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Everything posted by Paco

  1. I can at least tell you this much Rich; don't spend more than you absolutely have to. The stereo will only sound as good as the speakers.
  2. And for as much as I say I can't stand you, I think you should realize I'm trying to get you to take a razor to your nuts.
  3. No, s-hit, Sherlock. But the Jags were not dominant either, which is what you were saying earlier. Geezus, I need a fuggin' Pats fan pointing that out to me on a Bills board like I need a another assssshole.
  4. I just want to say that if you want video of me ass-raping this guy, you're gonna need to add some zeros and commas to that number.
  5. Great. Another Patriot's fan getting in the s-hit of a Bills fan on a Bills board. John's a good guy with great football insight. The simple fact that you find it necessary to bust the balls of a Bills fan on a Bills message board is all anyone needs to know about Patriot's fans. And while we lost our first game, Skippy, you should know that WE lost the game moreso than the Jaguars dominated us. Our defense held Leftwich to 75 yards passing the entire game before we broke down on their final drive. Plus, our offense kept shooting itself in the foot with stupid penalties that constantly put us in 3rd and long situations...including a crucial holding penalty on what should have been our final drive of the game that would have sealed the win after McGahee gave us a big first down in Jaquars' territory with less than two minutes on the clock. If anyone knows about pulling a win like that out of their ass, surely it would be a Pats fan. The Jags were no more dominant in that game than your entire team was against the Colts. If Edge didn't fumble twice on the one yard line, you'd be 1-1 right now, so do me a favor; stop pretending like you want to talk football when you obviously have no fuggin' clue what you're talking about.
  6. Oh, please, you babies. Get out the razor and clean 'em up. Not a woman around that won't be thankful...and as a side note, when I say "woman" in this situation it does not refer to Pats fans.
  7. Campy, while I appreciate what you're doing, the truth of the matter is Webster's has just accepted the fact that so many people are butching the English language that they may as well just add words like "irregardless" to their book. It's sad, really, because the lazy actually win in this situation and say "See...it IS a word!!!"
  8. You know...you may want to look up the word myopic before you try using it in a sentence like that. When you get back with the dictionary, I'll ask you: where have I shown signs of being myopic??? Let me know if you find the dictionary.
  9. That's usually only a problem when you shave the berries.
  10. This joke belongs to another waller, but I'll bet he won't mind me lifting it. G. W. Bush and John Kerry somehow ended up at the same barbershop. As they sat there, each being worked on by a different barber, not a word was spoken. The barbers were even afraid to start a conversation, for fear it would turn to politics. As the barbers finished their shaves, the one who had Kerry in his chair reached for the aftershave. Kerry was quick to stop him saying, "No thanks, my wife Theresa will smell that and think I've been in a whorehouse!" The second barber turned to Bush and said, "How about you?" Bush replied, "Go ahead, my wife doesn't know what the inside of a whorehouse smells like."
  11. That's EXACTLY how I saw it. Someone should tell McCauliffe he's on a wild goose chase.
  12. Unlike his competitor, who couldn't drive an opinion straight ahead using a GPS. "Please make a legal U-turn...Please make a legal U-turn...Please make a legal U-turn..."
  13. Speak for yourself. When I was in high school, I'd get a tent while doing freakin' algebra equations. "If A + B = C, then C - A = HOLY CRAP WHAT HELL IS HAPPENING TO MY PECKER???"
  14. You might want to show him where the subways are so he can tell the difference between subways running and subways closed down. Of course, he could have been talking about Subway, the sandwich shop.
  15. How many times did the bell ring at the end of class, and I'd wait for most everyone to leave, and then stutter-step out holding my books in front of my crotch... You're in my thoughts, #89.
  16. What I wouldn't call it is what Kerry called it. "The president hasn't put one nickel, not one nickel, into the effort to fix some of our tunnel and bridges and most exposed subway systems. That's why they had to close down the subway in New York when the Republican convention was there." The subways ran in NY during the convention. Some entrances inside the Garden's perimeter were closed. This does not constitute shutting down the subway. Bush has also spent $92 billion on birdge and highway repair and another $19 billion for mass transit. This is the kind of stuff that is going to KILL Kerry.
  17. Miami is very one-dimensional right now, and that's a stretch. They have absolutely NO running game, nor have they had one all year, and they can not move the ball. Defenses key on the pass, which results in multiple three and outs. This tires out an outstanding Miami defense, who can keep their team in the game for a while. The game stays close for three quarters, but inevitably by the fourth quarter the opposing team pulls away. Couple this with the Jets' multiple-dimensional offense, and it's pretty clear what to do here.
  18. Absolutely correct. This is a perfect example of the kind of thing that will come back to bite Kerry in the ass. When people start realizing he was speaking in very general terms and really stretching the truth in many cases. The dems this morning are acting like a college fratboy drunk who just got laid, but have yet to roll over and find out what they were banging last night was the football team's four-legged mascot.
  19. Much like his comment that the subways were shut down in NY during the convention. It is my understanding that only a few areas were shut down, but that the subway continued to run. Or much like his comment that Bush hasn't spend a single penny on cop and fire departments, which is completely innacurate as well. And when Bush would start countering that point, Kerry would just grin and shake his head as if "damn, I thought I could get that one past him." Kerry's blunders last night far outweighed the incumbents, and as the days pass, they will come out. The question becomes, will people turn off Survivor long enough to find out? Probably not.
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