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John from Riverside

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Everything posted by John from Riverside

  1. They’re not very smart. This is a losing proposition at the ballot box.
  2. Donald Trump being surrounded by sheep this is the first true you have posted
  3. It is an answer This is what President do tout good stuff and don’t talk about bad Lots of cookies And McDonald’s food
  4. He actually could use him back as long as Dalton keeps getting his reps could use his blocking
  5. If this country had the jobs and economic rate with inflation down in the Trump era that coming out of his mouth every freaking day Just wanted to point that out
  6. Exactly what control you have over the coaching? Do you think that the coaches sit around playing playoff simulator?
  7. I think that Brady is auditioning for that job right now till the end of the season so far so good
  8. We are literally about to set a new record for sackS Do we really need the league and penalties?
  9. I’ve hung out with movie, stars and singers when it’s all said and done I’d love to be watching football
  10. Inflation is actually down as much as the Republicans would like to annoy that it’s a fact it’s down, while inflation is up all over the rest of the world
  11. if you don’t believe they can win then why are you here? Seems like a waste of time for you Find someplace else to ***** totally agree with you all the fans that have written off the season don’t you have lawn to mow find something else to do other than pooping on everybody else’s season
  12. It’s like you actually don’t read the post before you respond
  13. You’re quite the Warhawk aren’t you pissed the Biden isn’t taking immediate action before he takes into account all of the information. Damn him.
  14. Gavin is my states Governor As of right now, I would not endorse him he talks well he doesn’t practice what he preaches
  15. The likelihood is not that great for the same reason Ukraine doesn’t go over russias borders Nukes
  16. So we’re gonna take a coach that went out of the league replacing a coach that has the second most wins in history Makes sense
  17. It wasn’t a question. It was more my astonishment.
  18. Jesus Christ did he say that? It is coming right out of his mouth. Are you listening? Jesus you are dense. Is that a sharpie?
  19. I believe that Newsom said will not be potus in 2024 It did make me think so I didn’t really catch onto it and should have this debate about what will probably be presidential candidates in a future year they are both young
  20. What if you do have a problem with one race only buying toys for their race regardless of race
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