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Everything posted by Risin

  1. I think he mentioned on the radio, something about a Lexus. If so, that car easily costs more then his yearly salary, according to some. Sometimes WGR can be annoying, but it's the only show in town, and I like having 24 hour sports radio.
  2. Agreed on all accounts. (except I wasn't a Bledsoe apologist ) On the point I quoted, I think that people want a can't miss lock QB of the future. If you think about it, we haven't had one since Jim's rookie year. It's been like a rotating door of busts, pretenders and journymen since. That is why people are hardcore for Losman being in there, they want to see if he is "that" QB. Let's face it, if we go 8-8 and miss the playoffs by loss, in week 17, this was a BAD move. It just opens up the same line of questions, maybe even more, then we had going into this season. Then what, we can give JP 6 more games next season, be 2-4 and have the same thing happen? How is he going to mature, and get better without playing time? I watched Eli Manning play last season, almost every game. I couldn't believe how terrible he looked, and wondered how someone who looked that bad could have been a first round pick. I thought he was going to be a complete bust, he couldn't even throw a spiral at times, let alone be accurate. Now look at him, he did a complete 180 and looks like 10 times the QB he was last year. Jim Gray asked him if that time helped him, even though he struggled so badly. Eli said the experience was huge, and nothing practice could have 100% prepared him for. Not that I disagree with KH being in there, I just hope the worst possible scenario doesn't happen, like many others I assume. Maybe I'm in the minority, but 5-11 with JP, is better then 7-9 or 8-8 with Holcomb. At least with JP, we'll have a better idea if we have "our" QB. Sorry if this is confusing, sounding incoherent is a gene I had passed down by my family.
  3. Sheesh! Just turn on channel 625, and I'm getting CFL football. DirecTv is frustrating, lol.
  4. If you were at the game, you seen more then me. All I can say, everytime the offense had the ball, and the camera showed JP on the sideline, he was encouraging every player who came off the field, and had his helmet on.
  5. He's been very good to great at times, but never once did I feel he had HoF talent. Just my opinion, I wouldn't object to hearing someone make a case for him.
  6. Call me immature, but that was funny as hell. I love the fact someone blamed a girl too. LOL!
  7. ...on WGR. For us in the Buffalo area, MSG and DirecTV have struck a deal. The game will be on channel 625 tonight! WooHoo!
  8. Yep, it's been all QB runs that have inflated our pathetic rush defense stats. It couldn't have been the fact that Williams, Dunn, and McCallister all raped us.
  9. Uh... No it wasn't. Were we watching the same game? When the offense had the ball, he was slapping the asses of all the players who came off the field. For christ sakes, he even had his helmet on.
  10. LMFAO... he never was, and never will be...
  11. No doubt. On top of that, he tackles like a sissy. Then gets up, and celebrates like a bad ass. TV's tackling form is brutal, and I hate that he's on this team.
  12. Isn't he though, kinda? You think he's back next season, with deflating stats, and increasing cap number?
  13. From what I hear, you can add Haslett to that list. I never said he was the most "classless."
  14. Not to split hairs, but I figured he'd have to be 1 or 2 for us to be successful. I was thinking he needed a Jamal Lewis-like 2000 yard season.
  15. Let me clarify, I AM AGAINST THIS MOVE!!!! All I'm asking, get behind our guy! Bitching does Bills fans little, remember TD's quote? "save the postage."
  16. When did I berate his contribution to the team? I was mentioning his lack of class, as a human being, in reply to someone saying he sounded like a little kid.
  17. I agree, long term this move stinks. Aside from that, MM owes it to the veteran players on this team to field the players that give us the best chance to win now. I can't fault him for that, especially since I don't have to look these men in the eyes. I think we can all agree Kelly is the better QB now, as much as it pains me to admit it.
  18. Man, if you agree I'm going to edit my post.
  19. ...or not, let's get on his bandwagon. I'm mad, and can echo a lot of the sentiments around here today (especially JSP's), but it's not Kelly's fault. He didn't pull a Flutie, and seems to be a class act. I for one will be screaming my ass off for him Sunday, because he's the starting QB for my Bills. Let's be serious, last season at this time some of us would have given our left nut to have him as QB instead of Drew, not because he is better, but because he's ABD. (Anybody But Drew) He's a solid QB, and I still think there is hope for the playoffs.
  20. When has he acted like an adult? The dude slaps women, spits on people and throws QB's under the bus like it's his job. Outside of signing an extension, when he could have made more elsewhere, where has this man shown you he has any character or class at all?
  21. Enough for us not to have home field advantage. At least he got us to the playoffs though.
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