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Everything posted by dib

  1. There's 2:43 of my life I'll never get back. Because there's a big front moving through
  2. not a movie, but a good quote from Band of Brothers. "we're paratroopers, we're supposed to be surrounded"
  3. gives the term 'nightstick' a whole new meaning
  4. I wonder if he had breakfast at ihop first
  5. How bout "comfort animals" anyone else have to sit next to a smelly dog?
  6. Wasnt "pee wee" arrested for exposing himself to a child
  7. When i pick up the phone and I heard my kids say "hi dad"
  8. I'm an old fart that would love to hear the theme again.
  9. For all the talk about how big and strong he was, he acted like a little girl seeing a spider.
  10. Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Hear the lamentations of their women.
  11. "tax refund" they keep talking about on television. I keep seeing "3000$" average refund. Really?
  12. Maybe they heard the Russians were looking for a Naval base.
  13. I would love to tell you what I think but I dont want to be expelled from the board.
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