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Everything posted by SectionC3

  1. I agree with a lot of what Alpha said, but my big thing is play with pace and urgency. We just play slow. Everything seems plodding and a little lethargic. Get the snap off faster. Treat motion like it’s urgent. Get the play call in faster. Generate more snaps per game. We have too much talent (Allen, Diggs, and Cook are explosive players) to want to grind all the time and limit a game to seven or eight possessions. It doesn’t make any sense.
  2. Good. Get him right. And if that doesn’t work, get him out. Too many drops.
  3. Good. Somebody has to be in charge and put his foot down. Enough of this ess. The Eagles did us a huge, enormous favor last night. Time to get right and get the train back on the tracks. And, if that doesn’t work, time to throw some people off of the train and shake it up a bit.
  4. I would have said no before yesterday. But I don’t think he can be much worse than Poona Ford. So there’s that.
  5. Agreed. The fun was time in 2021. Last year was a struggle for a variety of reasons. On field disasters, off the field nonsense before the Bengals game yielded drama that infected the off-season. I really feel like the stupid London trip wore them out, and everything is hard now. Gotta be looser in offense—try some trick plays, do something different, whatever just to make it interesting for the guys. And, McD is wound pretty tight and I wonder if it’s just getting old. I’m with you - play fast. If I see another 2nd and seven run next week I will lose my mind.
  6. Kinda funny how you cited a news article (discussing the mid-level appellate court ruling) instead of the final decision. And, in the final decision, you’ll note that subject lines were vacated on a procedural basis by the highest court of the state. The pack n’ crack claim never was addressed on the merits by that court. Redistricting occurs following every census because, and I appreciate that this isn’t a point you have considered because it probably isn’t on Rumble, population shifts both between and within states.
  7. Maybe he’s a #2. Maybe he’s not. He’s better in the tertiary role he played when Beasley was here. Related observation: I like both players, but I won’t miss watching the ball bounce off of Davis or watching one of Knox’s flailing drops when they’re gone.
  8. We just disagree. A Boston writer quotes a league source close to the Bills locker room. Daboll spent how many years in NE? It screams Daboll or someone who wants people to think it was Daboll trying to mess with us. Daboll left early the day before Schoen was announced as the Giants’ GM. He knew he was gone.
  9. From the game, some extra protection with Edwards, Allen seemed to have to navigate the pocket more than usual, and Knox has gotta make that catch. Somewhat reminiscent of last years offense.
  10. I think their personalities (McD is unapproachable, extremely disciplined, and a little cold, whereas Allen is a delightful but kind of reckless overgrown child) compliment each other well. They probably need each other more than they realize.
  11. Remember the article (I think by Ty Dunne) in which a former assistant is quoted as saying “I’d rather tell him to his face” in response to a question about what it was like working for McDermott. I’ve assumed it was Daboll, and the “handshake” doesn’t disabuse that notion.
  12. I suspect that it’s this. And maybe the fact that Daboll bailed from work early one day during the week of 13 seconds. And I suspect that McD thinks Daboll was the source of the Ben Volin (sp) article about friction in the Bills’ locker room (as do I). If the last point is true, it’s unforgivable from McD’s perspective. I think they made each other. Allen pulling an “Allen” frequently made Daboll look better than the scheme. But he could only pull the “Allen” bc Daboll helped him get there.
  13. I don't know about you, but I heard that the flight home from 13 seconds was bonkers. Guys screaming, crying, punching seats out. I suspect that Hughes was one of the emotional ones after that mess, but I didn't get confirmation of that point. I also observed, personally but from a little bit of a distance, that Daboll seemed to be not his jovial self during 2021. Normally he's an extremely nice, personable, outgoing guy. He just seemed unhappy during the latter half of 2021.
  14. I think the calculus on our side considered the additional point together with the field goal that we later missed.
  15. We’ve seen enough of Tyrod to know that all too well.
  16. The field likely was a little slick by that point, too. (There was a mist that might both have been perceptible on TV.). I would have punted, too.
  17. As I think about it, the bar (Wings) isn't a bad idea. Make the left out of the bar onto California, left onto Southwestern at the light, and you're in business. That might actually be a little easier than you think.
  18. Sheldon Road. Right across from the elementary school. (But not at the school.). Head west on Sheldon, left onto Brompton (may be a little tricky), and then right onto Southwestern and you're on your way. Or, try east on Sheldon, right onto Abbott, and easy right to Southwestern.
  19. I’m going to guess a heavy dose of read option and gadgetry is headed our way on Sunday.
  20. I watched a Steve smith video about Jeudy last night. Not the one in which Smith spoke and crushed Jeudy. The one in which Jeudy was dancing on the sidelines and prancing around in warmups. He’s a goof. Stay away.
  21. Prepare to be stunned. They all know they have to get rid of him. No time like the present. They can beat Biden with someone else, and Trump’s hezbollah nonsense (taken out of context, to be fair) might give them cover.
  22. No, it’s a chat about the firing of these people and Doc made the point that they didn’t realize that they are replaceable (hence the terminations). He’s right; everyone is replaceable. They gnawed on the forbidden fruit, and Terry is going to find a new Adam and Eve. That’s how it goes. Hopefully this time Terry finds people who aren’t into diddling subordinates/each other.
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