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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. I know we have Evans and TO, but can this team really pass on Crabtree if he's there? I think Crabtree is an Andre Johnson or Calvin Johnson. Oraknpo or Brown may be good but I don't think the ceiling is as high with these players as it is with Crabtree.
  2. The Bills as I see it need 5 or 6 starters, which is a quarter or almost a quarter of the starting positions. On offense TE, LG and LT if Peters isn't back. On Defense LE, OLB to replace Ellison and a S to replace the Scott / Simpson combo. I am fine, though with Denney or Kelsay at LE if a pass rushing olb can be found. What's really sad is that the team looks to be filling many of these needs in the draft. Best case scenario is you fill 2, 3 tops of these needs in the draft. That still leaves another 3-4 needs.
  3. I love this fantasy land Plame and Wilson live in. Continuing to blame other people for the leak. Even though The Washington Post, who would be sympathetic to their position even say it was Wilson's fault. Wilson to Blame. . Also if anyone in the administration was to blame it was Richard Armitage who thinks more like Colin Powell thaqn Rumsfeld or Cheny.
  4. Folks, I hate to break it to you, but it's really Ozzie Newsome who is the brains of the operation. As long as he's around the ravens will be fine. The defensive coordinators have been interchangeable Lewis, Mike Nolan and Rex Ryan. They've lost many great players over the year and Ozzie Newsome has been able to replace them. Many of the guys you are reffering to that they lost such as Thomas and Bart Scott were late round or undrafted free agnets. I'm sure Ozzie Newsome will be able to repeat his success.
  5. Awesome idea I feel even if we sign a lb ellison will get pushed into action and he is at best a quality back up. Perry Fewell even said he's not a starter in this league in the Buffalo News.
  6. Some teams have been smart and just given roster bonuses, which count entirely in the year they are given. It would make more sense for the Bills to give roster bonuses, assuming they have the room to do so, instead of signing bonuses in this C2C system would it not?
  7. After seeing him more this year. I finally whitnessed how dirty Adrian Wilson of the Cards is. I always read/heard how dirty he was, but never saw it. Yeah, I would take him at SS and Whitner at FS.
  8. I'd like to get Bluefire's (I think) take on this.
  9. This is hillarious Buckeye Mike. I think you like our culture more than most Canadians do. How do you feel about Loverboy?
  10. Hey Jay. Yeah, they brew it at the Brewery in Burnside. My old man used to work there when he was going to the other SMU. I believe Oland's started in Saint John New Brunswick.
  11. Last season the Bills made a run at Marlon Mcree. This to me showed that they were not satisfied with the group of Whitner, Simpson, Scott and Wilson. Are people satisfied with Whitner at FS and Scott at SS? I personally would like the Bills to make a run at Mike Brown given his ties to Jauron and he is 30 right on which means he probably has another season or two. I also think he may want to come here given his ties to Jauron.
  12. Wow you have many Canadian references. Moosehead Beer, Corner Gas and your sig line is Red Green You can get Moosehead beer in Ohio? Moosehead is brewed in the province next to my home province of Nova Scotia. I knew you could get it Maine I'm surprised it has made it all the way to Ohio. I personally like the Moose Light.
  13. This is just more evidence Donahoe was a control freak as much as his supporters said otherwise. 31-49 in 5 seasons with the paraody in the league today it's almost an accomplishment having that bad of a record.
  14. I remember thinking Wade wasn't an agressive coach. I thought the way Greggo came in so agressive. "We're going to take a run at the single season sack record" and waking up players with his bull horn he was going to be better than Wade. Coaches have to be authentic. If that's Rex Ryan's style that will work for him. If Jauron is being authentic I think his style will eventually get results.
  15. I know Peter Boulware is the exception, but I have just seen too many FSU DEs go bust. Andre Wadsworth, Jamal Reynolds, Derrick Alexander and Reinard Wilson.
  16. This team really needs to gut the front office. When TD was fired not that much really changed. Yeah, Marv was the GM, but Modrak still had a major hand in the draft, John Guy still did most of the pro personnel and Jim Overdorf negotiated trhe contracts. I say in the off-season gut the front office for real this time and bring in a different coach.
  17. I've been a fan since the SB years. I was 6 when they lost to the Giants in that first SB.
  18. This is a selfish post, but I just need some therapy from some fellow Bills fans. It has been so long since this franchise has fielded a team I can be proud of. Even after last week I thought there was a good chance the Bills could go 4-2 within the division, but even pulling off 3-3 is going to be tough. If this team goes 3-3 within the division they still do not deserve to win it. I would have thought knowing the ramifications of this Jauron would have had this team ready to play. When is the interior of the o-line going to be fixed? Good thing Marv or Overdorf, whoever you want to blame forked over all of that money for Dockery and Fowler. I cannot even remember the last time this franchise had good play from the interior of it's o-line. Ruben Brown had no business going to the Pro Bowl most years. It has just been a revolving door on this part of the line. It makes me yearn for the good ole days of Tre Teague, Marques Sullivan, Marcus Spriggs and Jamie Nails. I give Jenkins some props, but no way should anyone get whipped the way Duke Preston and Whittle did today. This is no rip on Josh Reed. I love the role he plays on this team. Also I'm willing to give Hardy time to develop. It is rare for rookie receivers to dominate right away. This team knew it needed a veteran receiver with size and it failed to get that done in the off-season.
  19. In the case of McKelvin shouldn't he get a little more time consideering he went to Troy?
  20. I'd like to get BlueFire I think it is? take on this. Do you still have the attitude toward Young?
  21. You mention the Bears taking Lawrence Timmons. I have been reading many of the Preview Magazines and would like him to be Buffalo's pick. Don't get me wrong I wouldn't mind PosLusny (sp.), but if he's a good fit for the Bears isn't he a good fit for the Bills as we play a similar shceme? My question is this: Why is Poz a better fit for the Bills than Timmons?
  22. I think you have to approach the draft with an open mind. If you don't you are bound to think back on what could have been. If there is someone the Bills covet that they don't think will be there at #12 and the price is right to move up and get him, do it If someone offers you the sun and the moon to move up to the #12 spot like Mike Ditka did to the Redskins do it. The one thing the Bills really have going for them this year atleast I think is a high number of picks on day 1 and a relatively small list of needs rb and slb. I really think if the Bills can fill those two spots and stay healthy they can do a ton of damage.
  23. Not a fan of replay. I think it makes the referees lazy. I think they just adopt the attitude no big deal if I blow a call the coaches can challenge the play. I also find you have some officials with too big of an ego to reverse the call even when they know the call on the field was wrong.
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