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Everything posted by shibuya

  1. I don't see the Bills trading up into the 1st round. If we are fortunate enough to get a 2nd round choice for TH then we would be better off keeping both our 2nd rd choices rather than trade up for one player. Especially since the Bills shold be interested in K Mike "Theodore" Nugent. Plus we do have decent TE's on our roster, and its easy to conceive that one of them will step it up. Not to mention there are a few quality TE's available in FA.
  2. Star Wars was great, but the LOTR trilogy wasbetter IMO.
  3. Looks like in the end the Donkey won. I wonder if this guy ever walked right again ?
  4. Actually I was glad to see Peerless tagged, cause I knew someone would bite on him that year. He had close to 90 catches and supposedly was coming into his own. Most of us knew he was the product of the system and Moulds being double teamed As for Jennings. there is no reason to tag him because there will be 2 maybe 3 other more coveted LT's on the market. JJ will get offers but nothing we can't match, and if we tag him we'll end up paying more then we have to, and lose our tag for as long as he is under contract as a Bill
  5. It was a good thing for Europe that the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor since we had little intentions of helping our Allies before December 7. But Hey what the hell does any of this WWII stuff have to do with Cheney sticking out like a sore thumb. Cheney looks like dork surrounded by all those people dressed in Black. I'd have to say this was a bad choice of attire for such a ceremony.
  6. for the record I never said they should "Hand it out" Create jobs opportunities that allow more of us to make a much better living then we have today. If more of us have more money and better futures we will spend more money too which IMO is a great way to get the economy rolling again.
  7. you misinterpreted what I said completely. Working for it is not the problem, the problem is the lack of jobs available that provide a solid living for many of us. I am actually one of the lucky ones. I am #17 on a call back list to the Boeing company where I will receive $30 and hour and every union benefit under the sun. However I have been laid off from Boeing for 3 years and have seen what the job market is like and has been. There are no where near enough good jobs for most of us, and I have 2 college degrees to boot.
  8. create jobs and pay better wages for us folk here in America that include more affordable healthcare for the family, pension plans, and some job security. Look at all the wealthy corporate owners and their over paid executives. There are 100's of billions tied up in personal wealth for a small percentage. Meanwhile way to many of us "blue collar" folk are left bouncing from one job to the next that offer substandard wages, little or no healthcare and little or no retirement. How many billions of $$$ does a person need to be wealthy enough to live comfortably while way too many are grasping for whatever we can get. and don't misinterpret my feelings as socialist. I'm all for personal wealth just not at the extremes we are seeing today. Maybe we need a salary cap for corporate America to ensure money is getting down to the middle and lower classes. It is us who provides these corporations with their wealth when all is said and done.
  9. I agree with LabattBlue I'll always enjoy hockey, but the league needs to get its finances in order and NHLPA has to take its head out of its ass. No matter what happens though Bettman must go.
  10. Now wouldn't it be nice if these billionaires would allow significant chunks of their money to trickle down to us blue collar folk who would like a job that pays well, , includes healthcare, provides a legitimate chance at retirement, and with some measure of job security. probably not going to happen
  11. There are alot of quality interior lineman available in the FA market. The Bills should be able to improve there LG position as well as well as bring in some very improved depth this FA period.
  12. I wish Milloy would keep his trap shut as well, but c'mon its still great to have him as our S, and trading him would only weaken our D. From what I remember reading Izelle Reese is one of the top S available in FA. I don't think it would be a wise move to trade Milloy. Maybe Milloy was just trying to get into the the heads of the Patriot players. Seeing if he couldn't get more of them to bolt when their time comes ?
  13. Karma owes me a ton, and if I ever hunt Karma down I'm going to make it pay.
  14. I'd say for a 60 year old rock star he's holding up pretty well. He never was a looker to begin with. I think Keith was doing a heluva alot more then just China White. Those blood transfusions sure help as well. rock on Keith !!!
  15. You know someone in command is getting their ass reamed
  16. Baas will be gone in the lower half of the 1st rd IMO
  17. Well from the looks of it I wouldn't expect Atlanta to be too interested in trying to sign Jonas Jennings. Good to see NE in the red as well, they'll easily get into the black, but they won't be a major player this year in FA. The Bills will probably restructure Eric Moulds deal and add years to his contract saving us quite a bit more. Plus we are more then likely going to cut Prelieau IMO which adds another 1.4 mil to this number. The Bills have a solid chance of being 15 mil under before they start the FA period. You have to restructure contracts, and cut palyers by the FA period deadline.
  18. Actually I agree on using the 2nd round pick for a G, but I also believe we can grab some very good interior linemen via FA just the same. We will have the money to do so.. Given the fact our OL still needs improvement and our depth is shaky at best picking up a few OL this season would seem to be a priority
  19. Is there a way to move the upper toolbars into any position you desire with mozilla. I just downloaded it, and I would like to be able to drag and drop my toolbars into a configuration that I am used to and conmfortable with.
  20. KurtGodel77 I have to agree with snorom. Your post is a bit "tunnel visioned". I would like to believe you are intelligent enough to go out and research your beliefs some more instead of regurgitating the right wing extremist credence. Your post reeks of Rush Limbaughism
  21. maybe the Norwegians got it right and the rest of us are writing it off as a University of Texas thing. Personally Bush = Satan
  22. Yes I agree, I guess I should have mentioned that myself. My example was extreme cases. However many people who think they might be suffering from mild forms of bi-polar illness are actually just normal.
  23. Drugs or drug use does not make you bi-polar. People can and usually do experience depression from drug abuse, but one does not become bi-polar. I personally do not believe steriods to be a cause of bi-polarism, but the abuse of steriods could trigger rage problems associated with it. bi-polar is a mental illness, and many persons who are bi-polar seek out refuge in drugs to help them to cope with their up and down cycles. They do so usually not knowing they are bi-polar. A person who is bi-polar will one day be curled up in a ball in serious depression, then the next day riding a happy-go-lucky energy wave that most menatally balanced people cannot obtain. It a roller coaster ride from hell for people who are seriosly affected.
  24. personally I think its just a bunch of rumors. There were blurbs from analysts who claim to have inside information that were posted here. For Drew to take a paycut they will have to restructure his deal which means adding a year. I don't see that happening. For him to take just a paycut I do believe they would have rip up the current deal which would force his bonus money to come due on our salary cap immediately. Then we would have to resign him which would effectively wipe out anything we would have saved. Drew is due a 1 million $ signing bonus on March 1. If we are going to release him it will be before 3/1. It doesn't seem logical for Ralph to allow the team to pay Drew 1 mil then cut him afterwards. However I'm not sure about the contract deals. This is just what I've pieced together. We really do not save much money cutting Drew, and for all we would save we would probably end up spending much of it replacing him.
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