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Everything posted by BarkLessWagMore

  1. TID to Darth wannabe: "which one is the button to call your parents for a ride home" too funny.
  2. Well said. Jeremy is like the whiny little brother who disagrees with everything you say, no matter how obvious. They make a terrible team. No interviews, which is one of Howard's major strength. The format of the show is just atrocious. They stick to one topic for the entire show. Basically, I find it unlistenable like others who have commented here.
  3. Q: Why does Michael Jackson like twenty eight year old males? A: Because there are twenty of them!! Sorry.
  4. Huh? So the tax reduction was evil. That's news to me. Personally, I have enjoyed that extra 30% of MY money these past few years and feel quite confident I have put it to better use than Erie County would have. As a voter, I didn't realize that Giambra losing his marbles was my responsibility. FYI, when initially elected, Giambra's platform was the tax reduction combined with a downsizing of governments through consolidations, staffing cuts, pork cuts, etc. Seems laughable now, but that is what he promised. Look it up, Thurman. Finally, what is a voter mandated item? I have been voting for many years and never new I had the power to do anything except vote. In conclusion, the voters are on the hook for NOTHING and most politicians (including Hevasi) stink.
  5. All across the board (retail, wholesale, manufacturing, service, etc.). I'm not saying there are as many jobs or they are easy to find. I'm just saying that there are good jobs in this area. The best suggestion I could give anyone looking for a job here is network, network, network (family, friends, former business acquaintances, parole officer). Many of my client's jobs never hit the street. They are filled through some connection without a want ad ever being placed.
  6. 1. ditto on VI's comments. 2. CPA (small practice - mainstay of our business is other small businesses, located primarily in WNY, and many of whom are quietly thriving. As an aside, I find it humorous that many on this site and elsewhere claim there are no jobs in WNY yet the #1 problem for nearly all our clients is finding and retaining good people). 3. No 4. Not sure, but I hope so. I further intend to do my part in our little revolution going on here now and keep the heat on our elected officials. No more sitting on the sidelines.
  7. I believe the top season ticket count was 54k (in '92 I think)
  8. married w/ 4 boys (I believe). This is really an incredible story. I remember when the accident happened. The stories about this family were very moving.
  9. It's back up. I'm "Big Boy Poland" Oh, how right they are!
  10. "Yes, your excellency. Columbian drug lords COULD smuggle cocaine using breast implants!"
  11. to answer your question, it closed suddenly a couple of weeks ago. No plans to reopen in the WNY area.
  12. link not sure he's going to take much playing time away from Taylor
  13. I had a similar dilema. We had a cracked flue tile that would have cost $3k to fix. We opted for a gas insert for less money and have been very happy. I enjoyed building wood fires but would not do it if it was too late or we were going out later. With the gas insert, I hit the remote and the room is warm in 5 minutes (it is in a cold room). I would definitely recommend this approach. We went with a Regency fireplace and dressed it up a little by going with a bay shaped glass instead of the flat front.
  14. With all due respect, we were coming off 4 straight Super Bowl appearances and it is not unusual for a fan base to get complacent when they have had an unbelievable amount of success. That said, what does JAX have to be complacent about? Also, that game drew 65k plus, a respectable crowd but there was huge blocks of empty seats because our capacity was still 80k then. A final interesting tidbit from that game was JAX backup QB was none other that Rob Johnson and I had the "privilege" of sitting next to his father who was one of the most obnoxious people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. He spent most of the game dumping on Buffalo and yelling what crappy fans we had because of the empty seats. A tad ironic for several reasons, no? All in all, a pretty funny memory. Years later, when Rob was here, I saw his father again walking the halls of the stadium and he clearly recognized me and remembered his comments about Buffalo. He looked like he had swallowed a handful of sh--.
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