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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. It all depends on the level they tender him at. It could be any where from a fifth, lowest level, to a first middle level or a first and a third. I wouldn't be shocked at all to see Marv sign him to an offer sheet if it only costs a fifth. He signed Reggie Wells last year to an offer sheet that cost us a fifth. The only problem is I don't think the Bills have a fifth rounder because of the Hargrove trade.
  2. I really think the Bills are better off not adressing the o-line early and trying to rebuild it through free-agency. Marv said himslef last year most o-linmen aren't going to get it done as rookies. I know there are exception, ie. Tony Boselli, but I say get someone who can make an imediate impact at #12.
  3. Eric Moulds is why I think talk like yours is bs. To call someone a bust after 1 season.
  4. Jauron coached Urlacher is something like 20 pounds heavier than Fletcher-Baker. I think Jauron wants someone more stout.
  5. My bad I just found out it was Phil Luckett and not Gerry Austin on Thanksgiving.
  6. What is Jerry Austin doing refereeing the Bears-Seahawks game? What he did to the Steelers against the Lions on your Thanksgiving day (I am Canadian) was unforgivable.
  7. I am not saying it will be him, but I would really like to see Jeff Samardzija (hopefully I spelled that right) in Bills uni next season. He would give us the Big Target we need. A great compliment to Evans with his size.
  8. I think Mike Martz is one of the game's great offensive minds. John Kitna was quoted as saying he learned more from Martz this year than all of his other coordinators combined. Also if you are going to bash Martz he probably tought Steve Fairchild a thing or two.
  9. Who are the teams that are way over the cap this season? Any chance some good CBs with high cap numbers could be cut by their teams this year?
  10. Peerless Price has 45 catches this season, but only has 377 yards for an 8.4 average ypc. If you had told me Peerless was going to catch 45 balls this season I defienetly would have thought he would have around 600 or so yards. People ripped on Moulds for only having a 10.1 average ypc in his last season here. I know now at as much is expected from a #2/#3 WR, but why is Price's YPC so low this season? Is it that he has lost a step or two and we can only expect it to go down from here on out? His last season in Atlanta he averaged 12.8 yards per catch on 45 receptions. Anyway do people consider this a problem or will you be content if this is the kind of production he has the rest of his time in buffalo?
  11. Gillbride is a run and shoot coordinator. Hasn't adjusted with the times. When you see a coach like June Jones have success with Hawaii you see the difference between coaching college and in the pros. To be a good coach you have to adapt with the times defensive coordinators will eventually figure out how to stop a system ie. the run and shoot and then the offensive coordinator has to counter punch and come up with a different system. Do you see any pro-teams using the run and shoot now?
  12. No discussing useless positions ie. fullback should be banned untill we have studs at important positions. ie. #2 WR, DT and a TE who can streach the field.
  13. We all know how well those two-fer deal work. Remember Reuben Brown and John Fina .
  14. Chemistry has to count for something. It is difficult to just bring in a bunch of players and have them playing together as a cohesive unit. That being said some real work needs to be done to improve the run defense. Lets hope McCargo will step it up next year.
  15. People on this board really have to learn what positions are worth spending money on and which ones are not. Lets get a guard! Lets get a safety! Lets get a FB! Lets get a centre! It is far more important to upgrade these positions than DT or getting a CB if Nate leaves.
  16. I have a question for the older members of the board. I was a die-hard Bills fan in my younger years, but was clueless about front office matters. I was only born in 1984 so I think I was 6 for the first SB. Anyway TD seemed like a show-off in Pittsburgh and Buffalo, to me anyway. It was like he had to let stars go to show off how good he was in the draft that he could replace players like Kevin Greene and Chad Brown through his draft picks. I know Polian will not spend money to keep linebackers around based on what he has done in Indy. He let Marcus Washington go, Mike Peterson go and David Thornton. How was he when he ran things in Buffalo? Do you think Levy will be the same way? If TD was still GM I would say no way that Nate stays, but Levy seems like he would be more loyal and reward players who do good by him. Anyway is How Polian ran the team any indication of how Marv will do things? If so what will be the consequences?
  17. Only way he stays is if he takes a major paycut. Can anyone tell us how much it would cost to cut him?
  18. I just wanted to bump this thread up, since ppl returning from the game may not see it.
  19. Well another reason is that the Bills got FGs instead of TDs.
  20. There are certain times you have to overrule your coordinators. He could have said call a run, but not a specific running play. This game was huge today, but lets not forget the lose to Detroit who may end up winning the Brady Quinn sweepstakes.
  21. I didn't see the game. Was the wind too strong? It was only 45 yards by nfl game centre?
  22. I have that same sort of feeling I had when the Bills lost to the Steelers back ups a couple years back. Please someone say something to comfort me.
  23. I think the fact the Bills were considering trading Clements for Booger McFarland says that they were not confident they could re-sign Clements. I think Youboty was drafted to be Clements replacement. I feel a little bit like Josh Reed is to Peerless Price what Ashton Youboty is to Nate Clemnts. Marv drafted Youboty thinking ahead just like Donahoe did when he drafted Josh Reed.
  24. Dunno. Always thought Bonnie was cute . Yeah I know she has a big nose.
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