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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. lol....altho give the guy a bit of a break-----TD has left him little margin for error with the 'talent' he has brought in--so his dumb coaching moves have been OVERexposed--if you know what i mean.
  2. agreed........moronic to think of cutting moulds....
  3. I hope you are joking. That O-line and D-line are still crap.
  4. How about anyone on the planet not named Tom Donahoe AND even those named Tom Donahoe that arent the SAME Tom Donahoe? Uhmm-did that make sense?...............................$576&Y&*&Y*
  5. You forgot the defensive line too----details details.So he didnt build offensive or defensive lines..lets not nitpick.
  6. OHHHHHH-but Schobel is a QUALITY DE!!! gets double digit sacks!!!!!-except when it means something.SAGEY was having hors deuvres back there during the last drive--and still had time to throw.
  7. I agree completely...but.......it was still a bit sickening--as a 40year Bills fan--to see them lose like that to the Dolphins
  8. How about the HONEOYE Bills???--thats an appropriate name for them
  9. yeah--lets get rid of spikes too---save some money. get rid of EM,clements,--and change our name to the BULLS.
  10. GREAT POST--nicely gift -wrapped ..very complete..and very concise.
  11. This defense was already looking bad before Spikes got hurt.Lets not kid ourselves.
  12. Its when you have a very strong feeling that the team is gonna lose after blowing a first and goal from the 3 with a 20 point lead that you have the problem.These things dont just HAPPEN---they are caused by HORRIBLE line play(absolutely NO rush on rosenhoos)--and a 'collapse like a buncha little girls in the 4th' O-line. We all knew this teams problem--and they met our expectations. We expected this--and got it.
  13. Why?? this was a great thing.If we would have won we would be prolonging the self-deception by the Bills and some of their fans that this team is going somewhere.better to bottom out--get humiliated---have Ralph feel humiliated--so he willfinally DO something about the failed experiment that was TD.--TD tried--made good business decisions--but terrible football moves...''Goodbye TD--and good luck." 5 years is plenty enough time in this day and age.
  14. Well--we just have to get rid of Moulds,Adams and Clements then we will be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY under the cap--yep lottsa cap room!!!!--then we can pick up a few more gandy's ..
  15. "with the material we have..."-----Ralph--I think you said it all there. Nice slap in the face to TD.
  16. EM is still better than all of those guys--
  17. WOW--Bobby Collins----totally forgot about that guy--nice knowledge:)
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