14. toughest ticket in the history of Buffalo sports. I had attended the week before so it was my oldest brother's turn to go with my dad in the season's. My other brother in Florida and I were frantic to go. We used all of our contacts which are better than most (included some players at the time) to no avail. Finally, the hail mary was completed two days before the game as we snagged the last two seats on a bus from a restaurant in Amherst after two people unexpectedly cancelled. We sat in the 30th row of the upper deck even with the end zone but they were great to us. What a day!! My most vivid game day memory was of course the a** kickin that took place on the field but also the helicopters hovering in place the entire game due to the increased security (operation Desert Storm began just a few days earlier).
  15. since age has been such a hot topic on the board lately, is anyone else surprised that Sherman (51) and Lofton (49) are only a year and a half apart in age? Sherman struck me as the venerable, experienced coach type while many of us on the board have vivid memories (that don't seem so long ago) of Lofton making huge plays for our Bills. No comment good or bad here, it just struck me as funny.
  16. For those that didn't catch last night's game, nhl.com has video highlight packages for each game. Click on scores, then on the video link.
  17. WGR had Clayton on at 5pm. He said that Marv wanted to keep Tom Clements as OC and cited that as another reason MM will quit. I hope that's not true.
  18. park at the arena. Take the train to the Allen/Hospital station (first station after you go underground). Anchor Bar is a two block walk North from there.
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