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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. It seems the owner has some hard decisions to make. 1st being Whaley. If he stays, what's the relationship with existing coaching staff? I'm in the camp that says all is not well. If he does retain Whaley could that mean Pegs has seen enough of Rex (even with remaining contract)? It seems likely there are players not in favor of Rex. Right or wrong it's a factor. QB? How do we invest in TT? If Rex stays, do we overhaul D? I get the feeling everyone isn't rowing together. Seems like there's disarray.....IMO.
  2. What I believe to be the facts: 1) OBD in disarray 2) Nobody pays the price this offseason Prediction: 1) Don't expect success (spelled playoff appearance) for 3-5 years pending regime change which will inevitably happen due too ineptness (primarily coaching staff).
  3. I believe it has. However, the "if Freddy were only here" stuff is a bit overdone.
  4. Fancy Font(es)? Wayne's sister? Clearly. That, or insanity.
  5. You'd win the bet. Doesn't mean he shouldn't go. He should be relieved of his duties as soon as this disaster of a season is over.
  6. They've lost my interest the rest of the way. This organization has some serious, hard decisions to make. It's a complete and total mess.
  7. you're better than this. yep. Meanwhile, many here twist themselves into knots trying to explain how our future is brighter and, worse yet, how we're somehow better than the Jets right now. Quite simply, the Jets are better than Buffalo right now. Neither has a bright, sustainable future on the horizon.
  8. You wouldn't give a nut to lose a playoff game? Good lord. This^ thank you 1) don't fool yourself 2) what on earth are you encouraged about? 3) who cares. we suck and there's no reason to think we're on the verge of anything that resembles a competent, winning organization. It's a culture of losing and that's a fact. ahhhh yes. more excuses. Rex, is that you?
  9. Wait until this time next year. 17 is riiiiiight around the corner.
  10. Probably right. The poll is asking for opinion. I'm not sure the poll is indicating this or not. I think most realize he WON'T be fired......but he should. This team is far from perfect but Rex and crew managed to screw this up royally. The AFC sucks and we STILL can't get in.
  11. It may be more costly to keep him. You think the Pegula's are going to settle for five years of this? Or......are you saying give him another year or two to make it more palatable?
  12. yep. Just like sticking with Rex Ryan, a proven winner. What I like best about him is his defensive genius, him holding his players accountable and him not telling me how good his team is but instead proving it week to week.
  13. I hope we make the playoffs next season. Not feeling it this year. Texans 23 Bills 13
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