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Everything posted by smokinandjokin

  1. You weren't out of state? With Artest in Sacramento, and Stephen Jackson now playing for the Warriors, I just assumed you would've found your way to California by now.... Ohhhh, the game was AGAINST the Warriors....It all makes sense now...
  3. I would consider myself a soccer fan...I have a brother who played D-I soccer in college in the Big East, and I understand the game pretty well. I have been to top-level pro games in several different countries in Europe, including England (go Everton!) and Holland. That said, I can't see the game catching on across a large spectrum of fans here in the U.S. There are too many other sporting options that are, frankly, more exciting to watch. I was watching part of the USA-Mexico game yesterday while flipping back to UNC-Duke hoops. The soccer game made me pass out, seriously. They say that more kids across the US play soccer than any other sport, and it's ready to boom. But it's been that way for awhile, as far as youth-participation statistics, and it still hasn't 'boomed' yet. I can see it being successful, and I can see the MLS as a viable professional league, but I just can't see it capturing the attention of the masses.
  4. I don't understand what's wrong with paying $0.99 per song on iTunes. We all grew up paying $15 for CD's to be able to hear those 2-3 songs that were really worth it...But now it's not worth it to pay $3 to own those three songs???? I agree, free would be better, but I have a job. I have some expendable income and I love listening to music. I have no problem with $0.99 for a good tune. As for those of you bashing the labels and artists because nobody makes a full album anymore...Isn't that a function of the downloading generation??? Bands attempt to make that one "hit" that will be downloaded countless times and create the buzz, rather than focusing on putting out an incredible body of work that the album used to be...It's a cycle that feeds itself....
  5. The USA has turned the tables on this rivalry, and have pretty much owned the Mexicans since the mid-90's. We still don't win in Mexico City, but with the smog, elevation, and 110,000 piss-hurling Mexicans, nobody else does either. Speaking of throw-togethers, the USA has a full roster of 'next generation' players who have little or no national team experience, with a few World Cup vets sprinkled in. The USA has an interim coach who was on the bench for only his second game, and he is giving a bunch of new, young players a chance to perform. Mexico had their two big-name strikers playing, as well as their superstar Marquez who plays for Barcelona. The rest may have been a rag-tag bunch, but the same could be said for the American side. Mexico has not scored a goal on United States soil since they tallied one in a 2-1 loss in 1999. They have connected on several kicks to the groin during that timeframe, though.
  6. It's the minor details that make a great costume!
  7. Ruben fell asleep at the wheel with his family in the car and got into an accident. Since parenting skills are used to evaluate players around here, clearly Ruben is a bad parent and I don't want him. At least if Willis falls asleep at the wheel, his kids are at momma's houses. (BTW, about Rube, I hear he's a good dude and a great family man. The accident occurred while taking his fam on vacation.)
  8. I'm not a big wine guy. I like the stuff, but I couldn't tell a $200 bottle from a $6 bottle. There's always some in the house, mostly whatever the girlfriend picks up. I'm pretty impartial but I seem to prefer whites over the reds, but reds work too... I am a big fan of vodka; Ketel One and tonic is my #1 drink and has been for a while. I am also considering dabbling in the scotch after witnessing Bobber's performance that I detailed in another thread. I'm not sure if anyone here has visited the Czech Republic, but if you have been, I'm sure you tried some Slivovitz. The stuff is magic.... Beer is a gift from the gods and I thoroughly enjoy it. I can't say I've had too many bad beers. Literally, if you put it in front of me, I'll drink it. I can put back the fancy micros for taste, or I can get bombed off of Blue Light. I pretty much run the gamut. There have been times where I thought an ice cold Miller High Life in the bottle was the best thing I've ever tasted... I do not make wine or beer.... I'm 28, I think I'm done growing.... In honor of this thread, I may have some wine tonight. What's a good bottle to grab on the way home???
  9. And you've been spotted in the "who plants gardens" thread....Just sayin...
  10. Has anyone conisdered that the three white girls could've been dressed up as victims of a hate crime assault for Halloween?
  11. Ace and Gary are on the case: Blow Hot, Blow Cold
  12. I hear the Habs are going to make a run at Briere this offseason with some big-time money...
  13. A reliable source tells me that you're not very bright...
  14. Everyone knows that the Bills are moving. That letter is clearly from the Buffalo Bills of Toronto, Ontario.
  15. I thought he got in too close... ...calmly flipped to the roof... NICE
  16. Why? I think you can find out a lot about people by the way they act in a social drinking environment. I've gotten to know people a lot better that way than through some corporate team-building "trust your partner to catch you" exercises. Nothing that happened there was out of Bobber's control- he brought it upon himself. And like it was mentioned earlier in this thread, he probably still could've skated through if he didn't bring the Jewish part into it. You don't get fired for being drunk at a company-sponsored happy hour. I'm not exactly sure what he was saying to his boss when they were one-on-one after he fell, but the way he was yelling, and from what he was saying earlier, I wouldn't be surprised if he brought his boss's religion into the equation. And then he slammed his pass down and quit in front of dozens of other employees. I doubt that he only ever called his boss a "Jew bastard" when he was drunk....
  17. Should I head downtown for Happy Hour on Friday and hope to run into Bobber, so I can let him know that NASA now has an opening???
  18. I wasn't aware you could call yourself an astronaut before you've actually been to space. Astronaut-in-training, maybe...Am I right? Can I call myself an astronaut, if that's the case?
  19. Many a Dewar's and water will be sipped across WNY in honor of Bobber
  20. You can play the hypothetical game all you want. Maybe he was a day trader on the side and took his $9M nest egg and moved to Tahiti. I think my friend said he was an accountant where they work; I'm sure he'll catch on elsewhere. And trust me, if you were there, you would've found it humorous. If you don't think that somebody (who you don't know) ripping their own shirt open and yelling in their boss's face while pointing at him, followed by him slamming down his i.d. card and quitting...If you don't think that is in the least bit funny, then I can't help you. Cause it was goddam hilarious.
  21. YES!!! A guy I work with is not much of a drinker, but this past summer at the company golf tournament, he was in my foursome and he cranked it up a notch. We were playing Holiday Valley, and we had a sit-down dinner with open bar afterwards, and then went out to the bars in Ellicottville. We were at Balloons in E-ville, and this guy spent a good 20 minutes trying to do that dance move where you are laying on your back, and you use your arms to thrust yourself up and end up on your feet. He was absolutely wasted and was failing miserably, it was classic!!!
  22. "So...Leather helmets, huh? Really? What was THAT like?"
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