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Everything posted by LancasterSteve

  1. I'd be beyond "giddy" if it fell this way. Tennessee at eight could very well want to leapfrog Cincy. In the point value chart, the third pick is worth 2200 points. The eight pick is worth 1400 points; a difference of 800. 800 points will get you Tenn. second round pick #39 overall-worth 500 points, their third round pick #77 overall worth 205 points and the first of their fourth round picks, #109 overall worth 76 points. Total 781 points just under the 800 point difference needed for Tennessee to move up to our third pick overall. Point Value Chart: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft06/news/story?id=2410670
  2. Since the day Bledsoe trotted out onto the field when these uni's were unveiled we have been horrible with flashes of mediocrity. Thank "total control" Tom Donahoe. I was at RWS when these dark, dark ugly uniforms with a wide red stripe down the pant legs were revealed. There were maybe 500 fans. Before the players came out, the mood was quite festive but quickly became more sobering with the realization that our beloved Buffalo Bills would never again wear the red,white & blue so ingrained in our memory from those great teams of the early 90's. The curse was on and the football Gods have not smiled down upon us once in all these years. If its true that the colors will one again be Royal Blue, Scarlet Red and White, maybe just maybe the curse will be lifted and the winning ways of 20 years ago will once again be a common occurrence at Ralph Wilson Stadium.
  3. That would indeed be sweet. Never happen but nice thought non-the-less.
  4. Thank You......and as Buddy Nix said the lying is only beginning and believe nothing you read or hear, even from them. Yes he did say "lying" Buddy Nix never minced words before and he still doesn't. Good advice from Buddy Nix for those that jump for joy or jump off cliffs at every morsel that is leaked on the draft.
  5. Send some our way. Lake has ice as far as one can see. Damm Ice boom keeping us cold when winds are from the west or north. Winds today are from the south so we catch a break. Oh and Jack, you ever see that ice boom across the mouth of the Niagara river? TNT wouldn't touch it. Bunker busters maybe...and a lot of them!!
  6. Good Post. People have to realize that all these draft mockers MOVE players around on what bits of info they pick up. Trouble is there is just so much disinformation-manure if you wish, spread around. Most teams draft boards have been pretty much set for some time. What affects teams draft boards is not players rising up, but a players stock dropping after a team finds out with further checks all the info that we as fans will never be privy to. Same goes for draft mockers for that matter. All we have as fans in forming our opinions is what has happened on the field. There is just so much more that teams find out, but will never release due to privcy concerns. So are all teams equal in doing this and that answer is no. It takes money and a lot of it to have the boots on the ground year round to gather all this info. The good teams usually start building profiles on players as soon as they make a teams radar. Usually tipped off by a coach about a certain player a scout might want to watch over time for example. That is why I was so happy to hear that Buddy Nix had hired 6 new scouts with 3 of those set for the SE. The dividends will play out in future drafts hopefully. It will take these scouts, depending their time in scoutng to build relationships with coaches and athletic directors at these schools to get honest info and not hype.
  7. So am I, still cold tonight again. Damm iceboom holding all the ice on the lake is what is keeping us cold
  8. Even the Titans at 8 or the Vikings at 12 are potential trading partners. Especially Tenn. which is really in need of a Quarterback. The Viking trade though would probably have to include a future draft pick as well as one in this draft.
  9. At least a 2 & 3 like you mention, Point Value Chart: http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft06/news/story?id=2410670 A trade up is just pie in the sky stuff. Buddy Nix values draft picks like gold and if he does trade it will be down to pick up more picks but I expect him to stay put and draft Miller. The best case scenario for the Bills if they do intend to trade down is if Caroline drafts a QB enticing a team like Minn. or Tenn. to trade with the Bills.
  10. Where? The only reference I remember Gailey making was about drafting a waterbug at the Owners meeting like Astrobot linked above. No mention of Spiller. I am at most Bills related events and do not believe Nix or Gailey mentioned Spiller once. I do remember that at the pre-draft breakfast last year only a few pre-screened questions were answered. I will double check with a friend who was there if Spiller was mentioned at all. I only remember hearing that Spiller was very much on the Bills radar 2 days before the draft and that was NOT in the media.
  11. Buddy Nix already has brought his sucessor onboard and would be very surprised if Nix still wants to be the GM of the Bills in 3 years. About Doug Whaley here: http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-3/Asst-GM-Whaley-embracing-challenge-with-Bills/76e7c583-338d-45fd-9cc0-c7ca9a662dd5 In those sound bites much of what was said didn't make the final cut. Defense was mentioned but You have to understand the crowd they were playing to. Downtown right after businesses are done for the day enabled many more business types and I might add a surprising number of women to be able to attend than maybe "hardcore fans" like on The Stadium Wall. Newton was in town and his name brought a buzz to the crowd with his name recognation even to the most casual fan in attendence. Yes, offense sells tickets especially if a new shiny QB is drafted. And even the fact that most of the people who shout "stop them" and have absolutly no clue whats-so-ever on defensive resposibilities will not sway Buddy Nix on who to draft IMHO. As far as Mr. Wilson, given his failing health I expect that we will never see him very active in any decisions at One Bills Drive going forward. I would love to hear that Mr. Wilson made the trip here for the draft but the likelihood of that happening does not look too good right now. On the football side, it's Buddy Nix's show as it should be and right or wrong the draft choices made will be his call. No commitees, no drawing straws or any other such nonsense that went on when DJ was here and Russ Brandon was very unfairly put in a spot that was not his expertise. We as fans can all be very grateful that those ruderless days of the Bills organization are behind us starting with Tom Donahoe tearing apart the scouting department (which Buddy Nix continues to rebuild even after making big strides this past year in adding more scouts) to the Marv Levy/ Dick Jauron fiasco that was much worse than very few if any here really know. I'll leave it at that. As Pat Kirwan mentions in his column what is not said can be as telling as what is and I tend to take with a grain of salt any claims that come out of the rumor mills; especially now leading up to the draft.
  12. That brought a smile to my face. Only a few people with the Bills now from when way back when I was there. Ancient history now. Then I got to thinking who is there? and then another smile. Of course there is Buddy Nix who I have known since the Bill Polian/John Butler days but would never put him on the spot with a question on a specific player. He might give me a half truth which I would interpret in a different way and if I was to ever share it publicly (which BTW I would never betray that trust) it would border between fantasy, speculation and outright lie of what was originally meant. There are more than enought bloggers that do just that
  13. Good article from Pat Kirwan that I had saved a few years back about the misinformation that's "leaked" in the weeks leading up to the draft. At the State of the Bills this past week for example both Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey had banter back and forth with MC Steve Tasker on Cam Newton that IMHO was seemed forced and just a little over the top to me. Look on the main page of Buffalo Bills.com; article by Chris Brown- Newton ahead of Gabbert. Smoke ??? maybe and then the Bills Booster meeting with Paul Peck speaking and his lofty praise for Newton and how he would be perfect for the Bills. Maybe the Easter Bunny is wispering in Paul's ear. Funny last year nothing was ever said much about Spiller at any of these events though I did find out a few days before the draft that Spiller was very much on the Bills' radar. Here is the Pat Kiwan article: http://www.nfl.com/draft/story/09000d5d80fe0897/printable/dont-believe-the-hype-it-could-just-be-a-smokescreen
  14. No Ralph Wilson was not there but that is not unusual. For all the years I have been attending events like this and the draft party sponsored by the Bills, Ralph Wilson has never made an appearance. I usually have had a chance to talk (briefly) with Mr. Wilson when he was passing thru the Paul McGuire Club on the way to the pressbox in past years but this past season I didn't see him once. Two years ago I was a little taken aback at how much he had aged from the previous year. Took him a few seconds to remember me but he did. My Mom & Step-Dad are about the same age as Mr. Wilson and at that age mental sharpness is a thing of the past. Decisions for them are in the "now", not tomorrow or the next day.
  15. Ha-ha, no E B Greens this time around but have dined there quite a few times in the past. Trouble is the older I get, the bigger the steaks look and the less I am able to eat. 20-30 years ago, I would have ordered the biggest cut of steak and still had room for more Thanks John. One of these days IM going to have to call Jay and set up a meeting of the "Inner Circle" over a garbage plate. Maybe Friday of Draft weekend when RRich is here. Thanks Bill
  16. One of the perks of being a Club seat holder is being able to attend Buffalo Bills events like the annual "State of the Bills" Chris Brown who I have met before at Buffalo Bills Booster meetings asked me to say a few words which he got on tape. IM first up and start speaking before the video comes on. Edited out were some of the criticisms I had for both sides in the labor dispute and my opinion that I wasn't very high on either Newton or Gabbert and that's OK as far as IM concerned. I belive it is video number 2 on BuffaloBills .com Here: http://www.buffalobills.com/
  17. Yep, forecast for 10 degrees tonight and its snowing again
  18. Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Nix is going to follow his draft board (excluding QB's ) and if he doesn't have a QB rated within a certain range of the third pick that he might consider like Gabbert or Newton the pick could go a number of different directions. Is AJ Green or Nick Fairly or Peterson rated as high as the third pick by Nix ? We don't know how the Bills have their board stacked in regards to Dareus or Bowers. Could the Bills have them rated lower, sure but we can take it to the bank that whoever is selected (non quarterback) will be the highest rated player on their draft boaard.
  19. Here: http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/columns/larry-felser/article352884.ece I used to call Larry's show "Monday Morning Quarterback" on WBEN on occasion during the off season but when the late John Butler or AJ Smith were on this time of year leading up to the draft; I always tried to get thru. Around the mid 80's Jim Sabo one of "the lads" of Ourlads' Draft Guide was on John Murphy's sports radio talk show on WBEN touting his draft guide. There were no push button phones (that I knew of) just a rotary dial and dial I did over and over trying to get thru to order my first ever draft guide. I still have that guide and every year after somewhere in the house. Good stuff.
  20. Is it just a coincidence that ever since Donahoe got rid of our red, white and blue uniforms... that the Bills have sucked, haven't made the playoffs and have become progressively worse? I think the marketing department jinxed the Bills. And ALL the football people went brain dead at the same time. Mark my words, the Bills will never make the playoffs again until the red, white and blue football uniform gods in the football sky are placated
  21. To each his own I guess . I'd rather see T&A I would like to see the red, white & blue of the Super bowl teams. I don't care what Buffalo they put on the helmets, as long is it isn't one laying on its back
  22. Indeed....Thanks for sharing this with us. That was really enjoyable.
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