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Bill from NYC

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Posts posted by Bill from NYC

  1. 5 hours ago, Steve Billieve said:


    Every single NFL player is making life changing money. Family changing money. Stars are now likely to become billionaires. The idea that players may throw games for bribes is ludicrous. For stars there's not enough money even on the table to make it worth it. And for scrubs, they see far too few opportunities for anyone to target them for a payout, and far too much risk of ending their careers were they to accept.


    I don't see much risk to the integrity of the game. Every year replay reduces the influence of refs. The ship has sort of sailed culturally, politicians want the revenue stream and the public's moral objection has significantly faded.

    I'm not sure about the bolded. Many big time players wind up in financial distress. This doesn't mean that I am necessarily against the legalized gambling. I suppose that if a player really wanted to bet on games he already could do so illegally, although probably with more difficulty.


    Also, I am unsure how it works with the legal betting in terms of paying tax. Are winnings taxable? 

  2. On 5/13/2024 at 5:39 PM, BADOLBILZ said:



    Whatever happened to the good ol' "commissioner's exempt list"?    Put him on that indefinitely and let the Chiefs pay him to not play while his legal situations play out and then worry about a suspension.    These situations aren't likely to be resolved by September/October so not sure why the league would want him back on the field at that point.

    He will be fine as long as he stays away from Catholic School graduations. 

    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Craig Oi said:

    Player...Leodis McKelvin just listening to him talk he could hear the low IQ ,hard to believe he graduated high school let alone went to college. Coach Ronnie Jones his special teams were a disaster 

    The team was in desperate need of blocking when we drafted McKelvin at #11. Look at the excellent blockers who went at #12 and #15. Not only that, Jordy Nelson lasted until the second round. 🙄


  4. 1) He had TONS of competition but I'm going to run with Guard Marcus Spriggs. He stood still after RJ got destroyed with a very late hit. RJ was bleeding on the turf and not only didn't he retaliate, he walked away and wouldn't help him up. My runner-up would be CJ Spiller. He would get the football and not know which way to run. An absolute, total disaster and the poster boy for a wasted draft pick. 


    2) Rex was insanely bad. When Schobel was the only pass rusher we had he was sent into coverage. That said, I'm going to run with Diick Jauron. There was no fight in him. All he seemed to care about were defensive backs. Jaron was too awful to even describe.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. He called Mushnick a "bigot," "disgrace," and desptie Mushnick being Jewish, accused him of "trying to make the world safe for us white male Christians." If you cannot admit that this is excessive I really don't know how, nor have the wherewithal to convince you that it is.


    You seem to jump all over the fact that the community of which you speak should not be demeaned. OK, great. At the same time you are supporting a person being personally shamed and ridiculed for having an opinion with which you do not agree. 


    There seems to be little point in taking this any further. Your stance on free thinking and free speech seem to be pretty much impenetrable. I do however wish you well.


    Happy Memorial Day to you and yours!!!

    • Agree 1
  6. Go lightly from the ledge, babe
    Go lightly on the ground
    I'm not the one you want, babe
    I will only let you down


    You say you're lookin' for someone
    Who will promise never to part
    Someone to close his eyes for you
    Someone to close his heart
    Someone who will die for you and more
    But it ain't me, babe
    No, no, no, it ain't me babe
    It ain't me you're lookin' for, babe

  7. 50 minutes ago, thenorthremembers said:

    It's a result of prolonged adolescence.  People are starting to get married, and start their families and careers later in life. 


    As a result those same people have no clue about the reality of everyday life.  You have 20, 30, and 40 year olds all living the same existence.  Starting to see three decades of people dressing the same, consuming the same entertainment, and dictating the flow of societal norms.   Because of that politicians, society leaders, and content creators pander to people who have no clue about real life or grip on common sense.



    This is an interesting point of view.

  8. And I was thinking maybe later on
    We could get together for a while
    It's been such a long time
    And I really do miss your smile

    I'm not talking about moving in
    And I don't wanna change your life
    But, there's a warm wind blowing the stars around
    And I'd really love to see you tonight

  9. You know I've been called a dreamer
    Dreams that never come true
    But I've been called so many things before
    Tell you what I'm gonna do


    I'll take a melody and see what I can do about it.
    I'll take a simple C and G and feel brand now about it.


    I understand why the old fisherman
    Sail along, sail along, sail along. sail along, sail along,
    Someday he'll be gone

  10. How you gonna do it if you really don't wanna dance
    By standing on the wall?
    (Get your back up off the wall) tell me
    How you gonna do it if you really won't take a chance
    By standing on the wall?
    (Get your back up off the wall)
    'Cause I heard all the people sayin'


    Get down on it, get down on it, get down on it
    Get down on it, when you're dancin'
    Get down on it, get down on it
    Get down on it
    Get down on it, sha-baba-daba-doo

  11. Shoes ran out of gas
    I got a hole in my sole
    Bread ain't gonna pass
    Livin' off coffee and rolls

    It's gettin' kind of thin 
    But I'll keep hangin' in 

    So I'll send out for sunshine 
    Put a smile on my face, spread it around the place
    Send out for sunshine 
    Get that good ol' sun on the case

  12. 2 minutes ago, boyst said:

    Kaep polarized people.

    Butker is being shoved in people faces because the same people who cheered for Kaep want us to be upset about Butker having an opinion which is ironic because it's not different than Kaep having one.


    Kaeps polarization was entirely different. He wanted to be a little B word victim as a well paid millionaire athlete who lost his starting position. If he was still the starter or going to be he would have never done it. If at the height of his career he chose to speak out it'd be entirely different. But he's not LeBron or Gretzky. He is a footnote to a decades worth of football not because of his play.

    The thing is, I don't care about either one of them. I'm not going to shed a tear for Kapernick who received millions of dollars, nor do I care about the kicker. They will both be fine. The difference is that the kicker still has to work. 

  13. 14 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    You lose. 

    But it's not the question of who is "butt hurt" or offended that's relevant, just as it wasn't the question of who was "butt hurt" or offended that's relevant.  Both have the right to speak their minds.  Both don't have the right to expect freedom from consequences to accompany their freedom of speech. 


    Kaepernick provided enough credible evidence that he'd been blackballed due to his protests to obtain a settlement from the NFL.  I don't expect Butker to suffer any actual consequences.


    But the issue is the same for both: both have the right to freedom of speech, and in both cases people can support free speech AND object to what they said.


    But I don't expect you to see that. 


    I do expect you to not put words in my mouth or imagine you know what does or does not offend me.  (I don't think you understand it, but you do know it's imposing and unreasonable) :rolleyes:



    Why do I "lose?" Because you say I do? Still lording over conversations and dictating terms are we? How presumptuous and silly!!!


    Hey, the police officer in Buffalo that you so vilified for pushing away an old nut for running up face to face with him and breathing all over him during the height of covid was found NOT GUILTY. Do you now side with the cop because he was vindicated in some way?


    I don't care that Kapernick got a settlement. Do I think that he deserved one? No, for the reason you cited. Speech can have consequences. This kicker said some things; let's see what happens with him. 


    And btw, Kapernick did what he did on National TV. It offended and alienated more viewers/fans than some place kicker making a speech as an invited guest at a school. But I don't expect you to see that.

    • Agree 2
  14. 8 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    To your "even if the bolded is true, so what?" the "so what?" is the apparent hypocrisy of the same people who are up in arms about attempts to "cancel" Butker when they found {*reasons*} why the same attempts towards Kaepernick were OK or even well justified.


    Ok, I'll play.....


    Of the people who fully supported the actions of Kaepernik and his right to free speech, how many of these folks are now butt hurt by the remarks of this other football player? I suspect almost all of them but that doesn't seem to bother you. It appears that you are only offended by those who do not adhere to your own specific credo which is imposing and unreasonable.


    I think that folks are allowed to have opinions and speak their minds, even if you morally object or even just plain disagree. This is why I don't care what this place kicker says as an invited guest of a religious school. I think that many who are not so demanding, self rightous, and dictatorial might agree.


    Wait.....you? Dictatorial? Brings back memories. 😯😂

  15. The jip-jam-jump is a jumpin' jive

    Makes you like your eggs on the jersey side

    The jip-jam-jumpin' jive

    Makes you hip hip on the mellow side


    The jip-jam-jump is a solid jive

    Makes you nine foot tall when you're four foot five

    The jip-jam-jumpin' jive

    ';Makes you hip hip on the mellow side

  16. 22 hours ago, Beck Water said:


    Bill, you and I think some others keep referring to Benedictine College as a "parochial school".


    Why?  It is literally not a parochial school.


    I agree with defending his right to speak his mind, and that is, after all, what he was invited to do.  But freedom of speech has never meant freedom from consequences arising from that speech, from editorials and social media posts objecting to it, to extra income from jersey sales (I think the players get a %?), to people who want him zapped out of the league.


    I don't agree with the latter, but it happened with Colin Kaepernick and I have an inkling that some of the same people who wanted Kaepernick kicked to the curb permanently are the same ones objecting to anyone wanting likewise for Butker.  

    Even if the bold is true, so what?  It would appear to be another example of free speech, and Kaepernik suffered the consequences that you mentioned above for his actions (in addition to being a lousy quarterback). Some people wanted Kaepernik to be lauded. Others wanted him banned. Personally I think that in retrospect, things worked out well. 

    And as far as Benedictine not having religious connotations, see below:


    What does being Benedictine mean?

    Benedictine, member of any of the confederated congregations of monks, lay brothers, and nuns who follow the rule of life of St. Benedict (c. 480–c. 547) and who are spiritual descendants of the traditional monastics of the early medieval centuries in Italy and Gaul. 


    Ya see, a frequent problem with you intelectuals is that you sometimes have a habit of too often splitting hairs. ;) 

    • Like (+1) 1
    • Eyeroll 1
  17. My friends are so distressed
    They're standing on the brink of emptiness
    No words I know of to express
    This emptiness


    I love all of you
    Hurt by the cold
    So hard and lonely, too
    When you don't know yoursel

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