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Everything posted by Paco

  1. Why...some fans might even feel optimistic about their team.
  2. Nanker, your avatar cracks me up everytime I see it. Gotta give her credit for what she did.
  3. Not surprisingly, I have to agree with Mich here. Kerry REALLY blew it on some issues...and yes I think leaving Poland OUT when he talks about keeping the allies was a big gaffe. It won't be so easy to say "Oh, well, it was just a little thing because the GOP is going to HAMMER him on being ill-informed on what is clearly the most pressing concern of this country. Bush clearly walked away more knowledgeable about what's going on, and by the time people like Tommy Franks and Rudy Guiliani get done with whomever will listen, more and more will start to creep out.
  4. Man, oh, man you sound like a Patriots Troll. "Yes, my quarterback is a GENIUS and your quarterbackis nothing but a STATUE." You know what happened last night, Buf? Kerry got a stay of execution. It was so blatantly obvious he will take what is clearly progress in the middle east and screw it all up by doing exactly what the terrorists would like; leave a handful of people in Iraq to do a little bit of training and send everyone else home so he can start getting blowjobs from France and Germany. And North Korea? He wants to step in front of China and have unilateral discussions with Kim? Let me get this straight...he wants our allies to help us, but he thinks it's better if HE does the talking to NK? Well, I think at least we figured out who Kerry was talking about when he suggested certain international figures want him to be president. Kerry finally came across as a person with a message. It's only taken THIS long, buf. Just because your horse has started to run doesn't mean it's still not a hag. Let's see how long he stays on message. Did you even bother to LISTEN to what Kerry was suggesting last night or are you just glad he didn't finally end up in the election chair?
  5. If you are a Democrat, you may have seen an angry Bush. What I saw was a Bush who seemed to be thinking "This backwoods moron is so full of crap and has no idea what we're up against as a country. And he still has people who listen to him."
  6. That's like saying there's no way Shane Matthews could be worse than Bledsoe.
  7. Anyone want to get me dinner that Kerry won't have a huge banner overhead saying "Troops out of Iraq in six months...no, make that two years...no, make that by the end of my term...no..."
  8. Oh great...two things we haven't been able to do for two years. The key here is to keep some sustained drives. We already know the game will be low scoring. We have to spell our defense. Look at Miami. Their defense keeps them in the game every week...until the fourth quarter. Why? The offense is constantly three and out...four and out...five and a turnover. Granted, weather played a role against Pittsburth the other night, but I believe on their first four possessions, it was something like INT, INT, FUMBLE, INT. By the fourth quarter, their defense was toast. Same thing happened in their first two games. Our defense is out strength. It can absolutely match up with the Patriots' offense. The key will be giving our D the rest it needs...and that means slow, methodical, time-killing drives that at least put a few points on the board.
  9. By design or by default? It'd be pretty tough for Kerry to focus on his own record...given it's a very bad record on which to focus.
  10. You see, stevestojan, this is one of the reasons so many people bust your balls but few people ever come to help your cause. YOU think the intelligent debate ended when we focused on your comment. Everyone else realized the intelligent debate ended the MOMENT YOU USED the comment.
  11. Would you please help me understand why you feel it's wrong to call people "!@#$s" but it's perfectly okay for you to call people "backwoods morons?" Please tell me what the difference is, because if he did use that reference, it was probably as a comparative point to the way you assign names to a group of people. Douche. Backwoods morons. People who have never been with a woman. Please explain for me what makes your group classifications acceptable.
  12. Why is Navy an underdog in this game? You get one point with them.
  13. Unfortunately for me, as a Republican, watching presidential debates is like watching the Bills play. I have no confidence they won't do something stupid, and I won't mind losing as long as we don't get our asses beat. By the way, there was a poster on TSW who said the only people watching the debate tonight will be either people who are firmly behind their candidate, or "backwoods morons." At least I know where you and I stand on this, Pete. Let me know when the backwoods morons show up.
  14. I think Bush can take a more subtle approach. "Mr. Bush, please define what makes you the right person to lead this country." "Thank you. I think first you have to think back to the last presidential election. And then think September 11th. And you have to ask yourself: orange you glad I was running the country? Orange you impressed with the way we beat the snot out of Al Quaida? ORANGE YOU???"
  15. Actually, Darin, I can understand what stevestojan is saying, really. Using racist names is bad because it assaults a certain group of people, whereas when he refers to backwoods morons, he's referring to basically all the people he considers himself better than. You know...people who work retail...people who didn't go to college...people who are watching the debates...those folks. But he'd never stoop so low as to stand in judgement of another person because of their ethnicity. THAT would be wrong.
  16. There's a way to kill a thread. stevestojan, the Bush daughters, and Kerry in a four-way.
  17. Some might say that would make you a backwoods moron with technology.
  18. I can not imagine a scenario where anyone is allowed to pull Bledsoe out of a game vs. the Patriots to add a spark or change things up. I think, yes, it can happen against another team...but TD put his nuts on the line for this quarterback, and while I'm not one to quickly blame TD's ego for things, I have to believe pulling Drew out of a game vs. his old team would be painful for a lot of people. One thing is certain...if they DID pull Drew, I'd sure like to be the guy in charge of the sideline camera.
  19. Okay, so now the people watching it are either "backwoods morons," "a supporter of a candidate" OR someone who is "just going into it pretty sure it won't change yourmind bit it's gonna be on every channel anyway." Way to keep from pissing off too many people.
  20. I was reading about a different scam the other day. Two and three guys sit at a table with a couple of other people, and share their cards via IM and cellphones, and beat up on unsuspecting people at the tables.
  21. That actually WOULD offend me, stevestojan, because I'm not quite sure what you have accomplished in your life that justifies your standing in judgement of backwoods morons. Oh, wait. You don't care what anyone thinks of you. But you clearly believe they care about what you think of them since you take every opportunity to open your yap and stand in judgement of them. Particularly if they don't agree with you. You should heed BiB's words. He's right on the money.
  22. Oh...THEN it's okay to refer to people as "backwoods morons." Okay. I got it. Good to know.
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