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Everything posted by Risin

  1. Please use the same logic when discussing QB ratings, thanks.
  2. I must've missed it when your guy Kelly lit up the prevent defense.
  3. I'm not convinced it's the same coaching staff. Last season I thought we had the best young coaching staff in the league, this season...
  4. I agree completely. I was one of those guys who thought JP couldn't be much worse then Drew, I'll admit I was wrong. That doesn't mean I want Drew back, I'm happy JP is our QB, and "think" he'll be a decent/very good NFL QB. These growing pains are tough to watch.
  5. How'd I know you'd reply to that? At least he felt the pressure.
  6. I wanted Drew gone. He was done HERE. I'm happy he's doing well in Dallas, but even if I could bring him back, I wouldn't. I'm willing to take my lumps with JP, plus I haven't seen him throw the ball out of bounds on 4th down. So you are right, he isn't Drew awful....yet.
  7. I got this email from MSG today, in response to me asking what was up: Good Afternoon, Sorry for your inconvenience last night. MSG will broadcast 75 Sabre's games in the Buffalo/Rochester region this season. Direct TV and MSG are working on a deal to broadcast Sabre's games on Direct TV. We are confident Sabre's games will be broadcast on Direct TV by their season opener. If you have any questions feel free to contact us. Thanks for your inquiry. Networks PR Hope they get this done.
  8. Quit the whiskey, and smoke some herb. Problem solved.
  9. Nope, just call out your crusade attempts. Any thread that involves JP, you are always there to add fuel, or drop your boyfriend Kelly's name.
  10. Thanks theesir! That explains a lot. Sorry I didn't believe you dave b, my bad dude. Hopefully this happens before next wednesday, if not I'm going to have to eat the money i paid for Sunday ticket, and crawl back to Adelphia. Also means, I will be waiting before ordering Center Ice. Thank god, because I almost ordered it yesterday.
  11. This moron has almost reached Hogboy status. He is worse then that Spiked Lemonade dude.
  12. Dude, I heard on the television or radio, that they already had a deal with DirecTV, and Dish Network customers are SOL. Maybe you should call them back, and ask why everywhere is reporting a deal is already done. Also, do yourself a favor, go to the guide and fast forward to next Wednesday at 7:00. See the Sabres game listed on MSG? I rest my case. You were lied to, as was I last night. For some reason we got hosed out of a preseason game, the reason I got was because of the MLB playoff race. What a crock of sh--. Here is a link, it's about 3/4 down. http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050924/1021925.asp
  13. Most worthless Stadium Wall poster ever.
  14. I thought that DirecTV already had a deal with the Sabres. Last night, I was stoked, turned on MSG and saw the stinkin' Mets. I called DirecTV, and they blamed MSG, lol. If this isn't resolved soon, I'll go back to Adelphia.
  15. Wasn't that the year OJ ran for 2000? If so, bad analogy. I agree with your point, just need to use a better example.
  16. Yeah, our D is dominate like Pitt. You're hanging yourself, I love it.
  17. What I'm saying Mr. Clueless, is judge JP on his own merits. Not because you're pissed about 6th year, no playoffs. Blame the front office for that mess. Young QB's take time to develop. Live with it, or continue to sound like a moron.
  18. Yep, blame JP for 6 years of no playoffs. Get a clue.
  19. There's a couple of morons that post that drivel at a less intelligent Bills fan website, that shall remain nameless.
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