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Everything posted by bluv

  1. GAME ISNT OVER!! Only 1st quarter; we've came back before and we will do it again!
  2. The problem is that BOTH RB get stymied when we run from the I formation; NEITHER get consistent product THIS year when we try to play smash mouth football. Freddy is beneficial of getting a few key runs from the spread (even though his 22 yard TD run was from the I!). Hindsight; 2 questionable calls took 40 yards away from Lynch. It is PAINFULLY obvious of our tendency to run on first down with that group. Teams run blitz when we do; the only alternate we do is a bootleg with a pass to the TE in the flat. FINALLY they use a playaction and went deep on first down on the game clinching bomb to Lee. The Bills should run more from the spread as it keeps the defense honest. The FB doesn't over the advantage in the run and that combined with lack of threat at TE or FB in the passing game limits the offense. I also think that both Lynch and Jackson run better in space and that the O-line while massive block better on the move in open space than straight ahead. Look, while Fowler is not as bad as some make him out to be, he is definitely not a mauler. When the 8th man comes up in the box, we can't get that inside push and get stuffed. When we pull, at least the RBs get a running start to get momentum to move the pile and with there great cutback, vision, and open field running abilities they are dangerous on the outside. Honestly, if the Bills used more playaction in any personell grouping, stick to more high percentage throws which are Trents speciality and build off those with double moves and deep attempts to keep the defense honest, the running and the offense as a whole will be more consistent.
  3. Difference is that in the past few years we'd be 1-2 or 0-3 as we wouldn't have won a close game like we did last week, comeback like we did this week, or put a team away like we did in week one. ENJOY THE MOMENT! NOBODY said that Buffalo was an elite team (yet). When we get to 7-0 or start blowing teams out and finnally start getting ESPN respect, then you worry about having those big dreams and pretty wins!
  4. Whatever! Dumb as that ONE play might have been, if he keeps averaging 100+ yards per game I and YOU would learn to deal with it! Think about it: if the 'Girls can cheer for TO so ludly after he trashed their star 5 years ago it goes to show that as long as you produce for THEIR team, the fans will love you no matter what!
  5. Some of you guys are just SOUR that Peters held out and from now on will have a bitter taste in your mouth for him. While he gave up ONE sack, his man never came close the rest of the game. I mean they brought in this young fast DE who BARELY got by Peters on a play where if Trent had been ONE INCH further it would be a NON-FACTOR! I'm not blaming Trent for that play; it is what it is. If Peters didn't give up a sack but was CONSTANTLY getting beat by his man and Trent had to rush a lot of throws then I'd worry. Since he STONEWALLED his man 95% of the time when he was 85% of himself and the rest of the pass protection was OUTSTANDING then I am pretty optimistic. Now the runblocking on the other hand is still suspect. Face it: we don't have the push up the middle to be an effective inside running team. That is why I hate it when we go to I formations as we don't scare teams with the pass with that personell group plus they don't playaction enough to keep defense honest. The result: defense stack the box whenever we go to the I and try to play smash mouth. I say that we stay with spread formation that keeps defenses honest, run more draws, and try to run more sweeps and off tackles that allow Lynch to get in the open field and cutback as our strongest blackers are on the egde plus Fowler is a better on the move blocker than straight ahead as he seems adapt at finding LB's and DB's in the open field. Look at how the Pats were killing the Jets with runs from the shotgun set. I GUARANTEE if we spread the field, teams won't stack the box and leave our WR one-on-one for too many plays.
  6. Peters gave up ONE sack; Edwards has barely been touched. It wasn't liked he TOTALLY whiffed come on LAY OFF (he was out of breath a few series though)!
  7. I want to beat them straight up with no excuses so I don't neccessarily care for his injury.
  8. That is the key factor: predictability. Whenever Parrish came in on early downs, 90% of the time it was a gimmick play design for him.
  9. Andre was mentioned as they showed his highlights. Another player they can add to that list is Kevin Greene.
  10. I hate today's world; the media reporting news before knowing all the fact and folks making judgement without knowing them as well.
  11. The Jets moved back into the 1st round to take him.
  12. My sentiments exactly. It's the same mentality some on this board has when a player leaves or we don't sign a coveted free agent. They act like those players suck or are overrated; like they were never wanted here. No matter what the Redskins need were or how it fits them, if the Bills had made the exact same draft a lot of fans here would be estatic! For me, I'd loved if the Bills had drafted Thomas and Davis; the only reason I would have a knock against drafting Kelly after aquiring these two is that I'm not sure that either of those guys or Evans would fit in the slot but who knows. If we can't resign Lee then the picks would have been great. As far as the draft, while I have nothing against going corner, I feel that the db's we have are more than adequate are more victim of a poor pass rush and conservative schemes that have them playing 10 yards off the ball on key downs. While I wasn't warm to the idea of drafing DE Harvey before the draft, I know wish the Jags hadn't traded up and taken him as I would much rather have a potential pass rusher than a DB but who knows; time will tell. You can never know. Everyone was so sure that Reggie Bush would be so much better than Mario Williams; yeah he's better at making commercials!
  13. Whatever! While I wish them harm, if the Bills had the exact draft, all Buffalo Bills message boards would be bristling with excitement and talks of KGun part II!
  14. I was speaking to those who were so against picking a WR in the 1st, that they will be a bust, how we need a pass rusher and acting like this DE is such a sure pick. Yeah right! All I can say is that this a weak class for DE and with WR being our biggest need, no one can fault the Bills for picking the cream of the top at WR. If we do pick Harvey he better be a stud. Even if 5 years from now, Harvey is a stud while the WR we pick (if we do) becomes a bust, it wouldn't be half as laughable as seeing a WR pick become a stud while Harvey becomes another Erik Flowers!
  15. And who can GUARANTEE that Harvey will be that DE? No pick is a guarantee bona-fide stud. I mean Harvey could be the next Erik Flowers!
  16. Some get caught up into a prospect speed and size; it doesn't mean as much as the ability to get seperation, getting open, making yards after the catch, and actual playing speed! I think D Thomas he will be the best pick as he seems to be a playmaker and that is what the Bills lack. The only true playmaker we have who once they get the ball in their hands and could make moves in the open field and take it to the house is Roscoe but he is too small to be used consistently on the outside and underutilized in the slot. Since Trent speciality is short passes and dinking and dunking, I wouldn't mind having a game breaker who can take these short passes and get RAC yards; ala Andre or J Rice. It would be definitely better than watching us dump the ball off to unathletic TEs!
  17. This is at EVERY position in EVERY draft EVERY year; get use to it!
  18. The more I hear about Devin Thomas the more I like him. He seems to have the ability to get RAC yards and that is what we need: more playmakers! Somebody who can get the ball in their hands and make big gains out of small plays; that way all those dink and dunk passes trent throws could possibly become big plays. Right now Roscoe is the only thing close and he was underutilized. In an ideal world Evans could be the deep guy and Thomas could be the playmaker.
  19. Don't forget Kelley Washington is still out there; last year about this time there was a lot of promotion to bring this guy in before the Pats snatched him up. He might be a good and cheap stop gap until we get a draft pick up to speed!
  20. So what; one game doesn't make or break a player. You must look at his entire body of work; plus you don't know what his assignment was or what defense was called.
  21. Let's hope not. I'd rather see other needs addressed before TE, especially in a weak draft for TE. The TE's on this roster should be adequate enough next year if the additions to the O-line prove to be sufficient.
  22. I'd have no issues with the Bills draftig Pittman in the 2nd; even though I'd rather see WR's Jarrett or Rice if available!
  23. Maybe; could be a diamond in the rough if he is picked up in the later rounds. I can also see the TE from Delaware State being a Buffalo Bill as well. I'm hoping we with the 1st 3 picks we draft Willis in the 1st, a big projected 1st rnd WR who falls (hopefully Jarret, Rice, or Bowe) and a RB in the 3rd. I think then at other positions if 2nd and 3rd players develop and step their game up we could suprise some folks next year. The fact that we will have some offensive familiarlity next year will be a big plus.
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