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Everything posted by BringMetheHeadofLeonLett

  1. I love a metric *****-ton of music made before and after, and imho that version of 'My Generation' is the pinnacle of the entirety of rock music- I've just never heard anything else soar quite that high. The build, the pinnacle, the plunge off the cliff Entwistle Moon pure gorgeous ferocity. Chilling. I have a couple playing copies and a sealed original press... so I guess I'm a fan of the album haha
  2. Just caught The Who tonight. Full disclosure- I absolutely love The Who, and have no doubt Pete Townshend's songwriting, and Keith Moon's extraordinary approach to life beyond helped me become the lovable person I am today. I believe they are both well into their 70's, and Entwistle and Moon are gone, but they put on a helluva show. A lot of Tommy up front, then a bunch of 80's stuff (Daltrey acknowledged the 80's wasn't the bands best decade, but they did it anyway), then went into some very good Quadrophenia. I didn't want the show to end, and my voice is pretty well gone. It wasn't 'Live at Leeds', but hell yeah I'd go to that show again.
  3. I don't know that I give a ***** about The Clash, but I believe this song belongs in a time capsule, lest the aliens think it's all just tragically random, our existence.
  4. BTW, those were real F-4U Corsairs, back before things that were real were filmed doing things that really happened. Those aircraft used to fly out of Sylmar, California, back before people used to give a ***** about whether stuff really existed.
  5. I was the sickest my 7 year old body had ever been, buried in a bed for four days straight, but my folks brought me to to watch this show I got to meet Pappy Boyington at an airshow when I was 10. I don't think he was too impressed.
  6. IMHO this is the greatest. There's just something about this song which takes you to a time and place... even if you never lived there, you get it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=07tYdd7drSE
  7. Speed Racer was just so different. I figured out later on it was the foley/footsteps that made it different from the orchestral footsteps of Yosemite Sam running out of the 'powder room' they're both brilliant. and when there's daaaangrous work to do Go Speed Racer, Go Speed Racer- Go Speed Racer Goooooo
  8. I don't know that it's the acting so much- we've just seen his beard and know he has weird little sideways pubile hairs on his face.
  9. Kisses to you all- love you Bills fans- we're off to a good start, and if this team keeps it up, we are gonna have a fun, fun year.
  10. Of course. Absolutely LOVED his game tonight! He took the back end of some plays off, and used others to set up the opposing OL- he was fantastic, and basically tenacious at the right times. He knows how to approach his game on the field. Too bad he got stuck on the donkeys for so long
  11. I guess I gotta hope that'll change. If he racks up sacks, I guess I won't care if he knows who he's playing for either. )
  12. Glad he got some sacks, but watching that interview I'm not sure Von Miller knows which team he's playing for.
  13. I've only taken the train up and down the West coast, but I've always had fun. First trip was Portland to LA... I was walking through a car and someone goes, Pat?? - I look and it's my buddy Tim- Tim introduced me to the concept of frosty mugs, and he was THE expert at it. So we end up in the bar car- back when you could smoke like civilized people, and the couple sharing a table with us got into a misunderstanding with themselves. She apparently wasn't too happy with him, and put her cigarette out in that soft-spot between his thumb and fore-finger. It was fun to watch, but didn't sit too well with him. Anyway, they gave them both one last chance to not get thrown off the train. They put her up front, and put him at the back. Somewhere around 3:30 AM there's this chick grunting/screaming as she's running full blast to the back of the train past us in the upper deck. I guess she's the one who broke the pact, because next stop she was standing at a station in the snow, somewhere in the middle of the night, as we kept chugging along. I'm also pretty sure I spent a trip next to David Crosby another time, but we all get to just live sometimes, so I never asked who he was... maybe I sat next to a guy named Bob. I'd definitely get a sleeper car, unless you don't want to sleep so much. It's a very entertaining way to see the USA.
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