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Bill from NYC

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Everything posted by Bill from NYC

  1. He was wrong about this but OC is a good poster and a good guy.
  2. Nah...there was never a need to trade up. Again, Levy said that he had offers to trade down for more than another second. I was more about Mangold, Joseph and Trueblood. They were right there for the taking. Trading up was a dumb move when they could have had an extra second and used it on Trueblood. Remember, they also had an extra early third. It was a painful draft, unimagineably bad. Btw, I don't think that Ralph will allow Nix to draft a 1st round corner, even if Nix is so inclined. If the Bills do this, ticket sales/profits will decrease sharply. Of this I am sure. Do you agree? I am curious to your take about this selection, and how much control you think Mr. Wilson will have over it. I am convinced that the first round belongs to Mr. Wilson now that Dick Levy is gone. Are you?
  3. I really do hope that Jauron convinces the Eagles sign to Whitner, and that they bring in Marv as their GM. It's time for other teams to suck.
  4. We once drafted Donte at 8, He tweets us that he is just great. But with the Bills luck, Donte's play does just suck, Til he leaves town, I can hardly wait. Bye-bye 'Lil Donte!
  5. Read your signature, change the name, and change the number to 8.
  6. You must be glad about the wins that keep piling up too.
  7. Sanchez sucks? He might, but he plays behind 3 first round blockers, one of the #4 overall, another (Mangold) who could well wind up in the hall of fame. Imagine him behind our mess up front. Not a pretty picture, and I actually prefer Fitz. Also, looking at the games yesterday, we were both right. Passing dominated the day. However, the winning team in both games doubled the rushing yardage of the loser. And they tripled the number of rushing first downs. I readily acknowledge that it's a passing league. There, I said it. But in cold weather/playoff time, there will always be a great need for running the football, as well as stopping your opponent from doing so. Btw, I keyed on Bulaga and he looks pretty good. I think he will develop into a fine RT, and said this before the draft. Try to watch Mangold today. He is a monster. We shunned these players for a scat back gadget player and a small safety so yeah.....give me a big monster lineman at #3, not another corner. Jmo.
  8. Ah, but I said "very good" RT and didn't use the word decent, right? Also, please address my playoff speculation if you will. Do you think that the Jets can beat NE without running the football, killing the clock, and keeping the ball away from Brady? Imo, this will help WAY more than a corner. You know why? Because Brady can hit SO many tagets. He does so with ease. But, he can't do it unless he is on the field. And, he can't do it when his protection fails him and he is laying on his a$$. On another team I would be more prone to agree with your premise of BPA. The Bills are different. They are consistently bad on both lines and have been for more than a decade. We have all seen the failure, and it isn't a mystery what is, and has been wrong. They draft players that are easy to get (secondary, rbs, and wrs) with their best picks. And until this stops they will continue to lose. To me this is just that simple.
  9. Why not? Because you have seen this dumb strategy result in 11 years of consistent losing? What many (not saying you) miss is that it isn't all about a player being "great," because a great Peterson would help this team a lot less than a "very good" Right Tackle. The playoffs are on now. Do you think the Jets can beat NE without running the football and keeping it away from Brady? Or, do you think that chances are that the winner of the Steeler/Ravens game will have more yards on the ground than the losing team? You are correct. It is more of a passing league today, but teams that are weak up front will never be top teams. And, you don't get stronger by drafting first round cornerbacks, running backs, wideouts, or gadget players. Unfortunately, the Bills are living proof. When the foundation is solid, then we can worry more about things that are "secondary."
  10. Just before this season I had a conversation with Jumbo Elliot. He is a man who turned his life around. He now owns businesses and contributes to local charities. Jumbo talked about how intense it was to play against Bruce. He said that if he was of balance for a second, Bruce would beat him. He made it pretty clear however that he wasn't physically afraid of Bruce. He also said that he coached Jason Peters. I raved about Peters strength and he implied that when he played that he was stronger than Peters as well, and I have no reason not to believe him. This was fun, but not as much as the time Raquel Welch actually stopped walking, turned around, and winked at me approx. 25 years ago. She was SO freaking hot that she froze me. I couldn't move for a few seconds and my forehead started sweating. I saw her laughing as she turned around and walked away. Even then she wasn't young. Just 100% beautiful. Raquel Welch was true greatness.
  11. So would OGs Alan Faneca or Steve Hutchinson. My point is that I have never seen dbs go first, and wrs rarely go first. Btw, I recall a guard going first but don't remember who.
  12. A slotting system for rookies would also increase value for teams who trade down imo. Could you imagine Mr. Wilson trading up so he could give a rookie 40 mil. guaranteed? Many other owners would probably be scared off as well. The Bills might be in a very good spot if they reach agreement on a new CBA.
  13. I could be wrong, but I don't remember a corner being the first selection of any draft. I am not saying that Levy/Jauron would not have been stupid enough to do this. They might have used the first overall on Whitner for all we know but again, I am saying that as a rule it doesn't happen. As for drafting a WR at #1, were there others besides Keyshawn and Irving Fryar? Sometimes wrs and dbs do go early, but the top 5 is where you grab your QBs, LTs and pass rushing DEs.
  14. Fair enough. Imo, what frustrates most fans is that it really wouldn't have been so hard to make the Bills a playoff team. What frustrates me personally is how long it will take to undo the carnage to this franchise inflicted by Levy and Jauron. And, we got off to a horrible start in doing so with Spiller. We are as loyal as any fans in any place. Not many would be as prepared to put up with this garbage imo. And yes, hope does spring eternal in the offseason. Now we have the #3. Let's hope for the best!!!
  15. Why would you think this Joe? He was the second ranked safety and he was small. The following were the first selected in 2006 at their respective positions: DT: Ngata OG: Davin Joseph OC: Nick Mangold DE: Tamba Hali (Kiwanuka was next) We had needs at all of these positions, and this is not to mention qb. In fact, we could have traded down and taken most if not all of these players. Levy said himself that he spurned offers to trade down. Whitner was selected because Dick Levy truly believed that the secondary and special teams were the first places to look while rebuilding a team. The OP wants us to not bring up idiocy like this, but this is why the team is 4-12.
  16. Nobody says you have to care about credibility on this board, nor anywhere else. Having said that, if you want any, you might want to re-think the above and no.....I missed the point. This is a message board where people fanatical fans talk about their team. For the OP and in fact you to come here and dictate terms of conversation seems a bit presumptuous. You get the point, no?
  17. When your OL is in shambles and you don't have problems at running back is not the time to draft a gadget player. Besides, Bulaga went at #23. They could have traded down and picked up more picks but no.....they absolutely had to draft Spiller.
  18. I would think that for this kind of money a play or 2 would be in order as well.
  19. Can't argue with you Bob. Many posters on this board were screaming for Branden Albert in 2008. If fact, R.Rich said point blank that he could be a very good LT or a hall of fame guard. But of course, Jauron had to select McKelvin, and if you recall, was elated after selecting him. I cling to the hope that Mr. Wilson will leave Nix/Gailey alone in round 1 and let them build a football team. Do I think this will happen? Absolutely not, BUT, I am thinking that he will demand that they select a qb, which might not be such a bad idea.
  20. Even MaGahee was an awful draft selection. People forget that he had to sit out more than a full season before he could even take the field. This team was far too weak to make a luxury selection, but this is their history, and it continued with Spiller.
  21. Is Spiller better than any of these players?
  22. Absolutely agree, and Richard Dent deserves a bit more respect imo. He certainly was one of the top 5 defensive ends I have ever seen.
  23. I think that I would rather the Bills sign Boss than any other free agent at any position. I have seen quite a bit of him, and his size and blocking ability make him an absolutely perfect fit in Buffalo imo. He even reminds me a bit of Pete Metz. If they have to overpay to get him so be it. Let's win.
  24. Steve, Mallett will more than likely be there when we select at #3. Jerry Jones is an Arkansas alum and Romo (imo) is not a very good qb. In fact, I prefer Fitz to Romo. Jones (from what I heard) needs a cash influx because of his new stadium. I predict that he will offer to trade up so he can get Mallett, who would sell a trillion seats down there. In a situation like this, you can really bleed the team who wants a quarterback. Just a hunch.
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