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Everything posted by bluv

  1. It is so sad to listen to the lack of real football knowledge on these boards! They need to tape the game and review the tape as unlike not being able to tell whether receivers are open downfield based on TV camera views you can watch the O-line ALL GAME LONG! Some would actually go as far and say that Peters is the weak link on the line, needs to be replaced, put in Chambers, etc. Even after a slow start he is still one of the top 5 LT's in the game! Like I posted earlier: until he is getting CONSISTENTLY beat and HIS man is either sacking or knocking the QB to the ground without giving the QB REASONABLE time in the pocket or is blasting RB's in the backfield then he is getting the job done AND MORE!
  2. He has been our best DB all year long! I'd like to see he and Greer lined up on the outside in a year or two as both seem to be good and potential shutdown man-to-man corners.
  3. Some guys just don't understand the game so save your breath! If you want to know what bad O-line play looks like, check Bills highlights BEFORE Peters was inserted at LT!
  4. Some of you don't have any knowledge of the game! Just because you want to bash a player for holding out doesn't mean you have to point out EVERY mistake they make! And just because they make a MISTAKE or TWO, it doesn't equal a BAD game! As long as the man Jason or any other lineman is blocking name isn't making any plays, not sniffing the QB or blowing up RBs in the backfield then I'll take TWO penalties anyday!
  5. All of this overanalysis is a bunch of bull! Put Royal on the Bills and Hardy on the Broncos and you might as well call Eddie Robert Jr! He wouldn't have anymore production than Hardy as we have no offensive identity or a QB who can conssitenly find open targets against ALL types of defenses. Who knows if Hardy played with a strong armed QB like Cutler who isn't afraid to throw the ball down the field and take advantage of his height and athletic ability? Then some would be acting like we shouldn't have pick another smurf WR and that they knew Hardy was a big-time player and yada yadda! Bottom line: you need at a bare minimum is a system with an identity and a QB capable of running that system; then maybe you can try to fit in pieces to the puzzle. WIthout those two then you are just trying for whatever and hoping! As far as WR's go, just get some who can get open; doesn't matter what the measurables are! The Mark brothers being less than 6 feet didn't stop Dan from throwing for all those yards!
  6. Yes FINALLY they did BUT they only ran with Royal lined up in the backfield; a trend I'm sure defenses will get wise to! But they should run more from shotgun since they use it so much!
  7. Why does everybody keep blaming Lee or even the guys opposite him? Face it: we don't have a QB capable of consistently getting the ball to the open guy. Stop making excuses for Trent! One week some blame the O-line if they have a breakdown or two or the lack of running game but yesterday he had NO EXCUSES! He had run support, great blocking allowing him ALL day to scan the field and OPEN targets down the field. He simply got hesistant and refused to pull the trigger or make a mistake so he reverted back to the Trent I hated last year: MR DUMPOFF! In the first 6 games at least he would attempt to make quick decisions and attempt all the throws; now he looks lost, pats the ball, and just play it safe. If you put Manning, Brady, McNabb, etc on this team with the same WR corp, same TE's, same RB's, same O-line they would flourish and pass for at LEAST 3500 yards and 25 TD's!
  8. STOP MAKING EXCUSES; especially for night! Trent sucked; BOTTOM LINE! That game we actually had a commentator Jaws and more camera views that showed the WHOLE field and you could see open WRs and Trent looking at them but holding the ball. Some who sit in the stands or watched these camera shots had complained the previous games about Hardy, Evan, etc being open and Trent just not finding them. I use to think it was just as simple as us having Lee and no one else (always felt that pass blocking more than not has been sound) but that is not the case. Royal has been getting open this year and besides a few drops and a fumble really hasn't played as bad as some think. I think we have a deep receiving corp; we just don't have a QB to consistently get them the ball. Maybe and hopefully Trent can develop but the targets are not the blame.
  9. I agree if they expect Trent to be the QB of the future but the fans will have to be patient as well. Honestly we should have stuck with JP for the full 4 years. He didn't play bad in 06 and last year he wasn't given a chance to pass the ball as much as Trent has in 08. One thing I can say about JP is that he definitely wouldn't have gotten gun shy like Trent did last night and play timid! WIth that being said, stick with Trent and hope he either improves or at bare minimum play average keeping turnovers down to a minimum; if not and he continues this horrid play then in the offseason I'm on the bring McNabb to Buffalo campaign (we can hopefully get past that tie thing!) as I honestly don't want to see us draft another QB to develop who will more than likely not be given the chance to develop.
  10. I agree even though it is though as we have to develop a QB. I don't think the WR are the problem, Trents relunctnace to pull te trigger is. Now while I'm not one of those who wants to put JP back in, this is the very reason I wanted to see us stick with JP and develop him as he coming along in 06; last year they didn't give him much of an attempt to attack defenses the way they have given Trent this year. I think if we had stuck with JP, given him a chance to play in this attack down the field type passing game; who knows; we wouldn't be any worse off than we are now!
  11. WHile most of the blame SHOULD be on Trent as the blocking was outstanding on BOTH run and pass, the coaches must take blame again for getting shotgun happy in crucial short yardage situations. 4 games in a row we have had 3rd and 2 or less on our OWN 20 or less and we have went to a shotgun throw that has ended badly: sack, fumble, safety, INT! They have to realize that teams have watched the film so they are not catching the D offguard like early in the season plus they realize they all you have to do is double Lee and flood and jump all the short routes. This will cause Trent to freeze up and either get sacked or force a throw; he definitely doesn't anticpate throws so if they aren't WIDE open he will hold it until they are. At least they tried to run the ball out of shotgun and it worked as I know this caught the D offguard as it did me; we normally pass 100% of the time when he does! But I noticed that they only run when Royal is lined in the backfield in a splitback look so I know defenses will catch on to that tendency as well. Bottom line is that we can't put Trent in as many obvious passing situations, especially with his confidence faling like the stock market! Of course we can't protect him the whole game but there shouldn't be as many shotgun attempts until he gets better at reading the D and anticipating throws. They also need to work on his playactions as they are AWFUL and HALF-HEARTED! Brady Quinn in his second start has a much better play fake!
  12. Yeah we have them but we don't have a QB - YET! Lets hope he develops but the WR's are not the problem as those who either attend the game or can watch tape and see the WHOLE field have complained the past few games about how Trent is missing open receivers and not pulling the trigger; thank god we have Jaws who will actually break down a game! Honestly if we had a decent QB this team would be at least 7-3! The D is not as far of as some think as it least it has a solid foundation and just needs to get back a few missing pieces and another passrusher. On offense until we establish an identity and either develop or acquire a consistent QB then we will always be reaching year after year!
  13. I hope we at least get some type of identity that we can build off next year. I hate to see trent struggle but we can't change QB's every year but honestly I don't think offensive or defensive talent is the problem on this team: gameplanning and inconsistent QB pay is! If we get another QB, no drafts! Hell I'll take McNabb ( we could teach him that games can end in a tie!) Give him our talent and see what he could do!
  14. I'm not taking him COMPLETELY off the hook but come on: Jauron and company put him in a BAD situation! If we had attempted to pass on 2nd and 3rd down AFTER we had CENTERED the ball then I'd give Lindell more heat as that was the only option left. But to have 1:23 left on the clock and a TO and you coach that scared? That was unacceptable!
  15. AT least the Browns didnt SETTLE for that long kick! They attempted to make the 1st down and they moved down the field and if they missed they had all their TO's to possibly get the ball back! I can deal with the miss if that was ALL we had! We basically GAVE up and put Lindell in a tough situation; kicking a 47 yard FG IN the wind from a hash mark ,NOT CENTERED!
  16. Lets get McNabb after Philly drops him ( as long as we teach him that a game can end in a tie!) CHUNKY SOUP!
  17. Didn't matter; Sherrard kicked our butts just as well! I can live with Jerry tearing us up but not Mike Sherrard!
  18. I remember it well; loved seeing Thurman burning Romanowski up and down the field! Defense was another story as we sucked that day; I hated when they tried to use Bruce as a stand up DE!
  19. Reminisce! Back in the days;the good old days! Check all 9 parts; not the whole game though! Check it out before it is deleted! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ohe8...eature=related
  20. Don't you hate to read similar comments about why our offense has struggled: "the offensive line is playing poorly and has been unable able to get Buffalo's stagnant running game going. That means the opposing defenses don't have to commit extra bodies to stop the run, so they have more defenders available in coverage, and Edwards can't find open receivers." Why would the opposing defenders have to commit extra bodies to stop the run when we pass in SHOTGUN 90% of the time the past 3 games? Why would they to worry about getting back in coverage when Trent is under center as we run 95% of the time when he is? I'm sure if we can point out these tendencies I KNOW that the NFL have real sophisticated statistician that can point out ANY trends!
  21. The call against him was BS as he barely moved; that was just a Pats call from the refs; typical! The sack was given up by Dockery as Peters passed Seymour onto Dockery as he picked up the outside blitzer; Dockery flat out got beat. The pass blacking yesterday wasn't that bad, especially based on the amount of times the Bills lined up in shotgun putting them in obvious pass situations. Now the run blocking has been horrible all year long; some of that is due to an obvious tendency to run 99% of the time when Trent is under center or after a 1st down incompletion. Peters, while everyone wants to roast him and point out any mistake is not the problem on the O-line, it is the middle as neither the guards nor center has been able to move anyone off the LOS. Dockery with his big paycheck should be under a bigger microscope; its not like we run off or outside the tackles much anyway!
  22. And most of these sacks and crucial turnovers have come on FIRST DOWN in SHOTGUN DEEP in our own territory the past 3 games. Actually I give the O-line a lot of credit for pass blocking in this predictable pass happy offense! Yeah there have been a few breakdowns or shots were Whittle/Chambers getting pushed around or supposedly solid Peters and/or Dockery getting beat for a sack/safety but the bottom line is for the most part Trent has had time to throw the ball. It has been the opponents flooding our zones that have caused him to hold on to the ball longer than normal. Remember when Trent use to plant that back foot and the ball was out; those days seem LONG gone!
  23. Biggest difference between Fairchild and Turk is that Turk has opened up the playbook a little more on earlier downs (aka more shotugun) and we have had a little more success moving the ball. But neither have shown they can create a balanced offense that isn't so predictable based on personnell groupings or find a way to consistently get the ball in there best players hands! I mean honestly where are the quick passes, the slants, the drags (routes BTW that gives us fits!) to the WR's? If Cassell can consistently find Welker than Trent should definitely be able to find Roscoe!
  24. If I can tell looking strictly at a TV perspective I'm pretty sure the opponents with the coaches view can! They don't even need an in-game tendcy sheet as they know what to expect going: QB shotgun=pass, QB under center = run up the middle, 1st down run up the middle, 2nd and 3rd down = shotgun pass, 1st down = shotgun pass, 2nd down = run up the middle, and the list goes on and on... just like our losing streak until something changes
  25. Being less predictable and establishing a balanced offense would cure a lot of problems as I don't talent is as much of an issue as it is scheming; especially on this side!
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