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Everything posted by 4BillsintheBurgh

  1. Lesson here is don't promise things to your kids you can't deliver.
  2. I think it will be difficult to bring in a blue chip DL unless they are on the downhill side of their career. Any DL who is looking for top money on the free agent market will not come here for 50% of the defensive snaps. The only way they come is if they accept below market contracts given out lower snap count and want a chance to win. So I see in our future at DL a mix of older vets and draftee's and us hopefully squeezing out a good year or two from the older group and catching a ride with a young stud for a while. That said, it seems like a match with us if Short is willing to accept our offer, if we even made one. Our only issue is that we are really pretty stocked with DL now.
  3. Sorry Dan, it's always tough for me to take you seriously, especially about the little stuff, because not every qb has your moxie and field awareness. https://youtu.be/J0OkR986LL4
  4. Then it became a bear feeder -
  5. So I had a nice bird feeder, different birds showed up -
  6. Hopefully we'll get flexed into a game. I assume we will be the "national" game at various times on Sunday afternoon, so that might count for something. As for folks saying they want just 1pm games - the only way we get that is if we suck. Having seen 17 years of straight suck from this team plus a lot of periods of suck I say bring on the prime time games!
  7. Just a couple thoughts: I'll be surprised if Bates makes it this year due to the rookies. They didn't seem to want to use him last year when they could have and we don't need the jack of all trades now since we (hopefully) have decent depth on the inside and outside. I guess they have moved away from the fullback role, nary a peep has come out about trying to acquire one. It's now all about the pass first it looks like. I'm also not going to be surprised if Brieda is getting most of the carries this year. With the athletic oline you'd think we'd want to get on the outside more and I don't think Moss and Singletary have the juice to get there consistently.
  8. I'm a strainer from way back, although I am not afraid to use the dirty strainer from yesterday. It's boiling water after all. Ingredients in addition to the noodles: 1 slice of american cheese (per ramen pack) with a little bit of water left in the noodles = cheese sauce 1 hotdog cut up in slices Any veggie that would work in soup and half the packet of seasoning.
  9. Well, it seems like the future of our oline is tall and athletic - in other words, don't get your hopes up.
  10. Never really paid attention to Norman on that play before. Tough to win with only 10 competing.
  11. I like the fact Rousseau played safety in high school and is 6'7, now we have someone who can knock down the hail mary passes! 4d chess! I do think these d ends are more run stuffers than twitchy pass rushers and I'm okay with that. I hope they can help us force more 3rd and longs, which will help our sack numbers. I also hope they can win one on one battles because having to double any dlineman will help the others. The oline guys might not be ready this year but if just one of the tackles hits it will be a good thing. With a deep tackle class I think of Gabe Davis hitting with the deep wr class last year.
  12. I'm fine with that, it's just all the crap around the actual picks that I don't like. They could start later or whatever.
  13. It would be fine if the NFL announced the pick when it was in instead of making sure they get the programming in from the prior pick. Seemed like it was an hour too long, full of production value.
  14. Rousseau's pro day did not help him - falling down after doing the vertical jump will do that. Looks to me like he prepared the week before.
  15. Interesting, ok. I thought he checked a lot of boxes - versatility, young, raw, room to grow both physically and technique-wise. The proday didn't look elite though, you're right about that. It will be interesting to see who goes first between him and Oweh.
  16. Haha, well they say interviews are important - maybe we know now why some decisions are made seemingly in the absence of sensibility. With his neck injury and lack of tape I can see why he didn't get taken as quickly as maybe he should have, but I have to assume that he did not impress (or maybe put off) a lot of gm's in the interview portion. I don't have any other way to comprehend why he would have fallen that far.
  17. Why do you think that? I was just reading some of the quoted articles from his wikipedia page and while it didn't have too much about his personality it seemed to be good. Was a wr/s in high school, Miami had to convince him to get a nasty streak to play DE because they thought it would make him a better player.
  18. You wondered what they were thinking. I suggested the last time they had a HOF qb and a backup drafted high might be a place to look for answers. Winning super bowls is a team effort, and quite often requires some amount of luck. We're talking about transitioning from a high level qb here.
  19. Do you think when Metcalf met with Beane prior to the draft that he had his shirt on or off?
  20. Haha - it just takes one person to want to pay the price...
  21. I'm thinking if they do indeed take Oweh it is because he has the temperament to succeed in football instead of painting like Maybin. I don't get the angst or comparison, in the football world that circumstance was like 3 generations ago. Would be another young, talented guy for Frazier and co to try and get the most out of.
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