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Everything posted by shibuya

  1. In essence we will give JP, KH and Nall the chance to win the job discussion closed
  2. I agree we are a 2006 sleeper team... Most of us will be sleeping by halftime the Bills have a few yeas of rebuilding. the fact that we are bringing in FA's with youth and upside gives us a stong signal that the Bills are rebuilding. rebuilding teams don't normally make 180 degree turn arounds in one season.
  3. Don't see the hillarious angle here ? or the shock value
  4. without a major OL overhaul any chance of a 2006 season being better then 2005 is slim to none. No drafted OL will be capable of making that much of a difference in our OL. A high draft pick spent on OL would only be beneficial in 2006 if it is accompanied by one of the premiere OL in FA IMO. There is slim pickins left in the FA OL tank and the DT tank which leaves us looking just like the team we come to despise the last few years. IMO the Bills have settled into a 3-4 year re-building plan yet again.
  5. LMAO... How can anyone be concerned about the Jets ??? They are in the worse shape of all AFC East teams, and a rookie QB won't be very useful around the patch quilt team they will field in 2006 IMO. Maybe in 2008 but who's thinking that far ahead.
  6. The Firggin Jets are a team in bigger disaray then the Bills and no one season will fix them. in fact the Jits have a much longer rebuilding period ahead of them. Miami ain't nothing to be worried about IMO, they'll look great in Sept Oct, and look like Miami in Nov and Dec.
  7. REALLY ?!?!?!????? You lost me after that comment. If anything I would feel more comfortable with one of Bruce Smiths old jock straps being the GM over TD at this point. The only thing Marv has to do IMO to be a better GM then TD is fix our OL and DL. TD's only real downfall IMO was his inability to see the extreme importance of high quality OL and DL.
  8. Vernon Davis would be moderately effective for us at best in his 1st season or 2. I would not object ot drafting him, but I would think that Huff, Hawk, Williams, Ngata and the Brick all are better options at #8 if the cards fall properly. I would also look to trade down for extra picks in this draft.
  9. I would register and post but I'm not signing up with my regualr email, and they don't accept yahoo mail. I laugh at big market teams, and I hope all CBA's present and future really dig into these wealthy teasm and make it hurt BIG TIME. Nothing makes me happier then knowing another big market team is forced to play by the financial limits and rules of the rest of the league. No team deserves a financial advantage over any other team regardless of situation !!!! (IMO)
  10. LMAO @ You whiners FA didn't start on time ... Boo _ucking Hoo I much rahter have them delay FA over and over again as long as they are sitting at the table and trying to hammer this thing out. I don't see how anyone thought this thing was going tobe smooth or easy. It neve ris, and the fact they are still trying is GREAT NEWS !!!! If anything I find none of this "Sublime" or "Rediculous". I think its great to everyone determine to get this thing done.
  11. TO will never see Buffalo, because a group of smart intelligible Bills fans will shoot him the moment he steps foot in Buffalo. Screw that P.O.S. Trade EM to Philly for a 2nd rd pick, and let them re-work a deal. I bet he signs a sweet heart deal there.
  12. LMAO, does this question even deserved ot be asked... or course not. He's a noodle armed QB that plays smart and is a seviceable backup.
  13. I think his asking price is high, someone will pay him, but I feel that's too much money for a Center. If those numbers can be adjusted down some I'd bite. Still have to find the cash
  14. We need to get replacements at S well groomed before we can have the luxury of cutting either Vincent or Milloy. We should draft a S on day 1 this year IMO
  15. I was thinkng more like Seattles OL over NE's I can remember analyst laughing at Seattle for taking another OL in the early part of Day 1 when they had so many other needs....... Sound Familiar ? The same goes for the DL. In fact the only way to build a solid foundation in the FA era of football is too have the trenches set. The trenches are the foundation upon which Superbowl teams are built. Anyone thinking we need a QB is a fool, anyone thinking Nate Clements' off year last year didn't have alot to do with our DL's inability to produce a pass rush and stop the run is misguided IMO
  16. I oculd care less about marijuana use, in fact its a dumb thing to test for. But he knows better and if he really wanted to stay in football he would of abstained. Still I love the fact he continues to use. Keep smokin Ricky, now if he can just stick to his guns and tell the NFL to kiss his ass and NOT try to come back I'd find it more interesetng. However there is not much pride in standing by your convictions if your gonna cave the next time you need some coin.
  17. 4 very good season and 1 year removed from an awesome season. I just cannot fathom why people want to cut bait with NC based upon last season. It was very obvious we had a major team problem. If were not willing to take the gamble I guarentee much of the rest of the NFL would. I give Marv credit for putting this on the table ASAP and leaving no doubts.
  18. Only a fool wouldn't try to get paid, and at the rate to franchise a CB in 2006 Nate is very much worth it.
  19. How could you feel that way, one off season surrounded by players who were more off then he was. Clements is a rock solid CB, and if the Bills won't pay him 5 mil this year there will be a dozen teams that would. More then likely Clements wil re-find his game right along with the Bills D in general.
  20. I don;'t care who writes the crap, who pays for it. My father got me a subscription and the service was so pitiful, they failed to send me over 1/2 of the issues. The news you read is too old to be of any use by the time you read it as well
  21. Gee maybe the chick thats pursuing him has character issues. Believe it or not there are gold diggers out there. TO judge this guy without knowing anything but accusations is unfair. What happens if the paternity test comes back negative ? Is he still a low character guy.
  22. The patises are about 2 mil over... So it looks like most of hte east has to take a step back this year ot take a step forward. Good news for the Bills if they can get some contracts under control and free up some more cash.
  23. The Jets are 20+ million over the cap Miami is 8 million over Where are the Patsies at ?
  24. if Ngata is there at #8 then somebody fell and we'll be sitting pretty.
  25. I agree fully. I would love ot see this stuff exposed. No way was that a fair called game. Was it a fix, or just piss porr officiating, but with billions of $$$ involved I'm sure those peopl ewho decide who looks into this stuff are involved and we'll never know for sure. BUT That was a TERRIBLE GAME AND I WON"T FORGET IT CAUSE THIS sh-- HAS BEEN HAPPENING FOR A FEW YEARS AND ITS GETTING MORE NOTICEABLE
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