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Ned Flanders

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Everything posted by Ned Flanders

  1. I seem to find more vintage NFL Films programming on Classic than I do the NFL Network, which is surprising because NFLN has access to the ENTIRE VAULT of NFL Films...but I guess Training Camp with the Jacksonville Jaguars, or the daily showing of last year's AFC championship, somehow makes better theater.
  2. Hey Glenn, clicked on Jimmy's site and saw the pictures from the Ravens game...was that the trip were it was something like $250 for tix and tailgate? Looks like they had a good time, despite the weather and the Bills' performance.
  3. Here is the 1965 uniform...I remember some red trim on the sleeve stripes, though, both home and away. Hope they make the old timers, i.e. Kemp, Cookie, etc available in this style. 1965 Bills uni's And please, for all in the name of God that is good, no red helmet with a white standing buffalo like we saw in 1994!
  4. 1973...the best Bills threads ever Classic
  5. It was actually 47 yards....a number that will forever be planted in my head. Also, after the safety, didn't Andre Reed fail to come up with a pass around the NY 40 that left the Bills in a punting situation? Seem to remember that key play as well. If the Bills continue the drive with that first down, XXV coulda went the other way.
  6. I dunno...looks really outta place. I'll always remember #12 in the classic royal...this is kinda like bidding on a Babe Ruth Boston Braves jersey.
  7. His brother Stan, coach of the Heat, is a Brockport State alum!
  8. CSN and the Wiz-Bulls was on last night (CH 629) in NOVA. MASN is on CH 626 and they broadcast the Nats-Dodgers game last night. As you know, CSN has filed suit against MASN, saying CSN should have had a chance to bid for the O's package. (The O's package w/CSN runs out AFTER the 2006 season) So, in typical cable fashion, Comcast has not picked up MASN...claiming thay got hosed by Angelos...DirecTV has, however, come to an agreement with MASN and is showing about 65 Nats games on 626, which if you live in the Washington area, comes with the basic programming package, like CSN. So, long story short, the DC-Baltimore area now gets two RSNs (don't know if Richmond was included). MASN right now only shows the Nats, and will go to some sort of filler programming next year, in which DTV will carry the network 24/7.
  9. So the Lions now have FOUR uniforms? Did they lose sight of the fact what the word "uniform" means? Jeeziz, does everyone still want to look like the LA Kings? And for the Bills, these were the best of (fashion) times: Best Bills uni's ever
  10. Or a Brad Lamb jersey.... I have the blue Bob Chandler jersey as well...funny, though, when I wear it to RWS alot of "kids" wonder who the heck "Chandler" is.
  11. They are a welcome addition to the neighborhood, indeed.
  12. Agree with WWII Memorial...it is a must. Also, go out of the way a little bit and go to Ford's Theatre. Always try to take folks there from outta town. The insides are pretty much the same the night old Abe took one in the noggin. Skip lunch at the nearby Hard Rock and go to the Hill to the Tune Inn. Cheap food and drinks rule the day...it's not as much a dive as it use to be (no menus, no credit cards, National Bohemian ONLY on tap) but it's still a good time. Also go accross the river and visit the USMC, or Iwo Jima, Memorial. I never tire of going there and the views of the city can't be beat.
  13. There's only one... 1973: Best Bills uniforms ever
  14. I'll never forget the sign at Rich in 1980, fourth game of the season, against the Raiders: "Nixon for President." Jeff Nixon, I believe (and I'm going off memory, not an old media guide) had several INTs in that game and was on his way to the Pro Bowl, only to have his knee blown out the next game at SD. I don't think he was ever the same afterwards. Also, memory sez that Rod Kush, his more than able back-up, also had his knee blown out in the game at SD, which the Bills won to start 1980 5-0.
  15. These calendars are obsolete the minute they're printed...I have the same complaint. The pictures were taken during the 2003 season, for a 2005 calendar. Why they can't take the pics from the first couple of games in 2004 and slap them on a calendar is beyond me...I'm sure the "technology" is not that complex.
  16. The SB XXVII (the first one vs Cowboys) highlight film features Jimmy Johnson spouting off about how he "knew the Cowboys would win the game, but he just didn't know by how much." If that didn't fire up the Bills for the next year's matchup, I don't know what would have...but as we all know, whatever fire that was burning inside the Bills was doused shortly after halftime...
  17. I'm sorry, I just like the '73 threads...there's a reason the Packers, Raiders, Steelers, Yankees, Habs, and Celtics wear the same uni year after year: the classic look never goes out of style. Best Bills uniform...ever
  18. Since when was JFK a CVN? "...the Kitty Hawk looked much better for its age than the JFK" That's a reason to scrap the JFK? It doesn't "look" good? I spent four years on the JFK, '76-'80...I know it was 25 years ago but it was a damn fine ship and we were the most decorated carrier in the Navy during the time period. Years pass and Big Jack may have had some problems, but they just finished a deployment where thousands of sorties over Iraq were conducted...and did a fine job. If it's time for JFK to go, so be it. But I hope Rummy and the boys take a good long look at what the Kennedy can bring to the table, both now and in the near future.
  19. The "rumor" I heard is that Danny W pulled out because of the Flutie fiasco...that Wegman was very fond of DF, both personally and finacially (remember "Flutie's Favorite Sub?). It's too bad that there's ill-blood between Wegmans and the Bills, because they are both a natural fit for each other...and because when Ralph goes to that great sky box way above the stadium named after him, Danny W will be one of the locals looked to to keep the team in WNY.
  20. And for all the pi$$ing and moaning about so many Steeler fans at RWS last Sunday, there were easily 20,000 Bills fans in Cleveland that day, me included. I'll never forget, during the final Bills drive, OJ, doing the game for NBC, was standing in the corner of the end zone the Bills were driving toward, whipping the Bills fans into a frenzy. And I think he had some very expensive shoes on...
  21. They're about seven players and a uniform switch to the 1973 vintage threads away.... Best Bills uni ever
  22. Was that the game where NFL Films had Lou Saban miked? I remember seeing a clip on "The Super Seventies," which BTW is a great NFL Films piece, where Nottingham (I think) rumbles up the middle for a big gainer and Saban yells, "GOD ALMIGHTY!!! WHY DO WE DO THAT?!?!" Before the game, Saban addresses the Bills in the locker room: "You can get it done...you can get it done...what's more ya GOTTA get it done!" From the looks of the uniforms, it's a 1974 game in Miami...I'm thinking the Toomay game might have been 1975?
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