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  1. This was really just an outloud thought of mine.. Moss, yes..is a name..but he, when healthy is a difference maker..& there are very few players in that category..even less players in that category that will be available this year..(If indeed, MOSS is available at all). Would he be the same player on a new team?? Who knows.. I just want to win...
  2. Critisism is the idea of a forum, a constuctive critisism..that is. Its easy to state the obvious..bad idea..not good...what the Hell is that..?? Long and short..be it a trade for Moss or other.....If you want a different result you have to take a new approach..do the same thing, the same old tired way and how can you expect a different outcome ?? Now, Promo, if you can pull yourself off that blow up doll of yours... I invite you to write back what you think would help the team...
  3. Thx PTR... You can go back to blow up doll now.
  4. Very well written..RAY... Tell me, did you have your name tattooed on your arm so you can remember how to spell it?
  5. Hilarious... Hey man...I just want my team to win.... UDFA up there wants to sign Bledsoe to a new deal then bring Todd Collins in to compete for the job..
  6. Oh..yea..you are right...lets field the same team..make no changes.. Hell, lets put Henry back in there and sign Bledsoe to a longterm contract.. Great Idea.... You put the best players on the field you have or can get.. Dont forget, Moulds gets bitchy when he doesnt get the ball...then drops it and runs routes that are too short for 1st downs and then fails to get his feet in bounds??....He also said he was getting sick of being in Buffalo and may be time for a change for him in the 14th week of the season..
  7. Ya..TO is a cancer...yet the fact remains...no one in Phili would agree with that! Tothem..hes a guy that changed a lifeless offense into a dynamic one..
  8. The way im getting Jammed at the line on this one...probably nothing. Hahaha...
  9. Corey Dillon and TO were also regarded as cancers... Now people call them difference makers.
  10. Was reading an article today by Cris Carter suggesting that RANDY MOSS seek a trade and get a fresh start somewhere else. Granted, this is a pipe dream for the BILLS..but Donahoe has had a knack for making big deals. Think about it..Henry is gone anyway, Moulds..although a great player is past his prime..Dont get me wrong, I think that Moulds is a great football player..but clearly his best football is behind him now. Moss I believe is better than Moulds in the same way that McGahee is better than Henry..its a matter of history as to what a small difference like a McGahee substituted for a Henry can do..(No disrepect meant for Henry or Moulds here just writing what I think could take the Bills back to the BOWL---and WIN). Its a win win..Minnesota gets a proven running back, and proven receiver..two for one..they like Buffalo players anyway (See A.Winfield). The Bills trade the two into the NFC and the Vikings trade Moss to the AFC. Again, I say..pipe dream...but man...WOW...think of MOSS Lined up opposite Lee Evans...McGahee in the backfield!!!!! Plus our O-Line and the #2 Defense in the league, special teams!!!!!! Damn, I think Moss would lick his chops at this deal... Then again, im just a caveman...what would I know!
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