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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. You should maybe consider smoking crack. You might be one of those rare people for whom crack isn’t a cause of, but rather is a solution to, delusion. Solid points, as always. It’s leadership like Trump’s that uncovered the secret truth that airports were the key to winning the Revolutionary War. Groomer of what?
  2. Hoax. But it’s starting to look like Clarence Thomas might be a tax cheat. You and I have to pay our fair share. Why doesn’t he?
  3. Seriously. Who cares. A beer I don’t drink is doing business with a source of entertainment that I don’t watch. What. Ev. Er. They need to find something else to worry about, like Antifa. Or maybe pizza shop pedophiles. Or the whereabouts of JFK Jr.
  4. I completely agree with you. The whole friggin thing is messed up right now. The offense is calibrated to protecting Josh’s health, grinding on the ground, and getting chunks with PA. Josh is a magician on PA, we (theoretically, at least) have the TEs to make it work and, with a healthy defense, it made sense. Now, we look like the iteration of our D that has the ball stuffed down its throat, that can’t get off the field on third down, and that has to blitz to win at the LOS. Maybe that works with Milano and White healthy. But with injuries at all three levels it didn’t last week. So now we have to open it up on the other side of the ball, play faster, and try to score some points early to make opponents a little more one-dimensional.
  5. There’s an element of truth to this. Everyone is entitled to their views on economics, foreign policy, domestic priorities, etc. Not everyone is going to agree all the time, and that’s great. It’s the American way. Some of the views here, though, are bananas. The ideas that anyone who doesn’t like Trump is a communist, or that the 2020 election was stolen by an Antifa-fueled conspiracy, or that there is a pedophiliac cabal of thought leaders secretly puppeteering our society are just nuts. It’s amusing to read them, but sometimes in the sort of way that Florida Man is interesting. As in, it’s hard to believe that there are people who would have aerosol hairspray and a lighter handy to use as a flamethrower against a raccoon. But those people are out there. And, here. So the whole experience is fun, but sometimes for different reasons.
  6. My theory is that teams will realize that they can run it right at us with the “anchors” we now have in the middle. Ankou can’t be any worse than Ford, Settle, and Phillips at 1T.
  7. Nobody in the van by the river wants to do that in person?
  8. Nothing is accomplished here, sort of amusement. We fling barbs at each other, I have something to do while I’m snapping a deuce or otherwise bored, and the world goes round and round.
  9. I suspect he was "behind" them because of the financial commitments made to each player prior to the season.
  10. He’s coming to the 53 immediately and playing Thursday.
  11. A right-wing factory worker complaining about someone else’s lack of common sense. This is rich. Maybe you and Rick Scott can hang and talk about how bad social security is.
  12. On this roster he’s a luxury. He’s not a JAG, but he’s not what I would characterize as a reliable or game-breaking receiver. Maybe he’s an enforcer-type. It’s hard to know if he’s that guy unless you’re on the field or maybe at the game itself. So perhaps there’s some value there. But that player is not where that money should be spent.
  13. Fortunately he was thwarted in his attempt to steal the election. But he probably stole from this great nation hundreds of years of security and confidence in the peaceful transition of power. He should have crushed a couple of Big Macs, pardoned the Hamburglar, and spent more time cheating at golf. Instead he tried to steal the presidency. Sick. Jenna Ellis is full of it. She knew exactly what she was doing. As a Christian she shouldn’t have compounded her lies.
  14. Hoax. By that definition FDR was a failure between 12/7/41 and his death. Biden stood by Ukraine. Putin has been stymied, much to the chagrin of MAGA. Gaza may yet explode but, as of today, the Israelis aren’t shooting at the Iranians and we don’t have a ground war in Gaza. Master. Class.
  15. Not according to Jenna Ellis and Syd Powell.
  16. I agree. Time to play faster like we did in 2020 when we’d get to the line much more quickly and Daboll (ostensibly) would help Josh through the speaker until it cut out.
  17. Hoax. Ukraine has not fallen and there’s no major ground war (yet) in Gaza. NATO is strong. It’s been a master class in foreign policy.
  18. Ironic slogan, isn’t it? All of the collaborators are pleading guilty around Trump. Homeboy has some big problems right now. Thank goodness Georgia stopped the attempt to steal the election from President Biden!
  19. Two critical drops in the past two weeks tell the story. He’s ineffective right now.
  20. This is a good point. Everyone focuses on the magic and perfection of the end of the KC game through our last score. They forget that we sucked against Atlanta and Carolina and the Jets not long before that. This slump, too, shall pass, but we have to work our way out of it.
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