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Everything posted by Risin

  1. I wouldn't talk, your boy Kelly's hesitation has cost us twice today.
  2. Normally agree with ya, but come on dude. How in the hell does JP lose either the Miami or Jet game? KH had nothing to do with them wins, Miami had 5 turnovers and almost 20 penalties. The Jets were only in the game, because of rag arm tosses by are stud BACKUP QB.
  3. Read between the lines, and you can almost say he's starting against KC. I can't imagine TD and MM being thrilled after that 4th down play. Especially if they looked at the film, and their was a slight chance of another option being available, providing they had a QB with a set of balls.
  4. Keep dreaming of what could have been with KH. It's fans like you, that make me want the Bills to cut the best backup we've had since Frank Reich. (I don't count Flutie as a backup) I'm done debating with you, no offense, but you're annoying.
  5. Basically, Jim Kelly called him a nutless wonder yesterday. He said this was his chance to be a starting QB, but starting QB's DON'T make that decision on 4th down. He also hinted at the fact JP should be the starter. I'll take his Hall of Fame opinion, over someone who sniffs Holcomb's nads on a daily basis. Argument over. Oh yeah, please don't compare KH to Joe Montana ever again. I nearly lost my lunch. Also, apparently TD hinted a switch would be coming soon, on his 97Rock show yesterday. I feel better already.
  6. Please get off Holcomb's nuts, before I puke. He is a servicable backup, nothing more.
  7. Would have been last night. Theoretically, we might have been up by more.
  8. Sorry if this has been mentioned, but doesn't anyone else think this means the Bills are ready to go ahead, with or without Nate? I could be wrong, but I think this might be an indication that the Bills won't re-sign him. Not saying they won't try, or make an effort, but I think it will only be to save face with the fans. Only to have another team offer him more money, and the Bills say they can't rationalize matching it. I also might be reading too much into this.
  9. Haha! Rome used to call him "The Loquacious" Willis McGahee. Glad he was on today, we need some of that Jungle Karma!
  10. Yesterday, Holcombs yards/attempt 5.8! Sorry, I don't care how high his completion percentage is, 5.8 is downright laughable. Especially considering there are QB's that complete 50% of their passes, who have a way higher average. I was all for seeing what Kelly could do, you know what? He looks like a career backup QB, and has no business starting unless JP is hurt. We know JP has the potential to get better, Kelly is to conservative for his own good, yet makes almost as many dumb mistakes as a green Losman. Looking back, if Miami didn't do everything in their power to hand us that game, and anyone with a pulse was playing QB for the Jets, Kelly's starting record is 0-3. On top of that, his two brutal Int's (one was a rag arm throw, the other a bonehead read) assisted the Jets in scoring their only 2 TD's last week. I realise Kelly's stats are good, but if you look a little deeper, you realise he is, what he is. A career backup, nothing more. edit: Sorry, had some bad math, had to edit the piss out of this one.
  11. Kelly was hit AFTER he released that deep ball to moulds, watch it again. There is no shame in having a rag arm, unless you play in Buffalo anytime after October 31st. Rob Johnson used to have a great completion percentage, and QB rating, how'd that work out? I have ZERO confidence that KH can QB this team, and lead us to a comeback when we are down by a couple of TD's and need to throw downfield. Even most of his TD's have been 3 yard passes, that WR's made great runs after the catch.
  12. The loss wasn't Rag Arms fault, but at this point I'm all for the kid playing. KH is a great backup though.
  13. Wow, just lost tons of respect for that guy. The dude has played 2 games for the Bills, against the Nancies of the league, at home. Let's give it a few weeks before throwing ignorant statements like that out there. Sheesh, the dude has never been healthy more then 5 consecutive weeks, has he?
  14. Sorry I misunderstood your intentions. All the things KH is better then JP at, all follow one common denominator, experience. That is the beauty of starting a veteran QB, in a win now league. He will make up for his physical shortcomings, with mental superiority compared to the young guy. He is a better QB then JP right now, by miles. Depending on JP's learning curve, at some point he will surpass KH at being a better QB. He may never be as clever as KH, who seems like a pretty heady ball player, but JP's physical abilities will allow him to makeup for his lack of knowledge. The game is just moving way to fast for JP now, and I agree somewhat with KTFBD, the coaches didn't do JP any favors. Not saying they set him up to fail, but they didn't put him in a position to likely suceed either. Hopefully JP turns out to be the QB we all want him to be, as Bills fan. In the meantime, it's good to know we have an efficient QB to handle the reigns. This was a great signing by TD, and I hope his naysayers will agree.
  15. Rag Arm, any questions? No need to be short, I'm on your side for crying out loud. If JP was as restricted as some say, was he allowed to audible?
  16. LoL. KH did try and throw the long ball, did you see it? Holy rag arm Batman, it lead to the Jets first TD of the game. If I had an arm like that, I'd check down also. I don't care who the QB is, I just don't want this debate to get ugly. KH is a VERY likeable guy, and he is the QB of our team. Who cares if JP had harder circumstances to operate under, if KH is a bad QB the truth will come out eventually, and JP will be back in there. For now, let's enjoy the ride. Also, to those who want JP back in there, based on past history, it won't take long. In the past, Kelly has made RJ look durable, it could happen this week.
  17. I wish they would have stayed the course with JP, but am pleased with Kelly's play. I believe we would have won both these games with either QB, but that is only opinion. I am concerned with the fact we played two anemic teams, one that did everything to give the game to us, and barely won either. KH almost gave away the game himself yesterday. After six weeks I see the QB's playing like they are perceived: JP- Played like a raw youngster, overwhelmed with the speed and difficulty of the pro game. KH- Playing like a career long backup, almost Frank Reichish. If you are looking for people to give him more credit then that, I think you are overestimating. I am stoked we won, and look forward to beating a brutal Raiders team. Taking nothing for granted though, I hope the Bills play better out there this season, then they did last.
  18. Their pass defense still letting Griese/Simms pick them apart?
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