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Everything posted by Risin

  1. I wish JP locked onto Eric, at this point.
  2. Didn't he not see a wide open receiver in the end zone, week 1 or 2 last season?
  3. First off, look at the post above yours. Secondly, are you a Bills fan? You almost seem giddy.
  4. Actually, he missed a lot of open men. Don't let the facts get in the way of a stellar argument though.
  5. 3rd and 13 earlier. Nice try at being smart though.
  6. True. This is the first person to attach a name to it though. I hope, if it's true, JP has changed his tune. Only time will tell bruddah.
  7. I agree Rockpile. Last season the coaching staff said he was blocking as good, if not better, then any FB in the league. What happened?
  8. If Willis could pick up the blitz better, he might be in there on more passing downs. Dude is downright awful, for a guy his size, he blocks like a panzy. Then again, the same could be said for Jim Brown.
  9. He's a blowhard know it all, just like the guy he idolizes.
  10. Never knew what the big deal was. It's a cliche all athletes use, even boxers, tennis players, and poker players.
  11. Before I say this, let me clarify, I'm GLAD Drew is gone. I'm not an apologist. He looked damn good today. What impressed me most, he did it under heavy pressure most of the game, and took a beating. The dude sacked up, reminded me of his first 8 games in Buffalo.
  12. hehe. P.S.- Drew looks fuggin good! Much like JP, better then I expected. On top of that, SD has a decent D.
  13. No, sorry I wasn't. Didn't know I had to in order to be considered a Bills fan.
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