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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. Interviewer: Basically there’s an entire discourse on the internet right now that’s painting you as creepy and old and out of touch and kinda lame. Biden: Eh? I'm not out of touch, I've got plenty of touching left. (no, it wasn't really said)
  2. Did Twitter remove Trends to kill it? I don't see Trends anymore, but I am not sure if maybe I did something on my end to remove them from being visible. Edit: They don't look completely removed, but they do appear to have been removed from the right side of the timelines, so they are more hidden now.
  3. Long thread by Jeff Sessions, which seems to be snippets of the letter he posted to Facebook. Link to the Facebook letter is in the below tweet.
  4. Not speaking directly to you DR, but I've seen this sentiment in a lot of various places, so wanted to piggyback off it, to point out that, for the past few decades, the outgoing/ incoming administrations have been 2 sides of the same coin, so it hasn't ever even needed to be a consideration...not until a true outsider gained the office who was willing to expose it.
  5. Also, interesting connection: Ezra's lawyer had been Mark Zaid, the same lawyer used by Ciaramella (the UkraineGate whistleblower).
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