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stinky finger

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Everything posted by stinky finger

  1. This is impressive? Continue reading This. Darby is better now, IMO. You're not lying.
  2. There's no way this mess is fixed in time for the '16 season. Either you believe in Rex or you don't.
  3. I'd like to know if those playing the stability card would feel the same 12 months from now if we miss the playoffs once again.
  4. Yeah, I'm pretty sure too. How confident are you with this staff in place?
  5. Do you think the regime is in place to get this thing going in the right direction? I'd prefer to talk winning Bills football. To talk about our team that is not only competent but likable. Sadly, this team is neither.
  6. Venting frustrations isn't justified? We're on the cusp of completing 16 consecutive seasons without a playoff appearance. Question. How confident are you we straighten out this mess within 3 years? If you want to talk BILLS football venting of frustrations is going to be a byproduct. ....and justified.
  7. No offense Yolo. However, put in context of this season......it's meaningless.
  8. Then it should've been entitled "Bills meaningless rushing stats - what an improvement over last year!
  9. First post in this thread bringing home the reality. Folks, it's a passing league for starters and this wonderful running game will be sitting next to me on the couch watching the playoffs in January. We're so good at crap that just doesn't matter. this
  10. Neither please. Thank you. Unfortunately, he cannot stay on the field. He's just not worth it.
  11. Funny thing is....if this were the Jets coached by Rex, not a chance. I'm good with this Jets team winning and getting in. I wanted so the Chiefs missed out. Steelers and Jets pose more of an obstacle to Pats. This bears watching.
  12. Fair question. I do know this. The present combination isn't the answer.
  13. His decision, IMO, was based on a lack of respect to Fitz and the Jets being the Jets. WHy the lack of urgency at the end of the first half? All we have are small, indirect victories.
  14. I think the hoodie thought Fitz would be the Fitz of old. This is the new improved Fitz. Nobody knows the rules (particularly to manipulate them) better than the cheat. yep
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