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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. Being a Rams fan is worse? Sure about that?
  2. C'mon......its not THAT bad. Gints/Steelers.
  3. Chiefs 19 Bills 17 So very sad. In what could be called the Blunder Bowl. Let's not expect a well managed, crisply coached game by either side.
  4. This would be the craziest thing.......perhaps ever. Don't get your hopes up.
  5. I lived in CT (near MA state line) from late 70's for nearly 20 years. Never met a Pats fan. Never. Could care less when their streak started.They weren't around. I hate the bastards.
  6. This. You couldn't find a Pats fan prior to this run. They will eventually disappear...like it never happened. Hate the bastards.
  7. Thank you for the stats, hondo. Make that a double for me.
  8. I certainly understand NE. Why not GB? just curious. What about NE vs GB?
  9. I agree with your overall assessment. It doesn't bode well for the D the fact that Darby stands out to me.
  10. ^ Yep. Rex needs to adjust to his personnel.
  11. Darby has been the most consistent, standout defender thus far, IMO.
  12. I give him credit for....... .......nah, forget it. He blew it. He gets nothing.
  13. The D has a been a MAJOR disappointed thus far. We played the Jags today, not the Montana led 9ers.
  14. Understood. But from what we've seen to this point, it doesn't much look like one. Haven't won vs a quality team yet and losing 3 of 4 at home. Not characteristics of a playoff team. I see things getting worse. The lack of leadership and accountability will be realized. Finger pointing and discord is on the horizon. I feel it.
  15. Whaley will be gone and Rex and his staff should be. Unfortunately, Rex and Co. will be back.
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