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Everything posted by Luxy312

  1. Everyone except offensive linemen, entire defenses, kicking and punting units. Everyone except most people.
  2. The biggest problem with Steve Johnson is his tendency to drop passes on critical plays. I.e. if he can spend so much time planning for what he's going to do when he scores, then he has time to work on his issues with dropped balls. THAT is a problem. Also, penalties that players take for getting caught up in the violence of the sport are going to happen. This is completely different. This is premeditated BS that can cost the team field position. Dial it back to the Marv Levy era. On his first touchdown, Thurman Thomas spiked the ball in the end zone. I don't remember if Marv grabbed him by the jersey or facemask, but he asked "why did you do that"? Thurman said something to the effect that every kid that's ever watched and played football dreamed of doing that. Marv's response: "That's great. Don't ever do that again. Act like you've been there". As I've posted earlier, I don't mind the occasional celebration. But it has gone too far. Until this team is winning, every player on the field should be working on their game before they're working on how they're going to celebrate cingular plays. If you can't appreciate the sport and need a flare for the dramatic to be entertained, then I suggest you watch Dancing With The Stars or The Biggest Loser. Might be more up your alley.
  3. Only $1.35 million against the cap this year. Definitely a financial decision given that Florence was the better back.
  4. I wasn't suggesting cutting him. I was really thinking more along the lines of him seeing far less plays in only Dime and Prevent defensive formations. In Nickel, it would be our two rookies + Williams unless someone gets hurt.
  5. Based on everything I've read and heard from training camp and the first preseason game, Ron Brooks is really shining. It sounds to me like a great problem to have, but I have to wonder if McGee's days are numbered. With Gilmore and Williams clearly the starters, will Brooks make McGee the odd man out? Don't get me wrong as I like McGee. Just interested in what people think.
  6. Good recap. Morrison has looked slow and old for quite awhile now. You can definitely see that he's on the downside of his career.
  7. As several posters have noted, there are far to many free information sites out there to justify paying for a subscription to recap the same news. Heck, there's a decent little app for WKBW-TV for the Ipad that has great little video reporting clips on various comings and goings with the Bills, Sabres, and other local teams. Newspapers and even magazines are heading down the path of being free. Although to be fair, newspapers are far ahead. Even hear in Chicago, the Sun Times is no longer. Now, there's people handing out the free Redeye paper in the morning that is paid for, by you guessed it.....advertising. Great points and very true! Uniqueness of content is key.
  8. My perspective on this is pretty simple. I don't mind celebrating a big play on offense or on defense. I do get tired though of all of the time and effort that some players spend coming up with what that celebration will be. If their level of play suffers because they're too worried about what their next end zone or sack stunt will be, then Gailey should take action.
  9. If I'm not mistaken, that was against New England and they won a pretty close one. I was 10, so that game goes back quite a bit for me as well. Hooks couldn't be stopped that day. It was either that year or the year before when someone came up with the 12 days of Christmas version of the "Chuck Knox Superbowl Team".
  10. I had the privilege of seeing the "comeback" live. Absolute pandemonium. If I had to pick another one, I would say the 1992 game at San Francisco. I think it stands alone this day as a record in that there were no punts in the game. Kelly was almost perfect and the Bills clinched the game with a 4th quarter run from Thurmanator.
  11. Horrible arguments. Manning doesn't take sacks because he gets rid of the ball within 2.5-3.0 seconds on nearly every play. By your argument then, the Bills must have the best pass protecting line in the NFL. A joke to say the least as there's not a sould, even a diehard Bills homer, that would agree with that. However, Fitzpatrick DID take the least number of sacks last year for a signal caller starting all 16 games. Let's see who Rodgers has had. Consecutive 1,200 hard rushing seasons from Ryan Grant before his injury. Fantastic receiving options in Greg Jennings, Jermichael Finley, and Donald Driver on the down side of his career along with an emerging Jordy Nelson and James Jones. You can always make the argument that the supporting cast makes the QB, but you still have to have a QB that can get them the ball. Last, I think you're talking about losing Steve Johnson when you say "young WR" and not Freddy, who's obviously a RB. If it's Mario, Steve, and Freddy that you're talking about giving up for Luck, I would say only in Madden fantasy land. For those making the argument that he's a "once in a lifetime" QB, you only have to look at guys that have had tremendous success in the NFL in the last 10 years or so to know that's not true. Michael Vick, Ben Roethlisberger, Philip Rivers, Eli Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Matt Ryan, Matt Stafford, Cam Newton. All of these guys are considered stars and several have won Superbowls with their teams. No way do you trade away infrastructure that you've been building through the draft and free agency for 3 years to take a flyer on a kid who hasn't taken a regular season snap and is just running "vanilla" offense right now playing against equally "vanilla" defenses in the preseason.
  12. Very mediocre during his career. Not news.
  13. There's nothing "unsettling" about a preseason game where your starters are in for a quarter or less. What's SETTLING is the fact that there were no injuries to speak of and that the team is still healthy. They used the game for exactly what they should have, which is evaluation of players. The next couple of preseason games will be a little more playing time for the first team. For anyone that cares to remember, the 1990's Bills teams that went to 4 straight superbowls were either 0-4 or 1-3 in preseason games and did exactly what they did last night. So take a chill pill and be patient. I'm more interested in them staying healthy and coming out and destroying the Jets in the first week that counts.
  14. People are afraid of the Patriots, because the Bills have been perrenial whipping boys. They always find a way to lose. Let's just look at the 2003-2011 seasons. 1 win at home last year, 8 losses at home and another 9 losses on the road. That's 1-17. They'be been retooling this team every year, so optimism is nice, but it doesn't make it reality before they've even played a down. Against the Jets, they fared a little better (albeit not much recently). 4 wins at home and 3 wins on the road. That's 7-11. Not horrible, but not where we would like to be. Miami on the other hand they have 5 home wins and 4 on the road. 9-8. At least that's a winning record. At the end of the day, I don't think fans so much "fear" the Patriots as they recognize that they've had the Bills number for a long time. I definitely want to see the turnaround happen. I hope this defense is as good as their hype.
  15. This is going to be no different than anything else. He's going to talk about an "idea" to keep the team in WNY, but won't have any firm plans to speak of. I like the idea that he wants to make it a priority, but at some point that needs to become reality.
  16. The starters on both sides of the ball. They're only going to get about 20 snaps, so I want to see what they can do and how they play together as a team. While some of the points above are fine, some are kind of silly too. If the defensive line can't bring pressure on opposing QB's, we WON'T get to see if Gilmore is a shutdown corner. Every corner in the NFL will get beat if the WR they're trying to defend has time. Vince Young? Really? It's already been said in camp that he's a mental midget that doesn't get the offense and isn't likely to overtake Thigpen on the depth chart. I could give a rat's about our third string quarterback. We might as well be talking about who the backup punter would be if Moorman gets hurt. LOL.
  17. If he comes back, he's going to get another woman pregnant (play on words....). Honestly, I could care less. I don't get into a habit of rooting for guys that are idiots and constantly in trouble with the law when they have the world layed at their feet.
  18. While it's a "fun" read, it's ripe with inaccuracies about players capabilities and even the positions that players are in. Once you get about half way through it, you kind of laugh off the rest. We're going to know a lot about this team the very first game of the season on the road against the Jets. I don't think we'll see Spiller playing WR, other than to catch bubble screens. I also don't think we'll see Barnett moved to strong side linebacker either. Regardless, I think we're going to be in for some fun!
  19. This in a nutshell is the most astute and concise explanation that can be made. Kudos!
  20. Can anyone really say they're surprised by this? the Jets were a mess last season from the perspective of actually playing like a team. Lot's of blame gaming and excuses as to why they essentially imploded. This is just a continuation.
  21. When he's healthy, I think there's no question that he's up there talent wise. However, I would like to see him actually finish in the top-5 for a season before I crown him. I like Fred's blue collar, lunch box mentality to the game. However, I think it's premature to rank him given that he hasn't been consistently on the field.
  22. He was really that bad at defensive end and has never shown that he can play that position in the NFL. He's shown that when you really dumb down what you ask him to do and be a one dimensional player that he can do that at OLB in a 3-4 system, that he can be marginally useful. Let's not forget that he lead the Jets in sacks with only 6.0 last season. What does that say for the Jets starters? I guess by inference, they must be bad as well.
  23. It's funny how people want to compare what a player does for one team versus another. Maybin was drafted by the bills to be a DE. That's where he practiced and that's where he played when he was on the field for this team. For the Jets, he's playing OLB in a 3-4 system, and is a situational player. He's dropped 20+ pounds from his playing weight with the Bills and is only asked to rush the passer. This is one of those situations that reminds me of that old saying "figures lie and liars figure". I.e. he was drafted by the Bills with the expectation of being a starting defensive end, and drafted high at that. The fact that he's had moderate success as a situational/backup player shouldn't bother anyone. Buffalo paid him over $15 million for two years and he had 24 tackles and no sacks. The Jets are paying Maybin $1.015 million on a one year deal and he had 11 tackles and 6 sacks last season. At least that contract mirrors his limited productivity.
  24. Morrison, Moats, and Bradham all fit the same mold. 6-2 and 240-250. At the end of the day, I don't care who the starter at OLB. I just hope that the Bills are putting a good product on the field. My understanding right now is that the depth chart reads in that order. Regarding Sheppard, he's only played MLB his entire college career. Suggesting moving him to OLB would be about the same as saying they're suddenly going to make Spiller a slot receiver. It's just not grounded by any facts.
  25. I haven't seen him. Regardless, it doesn't matter. He's not 100% and not ready to be a starter at this point. Gilmore and Williams are ahead of him on the depth chart. Heck, Gilmore won the starting job in week 2 of camp. That should tell most homers that McGee is not what he used to be. That was pretty apparent to me the last couple of seasons.
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