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Everything posted by MrLocke

  1. No, atleast Theisman has a little credibility, you know, what with having played the game and all. I can tolerate his idiotic comments, but Tony doens't have nearly as much to base his thoughts on.
  2. I live in Canada. I am a huge Montreal Canadiens fan and was so pissed when Carolina won the Cup. Despite the division rivalry I would have been happy for the Sabres to win the Cup, as they have great fans. I don't want to play up the stereotypes, but I can't imagine there are too many good hockey fans in the south? Carolina had so many players during their run I don't like too. Cory Stillman and Doug Weight just to name a couple. I have a bguddy who plays NCAA hockey. He says the NHL in the U.S. is at about the same level of popularity as MLS. Is he right?
  3. Not nearly as sick of it as I am of Tony Kornheiser. Joe Theisman: 10 years, Tony Kornheiser: Ike Hilliard hasn't caught a TD in 10 years. Yes, you moron Ike Hilliard a decent receiver hasn't caught a TD pass in 10 years.
  4. I might be crazy for thinking this, but the longer I follow this team the more I think Ralph treats people who don't do anything for him great and People who do good by him horrible. Made TD President and GM, even though he never put a winner on the field. Never game Polian or Butler that kind of power, even though they were successful. Fired Polian who is one of the best GMs in the game. Fired Butler, even though he was relatively successful. I think Butler deserves a fair bit of credit for the success in SD. Fired Wade, even though he was relatively successful. Not to mention he wouldn't pay out Wade's contract. I bet he thinks the arbitrator was wrong .
  5. Buffalo has drafted d-linemen early, but not o-linemen early. Schobel, Denny and Kelsay were all second rounders. John McCargo was drafted in the first round this year. Tripplett got good, but not great money from the Bills and Tim Anderson was a third round pick. I think Jonas and Mike Williams were the highest picks in recent memory.
  6. Don't forget Erasmus James another first-rounder. I think he is injured, though.
  7. I think free-agency is the way to go in building the o-line. O-linemen take a long time to develop and the longer the Bills put off drafting o-linemen in the higher rounds the longer it is going to take to build a good unit.
  8. Here's a good jobber: Buck Quartermain. I remember Scott Taylor was a jobber for awhile and then became Scotty too Hotty.
  9. What about the Brooklyn Brawler for greatest wrestler?
  10. I remember when he beat Chris Candido, maybe as a Bodydonna in the WWF. I still remember Jim Ross: "Horrowitz wind, Horrowitz wins". They need to bring back the jobbers. It was always great when a jobber would somehow win. Didn't Horrowitz have a decent career before he was a jobber and it was just like WWF completely ignored this. I think Virgil has to be up there as one of the best. Beat Ted Dibiasse and took his million dollar belt and then was a jobber the rest of his career.
  11. Yeah the the Bills should have been terrified.
  12. For those of you who had the gall to say the Bills should "fear the Packers" or Brett Favre isn't finished please come out and eat your crow in this threaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bills 24 - Packers 10. Whooooooooo!!!!!!!
  13. I said GOOD COMPETITION. Look at his stats against the Bears: game stats or the Eagles. Way to completely miss the point of my post. Yeah Brett Favre torched the Lions or the Cardinals. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Something to be proud about!!!!! beating up on horrible competition.
  14. Hey Folks! I'm a fourth year philosophy student doing my thesis on whether countries ought to have a Canadian style health care system or not. I am by no means touting our system as better than yours and in fact I am a hard core libertarian. In any even the best arguments for universal health care seem to be efficiency and that if some suffers a serious illness medical illness it should not ruin them financially. In any event Canada spends about the same percentage of their GDP on healthcare as the U.S. does. I have heard the American system reffered to as "publically funded, but privately run". Canada covers all of its citizens with this expendiure, whereas the United States only covers about 30% IIRC. I have heard that insurance schemes tend to be economically ineficient. The other argument is that prior to universal healthcare being brought about in Canada people were financially ruined if they suffered severe medical illness. The point being you pay the same amount of tax regardless of what your illness is. The weak point, as I see it in Canada is that even if one endorses universal healthcare private clinics would be to everyone's advantage. This is because the public healthcare system would have to compete and this would give consumers choice. I just want to know what people think and am not claiming one system as better than the other. Thoughts?
  15. John Fox comments. It seems to me like this kind of passion has been missing in Buffalo for a long time. I love the brutally honest assessment Fox gives of his team. Does anyone agree that this kind of fire is missing in Buffalo? This is the type of reaction Jauron should have had after the Jets and Lions losses. I just never see the passion in Dick Jauron on the sideline. The coach really sets the tone and this trickles down to the players. It is just like when the Bills loose Jauron shrugs his shoulders and says: "oh well". I want passion and honest assessment back in Buffalo. Does anyone agree?
  16. What would you rather a book end LT or a fullback. I don't believe you can just lump together FB and HB like you are doing. They are two different positions. I'll bet if you look at the good fullbacksw many of them were late round picks, if they were even drafted.
  17. You, took that good. I think Bills have many people down in the dumps right now. As I see it DT and LT have to be huge priorities in the off-season. Unless of course Peters works out at LT. I just think positions like safety, interior o-linemen and middle linebacker are easier to fill later in the draft.
  18. Why do people insist that we need help at useless postions like safety and centre? Yeah, Lets upgrade the Fullback position when our run defense is horrible!
  19. It's been time for Favre to hang it up for awhile now. He can't get it dome against good competition any more. (Not claiming the Bills are good competition).
  20. I said it when this team lost to the Lions, that if they did so they had no sense of embarrasment. If they don't beat Green Bay it may be time to drop out of the NFL. Possibly the Bills could get a game with a CFL team?
  21. I think picking centres early makes about as much sense as picking safeties early.
  22. The Giants were about as good as the Bills are now when Tom Coughlin took over. Yeah, I understand New York attractive market for stars than Buffalo is, though.
  23. Takeo and Fletcher were both FAs, but Moulds and Clements were draft picks.
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