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Everything posted by smuvtalker

  1. First let me just say I thoroughly enjoy reading all of the topics and posts on this board, and for the most part, I just read and don't reply often. But since this time of year is so slow, I decided to voice a huge concern of mine. My biggest fear, in regard to this upcoming season, is that Buffalo improves it's record by, let's just say, two games, and finishes 9-7. Most likely that won't be enough to get us into the playoffs. But due to the improvement, ownership and management decides to keep DJ around.... I do not like, and have never liked Dick Jauron as the coach of the Buffalo Bills. I didn't like the pick when it was first made, and have never come around. The biggest thing I dislike about him is that he seems to be lifeless on the sidelines, and the team seems as if it's taken his identity. I think that they are okay with losing! In that recent article by Tim Graham about Jim Kelly, even Jimbo said that the locker room was dead, and you couldn't even tell if the team won or lost...that is truly, truly sad. So, my question to everyone is this...What has to happen this year for the Bills to retain Jauron? Is a one or two game improvement going to be enough to keep him? Wild card?
  2. Personally, I'm just not sold on Langston Walker as our starting left tackle. I would much prefer the Bills sign Levi Jones, at least as a one year stop-gap until we can get a LT via draft or free agency. I think that would really do wonders for the O-Line.
  3. well, if this happens, i will sh$t myself. twice. My question is, what in the heck could the bills possibly give up to get him? but boy, the electricity here would be enough to light up Ralph Wilson Stadium for the season....
  4. Wow. Hopefully nothing comes of this.... I can't see something like this warranting anything beyond a frown from the higher ups.....whitner's never been in trouble before and this doesn't seem too bad..
  5. would you really keep the d-line the same as we have? our d-line is sub par....and that's being nice..
  6. good point...not only that, i highly doubt any team in their right mind would give up two first round draft picks for Peters. Hell, who is the last team to give up two first rounders for anyone? i highly doubt it was a left tackle...
  7. a line i borrowed from Nutty Professor. Grandma said, "Mike Douglas used to make me moist." poor attempt at humor....
  8. If TO only signed a one year deal, and has this OUTRAGEOUS year, could we really franchise him? I thought once a players contract expires that's it...they become an unrestricted free agent..
  9. While I'm never opposed to extra draft picks, I'm afraid that trading down would rob us of the opportunity to get a blue chip pass rusher, which, even at the 11 position, could be limited... Are there any good free agent DE's available right now? even mid level that could come in and produce right away?
  10. As soon as I saw that he had been signed, I proceeded to piss myself. Then I passed out, and while unconscious, dreamt of TO catching passes from Trent Edwards, doing his silly touchdown antics, and helping the Bills to their first playoff birth in 10 years.... then i woke up, made sure it was real...then pissed myself again. GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I can see your point of view, but would you not agree that the tight end position has been a significant offensive weakness of ours, for at least half a decade if not longer? Also, I just don't want the bills to address the tight end position with our 11th pick in the draft, which i'm hoping we go DE...
  12. absolutely. That would be a formidable, formidable offense. Hopefully noone flames me for the statement I'm about to make, but...with an offense with Trent at the QB, Marshawn and Fred in the backfield, Evans, Owens, and Gonzalez catchin passes, there's no way we couldn't add at least 3 - 4 extra wins to last years total. Dare I even say, we could outscore teams, and not even make any additions to our defense, and still be a playoff contender...
  13. Evans, Owens, and Gonzalez?? Man just hearing that, even the thought makes me moist. That's an offense that would garner INSTANT respectability! I would definitely piss my pants. I already pissed them yesterday when we signed Owens. I would LOVE to see TG come here.......but how much is his asking price? and is he a free agent?
  14. Maybe all these free agents are coming in to Buffalo to get a free plate of LaNova's wings. Cause i'll be damn none of them are signing any contracts....
  15. While I agree that he is not the player that he once was, I do think that he has plenty left to contribute, and even be an above average WR, heck on our team, he could presumably be the number one guy. Sorry, just don't think Evans is as good as many on here make him out to be. How much do you think he will want? He must know he is on the downside of his career...with coles getting around 7 mil per year, do you think he will want much more than that? i know I'm not the owner or GM, but I would gladly give Holt 7 mil to come to Buff. And finally, I do believe that money talks. And if the money was right, I would not be shocked to see Holt come to the Bills. And i would piss my pants with happiness....
  16. I would be absolutely ecstatic if we were able to obtain Holt! IMO, he would be a huge upgrade to our offense. I would much, much rather prefer Holt than Coles. The question is, are we willing to do what it takes to get him? GIT R DONE RALPHIE BOY!!!!
  17. just out of curiousity, what were Hardy's numbers this past year?
  18. Same to you! may God bless you and your family, and everyone else on here, and those less fortunate... GO BILLS IN 09!!!!
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