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Everything posted by Andy1

  1. No one will say it, but I guarantee there are a lot of Republicans who hope he is convicted and just goes away.
  2. Trumps whole persona is about someone who breaks norms, ethics, rules and laws. It’s how he has lived his life. No one, including him should be surprised by todays news.
  3. I think it’s low for mass protest. After J6, I don’t think many rational people want to sacrifice their lives for the orange king. But then there are the irrational true believers. One lone wolf can cause tragedy for many. Unfortunately Trump has and will continue to use incendiary speech to encourage violence. He thrives on this crap.
  4. Not too excited. Let the process play out. I’m sure he will maximize the victim role from it. He’s the only person whose attorneys go to prison yet he walks unscathed. Perhaps the law is catching up to him.
  5. This reasoning ignores the probability of one dying due to the actions of another. Butter knifes are not used in mass killings. Knife laws are stupid and outdated. Why kill with a knife when anyone can get a gun? The discussion is about high powered assault weapons, where if you get shot, your probability of dying is much much greater than from other guns. They are designed for easy carrying and mass killing. We as a society need to decide if we are fine with losing our brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews to preserve the rights of assault weapon owners. Cops don’t want to face off a nut job with assault weapons either. You can’t harden everywhere. Psychos will find a crowd to kill. At minimum, there should be waiting periods and mental checks on buyers. Until then… thoughts and prayers and hope a nut doesn’t find you.
  6. It’s interesting that since the D Hop rumors have been circulating, Diggs has been silent. No more ambiguous stay or go tweets.
  7. Legislation can protect those who are truly disabled. With todays economy though, there are many more opportunities for employment for people with disabilities. Lots of people work at home. The goal should be to move people into employment, consistent with their abilities, rather than providing lifetime checks.
  8. I think the actual number is about 60% of households pay taxes. The point is still valid though. It’s not just the bottom income brackets that aren’t paying too. I also think if you’re not paying into SS or Medicare, you shouldn’t be eligible for benefits.
  9. We can complain about the pay and benefits of politicians or some stupid obscure expense but that is not a serious solution to the problem. Solving the deficit will require years of sacrifice by some segment of society. Proposals that don’t include cutting or changing eligibility for social security/Medicare, cutting military budget or raising taxes won’t put a dent in the debt. Failure to do anything and we just pass a worse problem down to our children.
  10. https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58984 For anyone who cares about the deficit, the Congressional Budget Office recently released a report analyzing proposals to balance the budget over 10 years. See link above. If the Trump tax cuts are allowed to expire, and no reductions are made to defense, social security, Medicare and veterans programs, then all other non-interest spending would need to be cut by 86%. If the Trump tax cuts are extended, with no cuts to defense, veterans programs, Medicare or social security, and 100% of all other non interest spending were cut, there would still be a small deficit.
  11. You also have to consider the offenses Singletary and Harris played in. It’s safe to say that defenses were much more concerned about the pass vs the Bills resulting in more light boxes to run against for Singletary compared to Harris.
  12. He’s the kind of back we need for our playoff games in the snow.
  13. I think Sherfield is going to be a sneaky good signing. Looks like he is a good blocker, has very good hands, is good catching over the middle, has the speed to take it to the house, smart, great character. He had a late start to his position as WR and may just be a late bloomer. He’ll definitely push for WR 3.
  14. Devin could easily be #7 on the list if we used him more.
  15. Agreed! Here are the starting QBs in the NFC once he leaves
  16. Jets and fins are looking to be aggressive to overtake the Bills. Bean better have a plan.
  17. Does anyone know if the quantity of drugs crossing the border has increased or is it just the toxicity (as in fentanyl and whatever other crap people use) that has increased? The cartels have been sending tons of drugs over the border for decades, regardless of the number of migrants crossing or the war on drugs. If one way is stopped, they will find another way. As long as there is a demand by stupid Americans, they will feed it. Resources would be better spent on locking up dealers, education, addiction treatment and prevention programs. As far as immigration goes, there are powerful forces on both sides of the aisle that want to keep the issue just the way it is.
  18. I think Washington could be a great selection. Bean likes traits and is looking for a mismatch type player. He may be gone before our 1st round selection.
  19. EJ Manuel has reappeared as a commentator on NFL Network talking the combine. Glad to see he found a career for his skill set.
  20. Good, big and fast might not be available in the draft this year. Most experts say this years WR class doesn’t have that alpha type receiver we have seen in most recent drafts. That’s why I’m leaning towards a bigger physical type receiver like Mingo. No smurfs.
  21. Greg Cosell mentioned Ole Miss WR Jonathan Mingo as an intriguing prospect. He is a big physical style WR who we could possibly pick in 2nd or 3rd rounds. Just something to consider….
  22. Diggs sounds like he is playing head games with his ambiguous tweets. I am left wondering who the messages are intended for. Josh? Bean? Fans? He could immediately end any speculation by saying an affirmative statement but he chooses not to.
  23. She did nothing visibly wrong in this video. It appears that she was trying to help the guy before he tries to take her gun. He got the wrong end of what he wanted. There shouldn’t be an expectation for the woman who was assaulted to provide first aid to the male aggressor. She was likely in shock over the event and urged others to call police. Her best line was “and now I have to go to work….”.
  24. Sounds like you agree it is much more than 1% of the formula for playoff teams. One of these seasons, Lady Luck will shine on the Bills. With all the adversity the team dealt with, this was definitely not the year.
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