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Everything posted by Bmwolf21

  1. I still think we're still talking about two different things. The room with the busts is the actual Hall of Fame, and from my visits and from their website I see nothing that indicates players go in as a member of a certain franchise. Plaques and lists in the museum section of the complex are nice but I don't think they are "official." FWIW, Lofton's name appears on the Bills list on the HoF website, as does Montana's name on the Chiefs' list, so it's possible those plaques are incomplete or haven't been updated. (LINK) That has changed in recent years as a result of guys choosing the caps of teams where they spent a minority of their career or had minimal success. Now the Hall will take the player's wishes into consideration, but the final decision rests with the HoF. From the BBHoF website: Who decides what team logo will be used on Hall of Fame plaques? The choice of which team’s logo appears on a player’s plaque is the Museum's decision, though we always consider the wishes of an inductee. As a history Museum, it's important that the logo be emblematic of the historical accomplishments of that player's career. A player's election to the Hall of Fame is a career achievement, and as such, every team for whom he played is listed on the plaque; however, the logo selection is based on where that player makes his most indelible mark.
  2. Those are two separate things. There is the Hall of Fame, which is just the enshrinees' busts -- which list all teams an enshrinee played for -- and then there is the museum part of the building with the mementos and historical artifacts. Just because someone has more stuff from one team than another in the museum doesn't mean he "went in" as a member of that franchise.
  3. Shocker of all shockers, Goodell says everything Walsh told him was consistent with what they already knew. LINK NEW YORK -- After meeting with former Patriots video assistant Matt Walsh for more than three hours, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell said no new information had come to light as a result and indicated that the Spygate scandal had run its course. Goodell also said he was told by Walsh that the Patriots did not have a videotape of a walk-through practice of the St. Louis Rams prior to the 2002 Super Bowl. The Boston Herald had previously reported that such a tape existed, but Goodell said Tuesday he was able to verify that there is no such tape.
  4. Buffalo Police spokesperson, Mike DeGeorge says the people in the car are a couple from Florida. He believes they are involved in a domestic dispute. LINK
  5. When are we talking about? Back in the 1910s - 1920s? I have no idea what they did way back then, but according to my quick research at hockeydb.com the NHL hasn't played a schedule of less than 60 games since '45-46. EDIT: Oops, Darin beat me to it. Still, the point stands 45-46 was the first season of 60 games, up from 50 per season from the previous four years, and before that it was 48 games a season going back to '31-32.
  6. A November to March schedule isn't practical or possible. To do that you would reduce the league to a three-month regular season and two months for the playoffs, and the playoffs would have to start in late January/early February. Considering the average team plays approx. 3-4 games per week in the regular season, a November-Feb schedule would permit only around 54 games per team, which is less than they've played going back to 45-46 - when there were only six teams. Plus there are a lot of teams that share facilities with NBA teams so there would probably be a lot more scheduling conflicts, especially come NHL playoff time.
  7. I know Hedo has been Mr. 4th Quarter this year, but clearing out and letting him isolate would definitely not be my first choice. He's also had at least a couple questionable shot selections in this playoffs - outside of that last shot (which I thought there should have been a blocking foul called) today he seemed more under control and took good shots and got some good looks. I do agree about the officiating and the Pistons turning it into a street brawl in the second half. The foul and T on Dooling was so bad I decided to walk the dog and get out of the house for a few minutes - I was that ticked about that call. I even changed the channel when the Cavs-Celts game went to halftime and they started teasing the Magic highlights.
  8. FANTASTIC call at the end of the game - isolate Hedo instead of running some sort of pick and roll or allowing Jameer to drive and dish. And another great late-game shot by Hedo. The Magic are all but done.
  9. Really enjoying watching the Magic piss away a 14-point lead in the 3rd quarter...good to see some guys still forcing up bad shots and make bad decisions with the ball....
  10. In some areas I've found the local guys seem to be more accurate than the national broadcasts, and in others it seems that the national guys have a better handle on the weather systems than the local guys do. Purely perception, of course - but it just seems that way to me. For the longest time it seemed the local guys in WNY had a better handle on the lake effect snow machine than the TWC guys did. I do remember when we lived in Orlando and Hurricane Charley was coming up Florida's east coast, and nearly every meteorologist had forecast had the storm making landfall in Tampa, but one of the local guys in Orlando broke with his updated forecast track, saying it was going to turn early before making it to Tampa and make landfall south of Tampa and pass over Orlando. In that case he got it right and gave us in Orlando a fighting chance to get home and get ready or get to shelters. I think that's the difference between the OCM (on-camera meteorologist) and the "weather anchor" like Kevin O'Connell on WGRZ - good on camera but not formally trained/educated in meteorology.
  11. Fighting for ratings against the NBA is pointless from the NHL's POV. The NBA has ABC, ESPN, ESPN2 and TNT, while the NHL has NBC and Versus. Not exactly a fair fight there, especially when the NHL is already fighting an uphill battle for respectability. Even during the previous two seasons (the Sabres' ECF runs) I found myself sort of "hockeyed-out" by the time the playoffs started - because the regular season is so long. I think lopping 12 games off the schedule - going from 82 to 70 - would be perfect. I couldn't watch other series or enjoy any other hockey, and once the Sabres were eliminated I couldn't bear the thought of watching any more hockey. But the seven-game series is absolutely perfect. Nothing rivals the intensity and emotion of an NHL Game 7, no matter who is playing or what round.
  12. No, they're not and they do not need to be shortened. The NHL playoffs are perfect in length and format right now. If anything needs to be tweaked it's the length of the regular season. Besides, the NHL is already in their conference finals right now while the NBA is still in their semifinal round.
  13. Gas prices up .22 over the last three days here in Cleveland...
  14. Losing our "Local on the 8's" when we switched to DirecTV sucked, but other than that I don't really miss anything from TWC.
  15. Exactly. Their last WS title and pennant came in 1991. This multi-billionaire was practically begging MLB to contract the Twins back in 2002. Combine that with a refusal/inability to lock up any of their big-ticket players and not trying to make a team better that has been at the top of the Central for much of the 2000s (four division titles since 2002 and they let guys like Santana and Hunter go) and it's easy to understand why they're on that list.
  16. I think we had a thread on this before the Great TSW Crash of '08, but can't seem to find it to add this link. Anyway there are new pics of some of the characters (and a couple old ones) - this gallery shows (in order): Snake Eyes, Scarlett, the "white" Rip Cord (played by Marlon Wayans) Heavy Duty, Hawk, Duke, Destro (very disappointing, IMO) Breaker, The Baroness and Storm Shadow. Click here for the gallery.
  17. I'm on board. When can we scramble the bombers?
  18. IIRC from my brief time working at a Toyota dealership, Toyota has something like four or five assembly plants in the US and a major one in Huntsville, Ala.
  19. I loved this one: Give it up, we were caught speeding and charged with vehicular homocide.
  20. I swore I read that a couple times when the story first broke, so I did a Google search for 'Patriots taping sidelines memo' and that brings up a ton of results. This is the first result, and is from the NYT around the time the original story broke: (LINK) N.F.L. policy prohibits videotaping opposing coaches giving signals. Last year, the N.F.L.’s executive vice president of football operations, Ray Anderson, sent a memo to teams reminding them of the rule. The memo is believed to have been generated in part by suspicions that the Patriots had videotaped coaches at several games last season. It looks like it was against NFL policy to tape the sidelines/coaching signals from anywhere in the stadium.
  21. I was under the impression that taping the sidelines was an absolute no-no, no matter where the cameraman was located.
  22. The best thing the Cavs have going for them after last night is the fact that they lost by 3 with LeBron having the worst game possible.
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