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Everything posted by Hedge

  1. "Accidentally on purpose". I wonder if this perhaps means that the initial jail break of the virus was indeed accidental, but then the decision was made after that occurred to let the whole world suffer along with China.
  2. What I learned from this is that Bill Pullman is a Bills fan (really). https://twitter.com/Bill_Pullman_ Apologies to Chef Jim for bringing it up.
  3. It's not easy to produce a flattering picture of single person when you have to use the panoramic setting to fit them in the frame.
  4. He was in his 50s. (Various sources have him from 52-58) Chinese ambassador to Israel found dead in Hertzliya home
  5. Scalise mentions the indictments at ~30:30 in. Collins mentions the indictments at ~56:40 in. (they may have been mentioned other places, as well...I was skipping around and didn't listen to the whole interview)
  6. If you got that it was a joke, you honestly believe that I was accusing you of lying? What kind of twisted pretzel logic is that? Again, you perceive things in a very odd way.
  7. Regarding the red bolded above: ? You perceive things in a very odd way.
  8. I get that you may be bending a few truths in this sentence, to protect the innocent, but things are finally starting to make sense.
  9. According to this report the US *may* resume funding, up to the same amount that China does, which is a whole lot less than what we had been on the hook for previously.
  10. If Chris Hayes is trying to run with this, I'm not at all worried about it being true. Edit: And the hits just keep on coming.
  11. Race to replace U.S. Rep. John Ratcliffe gathers steam as Republican activists set date to pick his likely successor Edit: I should add that I will be sorry to see Grenell no longer in the position. He has left big shoes to fill in a short amount of time.
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