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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. I think they did the best they could with the very limited amount of cap space that they had...oh wait...ummm.....well it looks better than last year anyway so who knows
  2. If there was Bruce wouldn't be able to make it because of a perfectly timed surgery
  3. 87 Days and counting.....it seems like just yesterday when it was Losman to Peters for the first of the season
  4. The political and bureaucratic landscape of western new york makes it impossible to accomplish any new initiatives in a timely manner. Remember the report on the local stations about removing the seats in the Aud? The city said it would have to sell the seats for $200 a pop just to cover the removal costs.....$200 to get 1 friggen seat out of an old arena. That right there speaks volumes. There is so much red tape encircling the city because there are so few pies and everyone wants to have their fingers in one.
  5. I can't believe no one has said Herschel Walker...he epitomizes all show and no go
  6. Hate to say it but could you imagine how loud that go leafs go chant would be
  7. I don't ever recall going "wow I can't believe Montana just threw a 3 yard checkdown on fourth and long"
  8. Chris Hanson, Jaguars Punter for putting an ax in his leg in the locker room.
  9. Nope, you are good to go and wash her up. As far as the black pickup, I have a black Avalanche and it shows everything. Best advice is to wash it in the shade, and then for the final rinse do a very fine mist on the truck. Last black vehicle i'll ever own though. If I wash my red Z and my Avalanche at the same time, the truck looks like it needs washing again 6 hours later while the car's good for 5-6 days.
  10. Wow, Otto certainly is a self absorbed wad. Bentley is one of the best young linemen in the game and he calls him out over wanting to honor him. I don't think Otto has to worry about Bentley being his #1 fan anymore. His off the cuff remarks are really irresponsible to even throw out there. Of course he was a Raider...
  11. Two of your three answers are banned and strictly enforced by the league. Improved weight training is a component. The NFL has become a multi-billion dollar business over the years. Getting drafted is quickly approaching the status of essentially hitting the lottery. Personal trainers, dieticians, and the like are all now implemented because of the large sums of money at stake. The league is a 12 month job as opposed to 30 years ago when training camp was specifically for training. The talent pool on which to draw from is also expanding, the NFL is turning global so inherently, better athletes are being exposed to the limelight. As far as your other quote about his birdbrain only noticing it at the WR position, you have me perplexed. Why would he bring LB's and Linemen into a thread specifically discussing the potential merits of a tall WR? Why compare apples to oranges when you can compare apples to apples? Its not a being naive, it's staying on topic. I'm not comprehending your crusade here. I remember when I was 15, I was able to converse with others without going into a derisive and insult laden tangent. Nance has the physical tools that are in line with the ideological prototype receiver in the NFL. Yes there are exceptions like Steve Smith who excel in spite of their physical stature, but that is by far the exception and not the norm. You talk about the 6-4 Nance being only 3 inches taller than Wilson, however you fail to take into accout the added arm length that a taller person also has. Now you are looking at a 6 inch advantage over Wilson, which in a game of inches can be a distinct difference maker. What do you have to lose by seeing if the kid can develop under all-world tuteledge? Your answer: Nothing
  12. I heard the Jackson Bay Buccaguars have issued Mike Williams a mandatory wardrobe that says "Do Not Feed" across the front and back of the shirts. Also, they are discouraging fans from bringing anything Fried, Chocolate, or Salty to training camp as they may be placing their lives at risk by being mauled. Although we've never seen big mike actually maul anyone, be it on the football field or off, there always remains that possibility.
  13. Well I guess it's TECHNICALLY not stealing if they're giving him the money
  14. I'm going to go ahead and say that if he makes some plays in September and beyond, I don't care if he went to Southern Kentucky Central Culinary Institute and is a master at Brazilian Ju-Jitsu. If the guy proves he can play than that's all I need to know. If he can't, he'll be exposed when the pads go on and he'll be bagging groceries.
  15. Drafting is an inexact science...take a guy like Willie Parker. Backup running back from NC. His college coaches didn't even think enough of him to start at his program. 3 years later, the undrafted FA pickup is the starting tailback for the Superbowl champs. Who should be fired over missing that guy? No one, sometimes a light goes on, people mature at different rates, sometimes it takes just the right coach to finally unsheath the talent to match the physical ability. Not being drafted, wearing his pants too low, only a 4.5, whatever who cares, last time I checked the only reason we're talking about this guy is that he is showing something in an NFL CAMP, against NFL TALENT. LaDaris, come on man, deep inside the immaturity displayed in your posts is a fair amount of a rational thought pattern, even if it comes out as a crusade. Tip for life, having an idea is the first part of the equation, being able to successfully transfer that idea for debate is the other half. Being condescending and omnipotent in your theories lessens the credibility of what you have to say.
  16. The final details of the contract are being worked out, however there is a stipulation that upon signing the deal, Bennie must go out and commit a felony to help with the "chemistry".
  17. Looks like sully's discovered the little blue pill
  18. Steelers board showing: Lost most of his teeth Broken Jaw Orbital Bone Fracture Substantial knee injuries Lacerations to the head and face
  19. Troy Vincent's quickly approaching the same area that Bledsoe reached for me. He is a proven vet with something (not much but something) left in the tank. He is a good guy in the community and says the right things...AND he plays with the emotion of a tree stump. There is no passion in his play, and there doesn't seem to be any genuine pride in his game. I think that it's time to move in a different direction with Vincent and get either Simpson or Baker in there to learn as opposed to having a 35 year old safety playing in what looks to be a non-playoff year.
  20. Every man woman and child on the planet were watching it on 5 tv's
  21. You do make a valid point, he did do a good job coming back from one of the most devastating injuries we've seen in many many years....It just seems like that fire has gone out. Maybe he needs a change of scenery, who knows but he just doesn't seem to take the game personally anymore.
  22. I think the main issue with Willis lies in his true underlying motivation (or lack thereof). He seems to be a totally uninspired figure. He doesn't seem to be the type of player who covets the all mighty dollar above all, he just seems like the type of guy who happened to be good at football, and it keeps him from working a 9-5 job. It's like the question: what would you do if you won the megamillions? Would you sit around and do nothing for the rest of your life or would you truly make your mark on the world.....I have a feeling McGahee would choose option A. Option A is fine if you are one of the 250 million other average Americans, but it's not if you want to be an elite running back. He epitomizes just going through the motions.
  23. I can't say I blame them. I'm the first one to blindly defend any Buffalo team but it is hard to make a case that contradicts their point. Now there are many unproven variables on the team that may jolt the Bills out of their 6 year funk and give us all hope again, but it is hard to forecast such an occurance.
  24. I heard JP beat up Bob Barker on the 11th Tee
  25. Is there a website where I can order a #1 LABillzFan shirt because that was the perfect post
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