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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. TKO ain't too proud to beg, lol. Ok i've officially run it into the ground...i'll stop...
  2. I thought she was married to the rapper Mack-10.
  3. definitely encouraging news.....hopefully soon he'll be practicin with the first team...
  4. I do think that getting the extra reps in practice could only help our starting QB, whoever it turns out to be, but Pyrite Gal did make a very valid point in stating that is important for BOTH QBs to get reps, as nowadays, most do not start a full season.... Very valid points to all of you...
  5. I agree with you wholeheartedly. I really, really hope that that is what Jauron is doing, is basically just making it seem like it's a competition, for the sole purpose of allowing JP to earn the support of his teammates.
  6. Please forgive me if this topic has already been addressed, as this is my first topic created. Am I the only one not in agreement in how Dick Jauron is handling the quarterback situation? The way he has tap-danced around the issue, refusing to name a starter(I know it's only the first preseason game and apparently who starts is irrelevant), almost brings back memories of Mularkey and the way he would dance around issues and be vague with the media and everyone else. "It may be seniority, or it may be reverse seniority." I mean, what's the deal? Also, I just don't believe that splitting reps in practice, especially with the installation of a new offense, is good for either QB. I am definitely a JP supporter, and I hope with every fiber of my being that he does win the starting job, but if DJ's plan is let Holcomb start, then dammit just let him get the majority of the reps. I think it's pretty much a safe bet to say that JP has outplayed Holcomb in camp from day one. His passes are much more crisp, he looks much more poised in the pocket than last year, he throws a gorgeous deep ball, and his accuracy, while it may not be the same as Holcomb's(mostly because of all of Holcomb's checkdown throws) has definitely improved. So why has Jauron not come out even once and praise JP in camp? I don't think he's mentioned him individually even once. I say that to make this point. As good as JP has looked in camp, imagine if he were getting the lion's share of the reps. I think Jauron's approach to this QB situation is just plain wrong. Please someone shed some light on this for me.... GO BILLS!!!
  7. Love your optimistic forward thinking!! Uhh, Denver maybe? With a Bills victory 21-10! GO BILLS!!!!
  8. Very good point on the backup QBs in the HOF game. I wouldn't mind seeing Holcomb start and play a series, then JP get in there for a couple quarters. I just pray when the regular season starts, Holcomb is ANYWHERE but under center for us. JP is gonna have to be the man for us...
  9. I think I remember someone once dubbing that group, "bend, but don't break"
  10. I've actually only been going to Township Grille since 2001, but I'm not sure who the owner is. When I meet up with everyone on Saturday, I will ask who it is. I really do like going there. Every Sunday they have a room reserved in the back for all the Bills fans, and they have a buffet set up for the whole game. It's wings, meatballs, hot dogs, pasta, and salad. They also give out prizes at halftime. I believe the other spot now for Bills fans is Tavern on the Tracks, although I haven't been to it yet....
  11. I live here in Charlotte. Several Bills Backers are planning on doing some tailgating at the Township Grille, which is the regular season spot for everyone to watch Bills games. I think everyone is meeting there around 3:30p, then heading over to the game together. As far as getting some tickets, to me the best way to get a pair is on e-Bay. Right now you can get a pair for about 90 bucks, which isn't bad. But being it's less than a week away now, your best bet might be getting them at the stadium. I just checked on ticketmaster.com, and single seats are still available for purchase.
  12. It really doesn't surprise me to read what he had to say about Willis. I too get the same feeling, that he just plays for a paycheck. I love the fact he's in a Bills uniform, and I think he's a stand-up guy. When I went to the Bills Packers preseason game last year, I saw Willis sign at least 20 autographs DURING the game, and even took a few pics with fans on the front row. But he just doesn't seem like a 'team player'. He kinda seems like he's content to get paid, and doesn't really care where he does it at. What does trouble me is reading that JP STILL has not earned the respect of the players. I mean, it sounds to me like there's still plenty of players that would rather see Holcomb under center, and that really bothers me alot. I mean, what did JP do? I honestly believe that anyone who follows football, let alone the Buffalo Bills, knows that all Holcomb is is an adequate backup, at best.
  13. It's very possible. I think I read he was already in the rochester area because he was so close to getting a deal done, so it's a good chance for that!!! Let's Go Buffalo!!!
  14. Niiice. Let's git r done Whitner!!!
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