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Everything posted by shibuya

  1. the supebowl was a joke. Officating deserves all the negative comments it is getting. Calls were one sided in Pitts favor, and in a game when there is everything riding it is going to be magnified. On the PI call the defender interfered by making contact after 5 yards, show me the rule that says contact is allowed after 5 yds, because it wasn't incidental. That was a Seahawks TD, the penalty would have been denied, momentum would have swung towards the Seahawks and the outcome of the game could have changed. TERRIBLE CALL !!!!!! No football fan should be ok with the present state of officiating. Especially after the superbowl
  2. Never listen to the anthem, its just something that delays the start of most events. 99.9% of all efforts to sing the national anthem suck anyways.
  3. When the Seachickens lose 4 in a row we'll talk about the poor seahawks. When they have the music city miracle, and no goal we'll talk.
  4. I hope the NFL takes on endless crticism from this. That was a very one sided games from the officiating point of view
  5. yet another tarnished SB. With NE's generous calls in the previous years playoffs, and now Pittsburgh pretty much gets all questionable/close calls. I'm losing faith in the the integrity of the NFL.
  6. isn't Haloti Ngata that Jewish song they sing all the time ?
  7. Disagree, JK or Norwood wouldn't have been in this position if the D doesn't over pursue all day. The Giants RB was the MVP of that game, and it was because of his cut back runs, and the Bills D ending up on one sidde of the fields all day long.
  8. the key to the loss was our Defense constant over pursuit of the Giants running game Norwood should have never had to be in that position, but he was and it happened
  9. Seattle has a great team that has been well built, and they have an owner who has been patient with his GM and coaches, allowing them 7+ years to build this team up to the claiber it is. Seattle deserves the win IMO, and we deserve Steve Hutchison as our major FA signing
  10. SO what your saying is that Matt Hasselback is not the real deal ??? Also its the Seahawks who have the better OL IMO too. Hasselback was the best QB in the NFC this year, and if you look at how Haselback has looked in the playoffs I would be betting on MH being the QB who gets talked about after the game IMO> Go Seachickens
  11. build the OL 1st then if JP doesn't pan out draft a QB that can be placed behind our rebuilt OL. Drafting another 1st rd QB this year to when we have money invested in a QB who just needs more time to be groomed is the biggest waste at this point. Without major OL upgrade and a year to let that OL gel placing another rookie QB on the Bills makes 0 sense. If we do not concentrate on DL and OL this offseason the Bills will be 4-12 next year.
  12. I'm glad, because I didn't feel our OL problems had anything to do with OL coaching, and everything ot do with Talent, injuries, and O scheme/playcalling
  13. Just one breast ? This might be the best move the Bills have made in 20 years from a coaching standpoint. Probably since Marv was hired as the Bills HC in th elate 80's
  14. I billieve Willis has more then 2 years left on his original deal. I would say the Bills will tell Willis to show up to camp, work his but off, show he's commited during the season and we'll talk next year.
  15. Good News... Everyone here knows our OL situation is more of a talent issue. At least give Mouse a couple of high quality OL, and a OC/HC that sticks to a plan
  16. I use to use it, but then it became a spam magnet. it worked for me when I needed it ot work though, it just got out of hand with the spam and I had to abort.
  17. probably take him more then an offseason and a training camp to get back into some sort of playing shape, and most of next season to get back to a high level.... if he can even get back to that level. I'm concerned
  18. Jerry "1 dimension" Grey if it isn't a blitz, it isn't in the playbook, unless of course we were winning then we went to the prevent D, which of course prevented us from winning. Buh-bye, thanks for flying bastard airlines
  19. I thought Seattle was tight up against the cap this year. They must have some serious FA's if they have room. Last year they signed Jones and Hasselback to big time spendy deals. There was not enough money left to sign Alexander ot a big time deal. So if this year they have big money left on the table it has ot be because they are going to have to tender a lot of offers to RFA's and other FA's I do believe that Seattle would keep Hutchison over Alexander. Any solid RB could tear up some yards behind Seattle awesome OL.
  20. nope its just the fans. All you have to do is read 50% of the posts on any Bills forum to realize how thick and demanding Bills fans are.
  21. Buffalo's Ford Plant is not closing, but the old Chevy Axle Plant which is now American Axle is laying off a lot of workers. it sucks, people deserve these jobs. Nobody should have to deal with the level of layoffs, unemployment, lack of benefits, decreased wages and more. The people losing these jobs will be lucky if they ever return to the financial level they were at.
  22. Yeah this is what EM wants another new coaching staff with a career backup QB and an unproven youngster, another year of new OL who need to gel. EM wants out of Buffalo IMO, and he wants a chance to salvage his career and play for a contender. The best thing we could hope for is to sign EM to an extension that is cap friendly and then trade him, but EM would have to have some say in it.
  23. yeah and Owens wants to be on a team that has no QB identity. Whywould any Bills fans even think TO is an option, or whywold any Bills fan want him as an option. he wants more money, he doesn't know when to shut up, and he is basically a complete !@#$. TO is a headcase, and will be the #1 way to guarentee the bill mediocrity for another 10 years get a clue TO hopefuls... He has no business ever being a Bill.
  24. Maybe you should spend some time on this and other internet Bills forums. if you ask me its much much much more then a few individuals. In fact I think a solid % of Bills fans these days are complete losers.
  25. we just do not want the Jets picking ahead of us. We must lose to the Jets !!!!
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